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More great news that you won't see on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, Fox or any of the so called lame stream media. Doctors report hydroxychloroquine has over 90% chance to cure coronavirus patients

That will never be repeated from a liberal “news” outlet. They won’t/can’t give an inch to the president.

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But what about the study where they compared it to people on their death bed vs people in early stages. More people on their death bed died. That was covered for a week straight to bash trump. Surely this drug kills you if you are all ready dead.
The drug has been around for a long time. Other countries have been using it with impressive results and when combined with z-pac it's even more effective. Trump said it might work and that's why they will not use it here.
Millions of doses are available for use at most all US hospitals as part of clinical trials. It is being used widely in the US just not reported on. Except of course the one study from the VA that was already predictable. It’s not going to do much good if you’re already too far gone to be helped. That study shouldn’t even count. I think you will see data on these trials coming out soon I would think. Remdesivir is getting all the glory now. I think Fauci had something to do with its development. Maybe why he’s been coy on other drugs. The one he’s involved with gets the press. As always. Follow the money
I would have to guess that would be false data. They will not give credit where it's due.
But what about the study where they compared it to people on their death bed vs people in early stages. More people on their death bed died. That was covered for a week straight to bash trump. Surely this drug kills you if you are all ready dead.

If you are already dead, this drug would pose no risk to your health :emoji_wink:
Last Thursday I waited for the UPS guy to drop off the last of my trees from Nativ and MDC. When they arrived I started the truck and headed north. Didnt come home until this morning as I was busy planting/caring for my trees at the hunting shack. I got a lot of stuff done in those 5 days. More importantly I pretty much completely forgot all about Kung Flu for 5 days. No running water, no cable TV, no interwebs sure was relaxing. The new white pines from Itasca were 3x as big as the ones I planted last year. The schuttes oak from Nativ were absolutely fantastic and I hope they survive that far north. White cedar from the SWCD also looked lights out. We need rain up there BAD.

Last Thursday I waited for the UPS guy to drop off the last of my trees from Nativ and MDC. When they arrived I started the truck and headed north. Didnt come home until this morning as I was busy planting/caring for my trees at the hunting shack. I got a lot of stuff done in those 5 days. More importantly I pretty much completely forgot all about Kung Flu for 5 days. No running water, no cable TV, no interwebs sure was relaxing. The new white pines from Itasca were 3x as big as the ones I planted last year. The schuttes oak from Nativ were absolutely fantastic and I hope they survive that far north. White cedar from the SWCD also looked lights out. We need rain up there BAD.

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Is that an oak you are showing with that top stem development like that with almost no root structure? Where is the tap root and lateral leader roots?
Is that an oak you are showing with that top stem development like that with almost no root structure? Where is the tap root and lateral leader roots?

It is this...

I planted 3 of them and threw a tube over them to see what they would do in the northern 1/3 of MN. Not sure what to expect from them, but I have spent $30 on a lot worse things. The other 57 oaks I did were either Itasca burr oak or swamp white oak plugs, MDC bare roots, and I also grew a few in the basement that I started from acorns back in Feb.
It is this...

I planted 3 of them and threw a tube over them to see what they would do in the northern 1/3 of MN. Not sure what to expect from them, but I have spent $30 on a lot worse things. The other 57 oaks I did were either Itasca burr oak or swamp white oak plugs, MDC bare roots, and I also grew a few in the basement that I started from acorns back in Feb.

For $19 from our state nursery I get 25 white oaks with a 18"-24' main leader stem length, a 7"-10" tap root and roots that are ~16".

I plant 600-700 trees a year and would normally discard a tree with that root structure especially on an oak. Between limited root access to moisture/nutrient and freeze issues, survival unlikely and not worth the test.

With the acorns you started, make sure that tap root gets deep and spread out those lateral roots.
Well here in MN, 87% are from nursing home. I am sure that varys around the country,

The Governor just added another 1700 deaths from nursing homes today previously not counted. I have no idea why. so that brings Nursing homes up to 5000 or around 25% here in NY. That counting is starting to make me wonder. As you State your over 80% in MN. And looking at PA looks to be about 65% of deaths from nursing homes. NY is being real fuzzy on this nursing home death rate. It could well be a higher percent. That would only make sense. We’ll see what comes out about that in the coming weeks as it’s a big deal if most are coming from nursing homes and they’re not being truthful
Oops. Sorry I posted that in the middle of tree talk. Those pines are impressive for plugs.
The Governor just added another 1700 deaths from nursing homes today previously not counted. I have no idea why. so that brings Nursing homes up to 5000 or around 25% here in NY. That counting is starting to make me wonder. As you State your over 80% in MN. And looking at PA looks to be about 65% of deaths from nursing homes. NY is being real fuzzy on this nursing home death rate. It could well be a higher percent. That would only make sense. We’ll see what comes out about that in the coming weeks as it’s a big deal if most are coming from nursing homes and they’re not being truthful
Can you really trust any published death count number? Your heart stops but test positive = Covid-19 death. Hit by a truck but test positive = Covid-19 death. Fighting cancer for two years and a diabetic = Covid-19 death. All those deaths that the medical examiners stamp Covid-19 on has to be a financial gain to someone. The hospital, local government or state.
The Governor just added another 1700 deaths from nursing homes today previously not counted. I have no idea why. so that brings Nursing homes up to 5000 or around 25% here in NY. That counting is starting to make me wonder. As you State your over 80% in MN. And looking at PA looks to be about 65% of deaths from nursing homes. NY is being real fuzzy on this nursing home death rate. It could well be a higher percent. That would only make sense. We’ll see what comes out about that in the coming weeks as it’s a big deal if most are coming from nursing homes and they’re not being truthful

What I heard was that if they were moved from the nursing home, into the hospital, and then dies at the hospital, then NY wasn’t counting that as a nursing home death.
Can you really trust any published death count number? Your heart stops but test positive = Covid-19 death. Hit by a truck but test positive = Covid-19 death. Fighting cancer for two years and a diabetic = Covid-19 death. All those deaths that the medical examiners stamp Covid-19 on has to be a financial gain to someone. The hospital, local government or state.

I noticed the media is no longer saying death from Covid, now they say death with Covid-19
What I heard was that if they were moved from the nursing home, into the hospital, and then dies at the hospital, then NY wasn’t counting that as a nursing home death.

thats not what my interpretation is. I think these 1700 were never in any count. They were just today added on to the total. Where they came from I don’t know but apparently not previously counted.
We're starting to learn a lot. We've learned China didn't hide the severity of the rona, they hid the lack of severity. We have also learned China bought off the WHO. But there are still some players behind the green curtain. Well, we've now got the rest of the dots.

Mr. vaccine - Bill Gates, bought and paid for the UW Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation that formed the models that were used to crush the US economy. For the a small investment of $489 million dollars, he bought it and linked it to the WHO in 2015. He also bought the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis at Imperial College in London for $184 million dollars. Both served up apocalyptic models and got our countries shut down. As soon as the shutdown was in place, the downward revisions began, but the iron fist wouldn't loosen it's grip. To this day, they are still not loosening the grip. After all, we gotta get this vaccine for a virus that never was into every person on earth before they figure out it was never a threat.
I noticed the media is no longer saying death from Covid, now they say death with Covid-19
That's been the official medical standard ever since we were little shavers. After all, Old Dan Tucker, the fine old man that he was, didn't die from a toothache in his heal... he died with a toothache in his heal! :emoji_wink:
I took a break from listening to the Corona stuff but today the guys and I had a shop meeting. Figured I'd share my guys opinions. I've told them it's their call what they want to do. Get back at it while skirting some restriction or we keep being socialists waiting on Gov checks.... one of my best employees spoke up and said it's time to sneak back into Mexico, we don't get this f'd down there! Let that sink in, we're actually at a point where immigrants want to return to a country they fled since they were in search of opportunity. Now I have no idea the Corona situation in Mexico I just found it interesting and has really had me thinking
We're starting to learn a lot. We've learned China didn't hide the severity of the rona, they hid the lack of severity. We have also learned China bought off the WHO. But there are still some players behind the green curtain. Well, we've now got the rest of the dots.

Mr. vaccine - Bill Gates, bought and paid for the UW Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation that formed the models that were used to crush the US economy. For the a small investment of $489 million dollars, he bought it and linked it to the WHO in 2015. He also bought the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis at Imperial College in London for $184 million dollars. Both served up apocalyptic models and got our countries shut down. As soon as the shutdown was in place, the downward revisions began, but the iron fist wouldn't loosen it's grip. To this day, they are still not loosening the grip. After all, we gotta get this vaccine for a virus that never was into every person on earth before they figure out it was never a threat.,+the+survival+rate+for+everyone+drops+to+zero)
If you're interested in this, you better read quickly. The internet speech cops have been chasing this and shutting it down on multiple platforms. It's not your local moderators, it's the platform owners.
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