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Do you put a vinaigrette on the basswood? As morbid as it is, has anyone talked about Covid saving the health care system. It is efficiently taking out the high dollar users. In China's case it could take millions of sick and elderly off the books. I wouldn’t put anything past China at this point. It is time we start considering worst case scenario when ever they are involved.
No dressing. I carry my silky on my hip whenever I'm out on the property. If I come across a reachable basswood limb, I'll lop one off and carry it with me as I walk around and snack on them. Very robust flavor. It'll make you realize how bland common store lettuce has become. Be sure to look out for mites and aphids on the underside of the leaves though. No need to have protein with that salad.
There are lots and lots of dangerous precedents being set, and they frighten me. Here's what we've now established that governors can do and decide, without any check on their power.

Who is and isn't essential
Which business is and isn't essential
Where we can stand
Who we can stand with
When we can shop
Public property is no longer public property. It's government property you are allowed the privilege to use at times.
Where we can go
When we can go
City borders can be closed to entry and exit
We've accepted the idea that we must first ask the state what we're allowed to do before we do it

And for what?

In the history of the world, there hasn't been a civilization that willingly gave up their human rights overnight. Nobody ever woke up and just said, "I'm tired of freedom, let's give totalitarianism a try." There's a saying that goes something like this: "You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out." I am going to be having a talk with my local state legislators to discuss whether or not they'll be clearly legislating the allocation of emergency powers and proper checks on those powers after this joke is over. This isn't the first attack on people's rights, and it certainly won't be the last.
Here is something to think about after seeing how fast some willingly give up their Constitutional rights and freedoms.

Substitute CV19 with gun rights/religious freedom/freedom of speech or any of our other rights as US citizens and have the MSM and many in authority hyping exactly the same on it.
Here‘s one that makes you wonder!

On Friday, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown signed an executive order to extend the state of emergency for another 60 days, keeping Oregonians stuck in their homes until July 6.
As of Saturday, the state which has recorded 104 COVID-19 deaths out of a population of over 4 million, ranks 40th in the country.
Here is something to think about after seeing how fast some willingly give up their Constitutional rights and freedoms.

Substitute CV19 with gun rights/religious freedom/freedom of speech or any of our other rights as US citizens and have the MSM and many in authority hyping exactly the same on it.
Prime minister blackface in canada banned all AR15s and mini-14s this weekend. Scribble scribble, and it's gone.

Here, the churches were closed. Some refused and were swiftly swatted down by the heavy hand of the state. Right to assemble was canceled. Right to free speech is being snuffed out by the outrage crowd and media monopoly. Some levels of government made their move on guns and lost thank heavens. The mayor of Los Angeles threatened to shut off water and gas to anyone that didn't obey.

As I watch the narrative evolve, it's interesting to see the vaccine talk shift. Two weeks ago the masses were begging for a global vaccine mandate, and we were headed swiftly in that direction. Anyone who challenged the premise was dealt with. Now, the narrative is quickly shifted towards creating doubt about the vaccine effectiveness and timing with which it can be delivered. Seeing these dates get pushed further and further out despite there being no evidence or credible modeling to do so, makes me firmly (firmly) believe these lock downs will not end.

If we go with the current version of science, we'll have to completely depopulate any city that has a mass transit dependent population. Those systems are now useless, along with anything else that gets us within 12' of another person, ever, like everything. Think of those scenes in Japan where transit workers have to physically stuff (push) people into subway cars to get the doors closed. How do you move a population like that and keep social distance?

For anyone still wearing a mask. How will you know when it is safe to take it off? If not now, can you ever take it off and be safe ever again?
I'll continue to wear my mask since I have at risk people that I care about about and would like to protect if I get it and don't know it.
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I'll continue to wear my mask since I have at risk people that I care about about and would like to protect if I get it and don't know it.
When is it gonna be safe to take it off? How often do you dispose of or wash it? It can live on fibrous surfaces for up to 96 hours, and fresh neoprene gloves are sterile safe spaces for the virus to attach and ride along the second they're put on.

I'm not trying to be combative. I'm genuinely interested. When will you decide it is safe to quit wearing a mask?
Prime minister blackface in canada banned all AR15s and mini-14s this weekend. Scribble scribble, and it's gone.

Here, the churches were closed. Some refused and were swiftly swatted down by the heavy hand of the state. Right to assemble was canceled. Right to free speech is being snuffed out by the outrage crowd and media monopoly. Some levels of government made their move on guns and lost thank heavens. The mayor of Los Angeles threatened to shut off water and gas to anyone that didn't obey.

As I watch the narrative evolve, it's interesting to see the vaccine talk shift. Two weeks ago the masses were begging for a global vaccine mandate, and we were headed swiftly in that direction. Anyone who challenged the premise was dealt with. Now, the narrative is quickly shifted towards creating doubt about the vaccine effectiveness and timing with which it can be delivered. Seeing these dates get pushed further and further out despite there being no evidence or credible modeling to do so, makes me firmly (firmly) believe these lock downs will not end.

If we go with the current version of science, we'll have to completely depopulate any city that has a mass transit dependent population. Those systems are now useless, along with anything else that gets us within 12' of another person, ever, like everything. Think of those scenes in Japan where transit workers have to physically stuff (push) people into subway cars to get the doors closed. How do you move a population like that and keep social distance?

For anyone still wearing a mask. How will you know when it is safe to take it off? If not now, can you ever take it off and be safe ever again?
SD just curious if EVER in your life you have done anything to contribute to all these freedoms and rights you have been bantering non-stop about? Have you ever sacrificed a single thing your life to uphold any of these freedoms and rights? Maybe it was an overreach or maybe it was a little excessive at times. I guess we really will never know but I’d certainly rather have it this way for a few months then the experts be completely wrong and this thing go off the rails the other way. Some places are requiring mask before entering the stores. Are you boycotting these places? I have a five year old with Asthmatic symptoms and I am terrified for her to catch any type of of respiratory Illness. So for us to stay home and take some extra precautions is just fine by me. But I’m sure you could give two shits about anyone else’s troubles because it doesn’t affect you. Maybe it’s guys like you that are the problem. I’d say go on on and do what you want maybe the sooner you catch it you can report back to us on what kind of joke it is.
Rit, If someone is susceptible by every means protect them. I hope only the best for you and yours. Do everything possible to shield your 5 year old.

not saying your 5 year old isn’t the most valuable thing in the world. I live on a barrier island that survives on tourism. I’ve got friends with hotels, restaurants, stores etc, that will never reopen, never!.... their done, broke and out of cash. No way the government that forced this on us can prop them all up.

I’m sorry but this was handled wrong. I’m in NJ. The president asked the country to stay home and “slow” (not stop) the spread. That was back in early April. I was all in and did what I was asked.
Then came April 13th ish and our governor decided to be tyrant and force us to by his rule.

that rule is getting old.

(slow the spread) because you can’t stop the spread.
Now we have tyrants who think they can stop the spread. Not going to happen. We all get this thing. Hopefully many get a mild case!

Here is something to think about after seeing how fast some willingly give up their Constitutional rights and freedoms.

Substitute CV19 with gun rights/religious freedom/freedom of speech or any of our other rights as US citizens and have the MSM and many in authority hyping exactly the same on it.

welcome to my world a few weeks later :)

got a flight to the farm in a few days. If it’s canceled, I’m driving. This is over for me one way or another.
And. I passed a couple today in a convertible with the top down. They both had masks on :emoji_scream:

I’m sorry the government should take that convertible away for their own good.

or should it? Hmmm
Rit, If someone is susceptible by every means protect them. I hope only the best for you and yours. Do everything possible to shield your 5 year old.

not saying your 5 year old isn’t the most valuable thing in the world. I live on a barrier island that survives on tourism. I’ve got friends with hotels, restaurants, stores etc, that will never reopen, never!.... their done, broke and out of cash. No way the government that forced this on us can prop them all up.

I’m sorry but this was handled wrong. I’m in NJ. The president asked the country to stay home and “slow” (not stop) the spread. That was back in early April. I was all in and did what I was asked.
Then came April 13th ish and our governor decided to be tyrant and force us to by his rule.

that rule is getting old.

(slow the spread) because you can’t stop the spread.
Now we have tyrants who think they can stop the spread. Not going to happen. We all get this thing. Hopefully many get a mild case!

welcome to my world a few weeks later :)

got a flight to the farm in a few days. If it’s canceled, I’m driving. This is over for me one way or another.
There are going to be hundreds of thousands (maybe more) of businesses that never open again. Most of them being small in nature. It sucks it really does, meanwhile the richest of business like the banks get the bailout. It unfortunate I get it. We could start an entire new thread but a financially sound business should have 3-6 months of operating income in the bank right? I feel for your friends its life altering and unfortunate. Lockdown has been what a little more than 30 days?

I stated it’s been an overreach but one I can stomach for stated reasons. The lockdown hasn’t affected me or my family but I empathize with those it has or may in the future. There was almost no way to make everyone happy and they had to make decisions that were difficult.
No it’s way beyond lockdown. It’s the panic that was created and the opportunity for lawyers to grab at easy cash.

Not something I would normally do and I will delete this very soon. Here is
Our place
“Deleted “

we’ve refunded every family their deposit and have no guests scheduled and won’t take any this year. I’m more afraid of lawyers than anything.

we’re closed for the summer period!

my wife and I are small time. This is just us sharing what we love. Don’t need it.
But we live a amongst many who do.
Lots of hard working people that won’t recover.
It’s not about happy for many. It’s about tomorrow and everything that comes with that.
These people were going to send their kids to college...and now they just can’t.
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You’re missing the point. These decisions were very easy for these governors. Now that numbers aren’t panning out they are tightening the grip. It’s all a power trip now. As S.D. said, when exactly are you going to feel safe and resume your life? When the government tells you right. According to some of these Governors somewhere between 2 years and never. Are you willing to listen to that and for how long? It’s just not justifiable. Look at the exmaple of the subway cars in NYC. They never cleaned them. Ran 24/7. Think of the germs that millions of people have put up with every day for eternity. Now they’re germ factories. Yeah right. Ever go on a cruise? Half the people get some kind of germ. These lockaways Might be just a minor inconvenience for some but , the reality is if the world can’t recover you won’t either. Just a matter of time.
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SD just curious if EVER in your life you have done anything to contribute to all these freedoms and rights you have been bantering non-stop about? Have you ever sacrificed a single thing your life to uphold any of these freedoms and rights? Maybe it was an overreach or maybe it was a little excessive at times. I guess we really will never know but I’d certainly rather have it this way for a few months then the experts be completely wrong and this thing go off the rails the other way. Some places are requiring mask before entering the stores. Are you boycotting these places? I have a five year old with Asthmatic symptoms and I am terrified for her to catch any type of of respiratory Illness. So for us to stay home and take some extra precautions is just fine by me. But I’m sure you could give two shits about anyone else’s troubles because it doesn’t affect you. Maybe it’s guys like you that are the problem. I’d say go on on and do what you want maybe the sooner you catch it you can report back to us on what kind of joke it is.

Ahh, the quilt trip . your Last couple sentences say a lot. You’re completely out of touch by the fake media apparently. You’re a gloom and doomer that believe everyone that gets this is just going to die or be in a bad way. Reality. The vast majority of people in this world will have no to mild symptoms and that’s proven. Your going to be exposed eventually. You can’t stay in your house forever now can you. Can you tell us exactly when you plan to re-emerge into the world?
Ahh, the quilt trip . your Last couple sentences say a lot. You’re completely out of touch by the fake media apparently. You’re a gloom and doomer that believe everyone that gets this is just going to die or be in a bad way. Reality. The vast majority of people in this world will have no to mild symptoms and that’s proven. Your going to be exposed eventually. You can’t stay in your house forever now can you. Can you tell us exactly when you plan to re-emerge into the world?
I haven’t stopped living not sure where that info comes from. Maybe I just have a little more at risk than the average poster by pre-existing conditions only. I don’t know what the effects would be on my child. Is it a bad thing to be concerned? Or is that some of your doom and gloom? I haven’t been inside my parents house for a month. I have talked to my Dad on the phone and thru an open window because if he does come in contact with it he will die. He now sits in a hospital with Covid-19 patients. I can’t visit him, I have to wear a mask to drop items off to him at the front desk. Is that because of the fake media or did the board of directors order that? Maybe it’s the governors fault! Is that doom and gloom? He is going to die regardless but if he contracts the virus he will be a Covid-19 causality but that won’t be why he dies. That’s real words shit that I can’t control no matter what side of the fence I fall on. I’ve already said multiple times I thought it was an overreach. I have taken more precautions lately not to protect me but those around me are in a compromised position. So if that makes me doom and gloom and out of touch so be it. My company offered 4 weeks paid leave because the children were out of school and I took it. Did that create a need for me to re-emerge to the world? We still had to eat, had to ship items, visit the post office. I was still very much in the world. Went to Menards, Home Depot, supported local business by ordering take out. Still found time to have a few quotes done on my place from local businesses. But again we took more precautions. I just don’t fully understand the need for me to re-emerge. I went back to work and I am out and about every day. The entire time I was on leave I was in an on call status at night. I am probably in the minority but I have really enjoyed the time at home with my wife and children. We are generally so busy we can’t breathe. It has been nice to have some quality time with nowhere to be. Peg me how you want I have thick skin.
You are guilty of the same thing you accuse SD of. It hasn’t really effected your life, in fact, it sounds like you are enjoying it. Not a big deal for you to keep everyone home. I ran a small business for years. I like to think it was pretty successful before I sold it. I didn’t have 3-6 months of money in the bank. I needed to be generating invoices every week. Some of my bigger customers paid at 60 days. If this happened when I was in business I would be looking at 120 days, if the lockdown ended today, before payment from the bulk of my customers would start coming in. I had 3-5 people working for me, what happens to them? This scenario is playing out with thousands of small businesses right now. I get your concern for your daughter and she should be your top priority in this mess. I have an auto immune disease and it is no fun going out wondering which assholes next to me is going to give this to me. I am in sales and already looking at half my pay gone this year. I sell big expensive construction equipment. Not much demand right now with the bulk of construction shut down. I have to provide for my family so if I do have a potential deal I am going after it. Hindsight isn’t worth much but after April 15th they should have said at risk people protect yourself and everyone else back to work. They certainly should be doing that going forward. I know it is scary, take care of your daughter, but also realize that they are very close to pushing the economy off a cliff it won’t be able to climb back up. That will cause more death and despair than this stupid China virus.
Our media disgusts me more everyday. I watch the first 18 minutes of the Today show most days. It summarizes their narrative and stories they run the rest of the day. Today was 10 minutes bashing Trump and and nit picking everything he has said and done. Then contradicted that this came from a Chinese lab because Trump said it did. They even turned a story on Biden’s sexual assault into a hit on Trump for him having accusers before he was president. That was all well and good. Then they run their pro China shit saying they did a great job and it is the rest of the worlds fault for not listening to them. This shit head Chinese official is laughing at the reporter and she doesn’t push back at him at all. Just sits their and agrees with all the BS he is telling her. They end it with a cute little pro China anti U.S. propaganda cartoon. They should be ashamed of themselves.
SD just curious if EVER in your life you have done anything to contribute to all these freedoms and rights you have been bantering non-stop about? Have you ever sacrificed a single thing your life to uphold any of these freedoms and rights? Maybe it was an overreach or maybe it was a little excessive at times. I guess we really will never know but I’d certainly rather have it this way for a few months then the experts be completely wrong and this thing go off the rails the other way. Some places are requiring mask before entering the stores. Are you boycotting these places? I have a five year old with Asthmatic symptoms and I am terrified for her to catch any type of of respiratory Illness. So for us to stay home and take some extra precautions is just fine by me. But I’m sure you could give two shits about anyone else’s troubles because it doesn’t affect you. Maybe it’s guys like you that are the problem. I’d say go on on and do what you want maybe the sooner you catch it you can report back to us on what kind of joke it is.
It's a low blow to act as if you're the only one here that has loved ones with health or age challenges? My grandma is locked in the nursing home isolated from loved ones, and we thought her ticket was punched once already before this started. My dad is almost 70 and has heart problems. How hard are you really trying to protect your home if you're still going to the home improvement stores and take out joints and coming home with a fresh coating of germs?

I'd really appreciate some honesty from our elected officials and media. But what do we get instead? Blue states are locking down with an iron fist. Red states are opening. If this was rooted in science, why is there such a divide in response? Are red state people anti-science? Who's got the attack squad on the hunt for anyone seeking to simply discuss an alternative approach to this? Who is getting shoved into the memory hole on social media? The most brazen act against science is to aggressively seek to destroy any that would question a narrative that is at best, riddled with bad data and inconsistencies. And that is a generous characterization.
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