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Years ago my dentist gave me a paper that said they treat every patient as if they have an infectious disease. They take every precaution yet. They are shuttered. A whole office out of work because the government says they can’t be open even after years proven to be safe. You really have to look at this and say You still get your mail, UPS and FEDEX working overtime. Amazon and the rest hiring. Most factories around here are open. All the home centers and grocery are open. Gas and convenience open. Everyone that isn’t working is hanging out at all these places. Who exactly is flattening this curve?????
You really have to look at this and say You still get your mail, UPS and FEDEX working overtime. Amazon and the rest hiring. Most factories around here are open. All the home centers and grocery are open. Gas and convenience open. Everyone that isn’t working is hanging out at all these places. Who exactly is flattening this curve?????

Here it is mostly small businesses closed with a few of the good sized factories having “furloughed “ a certain percentage of their workers. Many offices locally have had people work from home.
Our state is starting to open back up, my wife went back to her office today.
But like you say carry outs, superstores and most factories just continued through.
I have heard 26M nation wide are out of work over this, millions of people’s retirement funds slashed over the market drop, the economy stifled. China couldn’t have planned a better way to upset our way of life.
Again the biggest threat in all of this pandemic IMO has been Government and authoritative over reach and wanting to creat a police state. While attempting to trample on our Constitutional rights as free people, and that scares me the most as the details of this whole thing continue to unfold.
And again I totally get the health concerns in this crisis but from what I am seeing it may not have been the huge end of the world threat we were originally led to believe.
We could start an entire new thread but a financially sound business should have 3-6 months of operating income in the bank right? I feel for your friends its life altering and unfortunate. Lockdown has been what a little more than 30 days?

Explain to me how this would be possible?

If a business doesn't spend down its profits by the end of the year the IRS takes a big chunk of it.(which is theft btw) So when the government shuts things down in Feb or March or whenever the hell it did, How can a business have 3-6 months of operating income? Many business don't start to show a profit until June, and that is if there was an early spring. Operating off of borrowed money is the norm. Low interest rates or the tax man stealing my money? Easy to answer.

It is YOUR responsibility to keep your loved ones safe. You are a fool if you think the government is going to do it for you. I have an uncle in a care facility where covid is running wild. He has it and is fine. It MIGHT be the boogie man for a small percentage of the country, for the rest of us it is just shattered dreams and loss of a successful future.

I have gone from thinking this county is the best in the world to understanding that we are just as bad as the worst of the worst. #UnitedStatesofCommunistAmerica
Explain to me how this would be possible?

If a business doesn't spend down its profits by the end of the year the IRS takes a big chunk of it.(which is theft btw) So when the government shuts things down in Feb or March or whenever the hell it did, How can a business have 3-6 months of operating income? Many business don't start to show a profit until June, and that is if there was an early spring. Operating off of borrowed money is the norm. Low interest rates or the tax man stealing my money? Easy to answer.

It is YOUR responsibility to keep your loved ones safe. You are a fool if you think the government is going to do it for you. I have an uncle in a care facility where covid is running wild. He has it and is fine. It MIGHT be the boogie man for a small percentage of the country, for the rest of us it is just shattered dreams and loss of a successful future.

I have gone from thinking this county is the best in the world to understanding that we are just as bad as the worst of the worst. #UnitedStatesofCommunistAmerica
Right on!
I guess what I dont understand is, about 90% of the deaths occur in long term facilities, yet the young healthy working force is the ones the government is focused on. I think if they let the healthy folks back to work, and focus on the problem areas, the death rate would be lower.

I also dont understand why most mom and pop shops that may see 20 people a day in, arent allowed to be open, yet Walmart, Menards, Home Depot are all open, and the parking lots are plump full, with thousands of people in there daily. How does that make sense?
We see maybe around 10 people a day walk in through our doors. We just plain made the choice to remain open and left the choice up to our employees if they wanted to work or not. Most took the two weeks off and we payed them. Business as usual after that. We are in a grey area when it comes to being essential. All I can say is, if we want to get paid it is essential that we keep working.
I guess what I dont understand is, about 90% of the deaths occur in long term facilities, yet the young healthy working force is the ones the government is focused on. I think if they let the healthy folks back to work, and focus on the problem areas, the death rate would be lower.

I also dont understand why most mom and pop shops that may see 20 people a day in, arent allowed to be open, yet Walmart, Menards, Home Depot are all open, and the parking lots are plump full, with thousands of people in there daily. How does that make sense?

Stats out of NY, (since they started posting about nursing homes anyway) is showing less than 20% deaths per day are coming from nursing homes. The major group is between 65 and 90. So yes, that group 65-90 is not a big percentage of the workforce. None of this shutdown makes any sense at all when 80% of the people are either still working or out and about. thats why in my opinion all this talk about a massive resurgence once we open up are unfounded. We’re mostly open now! Certain business deemed of no value by the government (non essential) are being greatly discriminated against.
Well here in MN, 87% are from nursing home. I am sure that varys around the country,
The info I posted is from the governors daily news pressers here in NY so that is for NY State as a whole. They have been posting number of deaths each day and number of deaths from nursing homes separated out. They have only been doing this for a couple weeks now as there was tremendous pressure to release nursing home stats. For example today they reported 193 deaths from hospitals and 33 from nursing homes A little higher percentage than yesterday. But, to your point most all deaths are from elderly
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Went to the local Ace Hardware yesterday and had trouble finding a parking spot. 10 people had to leave the store before I could go in. It was the busiest I've ever seen it. Stopped to get gas and had to wait for car in front of me to finish pumping and drive off. Grocery stores were packed as we drove by.

Things here are more crowded now than when there is no lockdown.
You guys know what I think so no since me get to cussing again. There are some good thinkers on this forum. We have been open for business in the state for 2-3 wks now. And even w testing of all our nursing home and staffs last 2 wks numbers are 2.2 % positive statewide. What a waste of resources. And like I suspected some are having trouble getting some employees back to work for fear of them losing their free govnt money. More nipple/ control training. Sure leaving a landfill of crap for our children and grandchildren. Play safe. Sleep w a clear conscience.

“Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth”. — Albert Einstein

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Dr. Birx was on with Judge Jeanine over the weekend. I was pleased to see an orderly interview and some honesty that I hadn't heard accepted anywhere else up to now. Two important points were acknowledged by Dr. Birx.

*The death rate is substantially lower than initially projected, and the models were wrong.
*The CDC ordered the doctors to count all deaths with rona presence to be coded as rona when it wasn't the cause of death, or even in the blood stream. Skip to the 1:45 mark to hear that exchange.

The data was wrong. The projections were wrong. The science was wrong. The alarmists were wrong. Is it now safe to have the conversation about letting the non-essential try to earn a living before any more companies go under? Can we have back all the constitutional rights that have been suspended, like the 1st amendment, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th, and 14th?
Nope not in Wisconsin. Oh and we are up to 7 cases in my county.
We are having a huge laugh in WV as governor Justice seemed to say... although it was a sound glitch.... seemed to say if business “ will follow the Fn guidelines then....”. Most of us loves it and wouldn’t care if that’s what really said but the social media jokes and memes have been awesome. Fun times in a bad time. Sure beats have one more ultra rich celebrity telling me we all in this together!!

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Nope not in Wisconsin. Oh and we are up to 7 cases in my county.

We cant even have a camp fire, or burn some scrap, or garbage in a barrel. They dont want to have people outside social distancing by a campfire, but wandering the Walmart store is no problem!
We cant even have a camp fire, or burn some scrap, or garbage in a barrel. They dont want to have people outside social distancing by a campfire, but wandering the Walmart store is no problem!

I have no Idea what is and isn't aloud in Minnesota. I am doing whatever I feel like whenever I feel like doing it. The kids have been having friends over the entire time, campfires, playing basketball, spike ball, etc. There has been a few complaints that I have heard about but tough shit.
North Dakota is open. We went to meet my son who lives in Fargo. Lots of activitiy, we went out for lunch at a restaurant by his office. Nice change.
I live in WI. My wife has RA and asthma and is therefore high risk. She's 56. She just recently had enough and finally went out in public. She donned a mask and gloves and went to the grocery store. Our daughter is a nurse and she has not been coming in the house. Well, we're all changing course and heading to the lake house next weekend, including my daughter and her fiance. My wife is moving forward knowing that what will be, will be. My nephew is a Chicago fireman. He caught the China virus and was asymptomatic. He was only tested because many others in his firehouse were tested and had it.

I am of the opinion that the China virus is not going to miraculously disappear. It is not seasonal. I feel that everyone is going to get it sooner or later, social distancing or not, lock downs or not. It is highly contagious. To me, it is a matter of when and not if. As the boomer remover, it is going to take thousands upon thousands more lives before a vaccine/cure is discovered, if that ever happens.

I feel that every job is essential. It is time to open things back up and let people work. The states, hospitals, Feds, etc, should now have the supplies they need moving forward and they better keep buying. That was the purpose of distancing and the lock downs. Those who are still concerned and are waiting out the vaccine can continue to live in isolation. They have that choice. Let everyone else work.

I want to end with a big MIDDLE FINGER to China for covering this up. I am feeling pretty confident this did come from one of their labs. This is not the first time they have unleashed a virus on the rest of the world. I hope they are not planning on COVID-20.
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