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Baker, what we learn from it and what we do about it are very different things. I think every government action to force healthy choices has been met with strong resistance. Education has been met with inefficiency; everybody knows smoking is bad for you, vaping is unknown at best, drinking and driving is unhealthy, sugar is fattening, lack of regular exercise is bad, etc. The list of things we all know is looooong. I imagine most will look at this situation and think to themselves that it won't matter until they are 70+ and by then they will have to die from something anyway... might as well live how they want right now. Of course as we age closer to 70+ we want to push that magic death age back some. I'm guilty to some extent, but personally lean the same direction you do with a great exercise routine and a somewhat healthy diet. I do however see a lot of people shrug these things off, choosing to procrastinate, thinking they'll make up for it later. Getting diabetes is a popular choice (I know some don't have a choice, but diet contributes to a lot of it in this country).

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The average life span has increased over the years though. People are living longer even with all these underlying issues.
The average life span has increased over the years though. People are living longer even with all these underlying issues.
I haven't looked at any stats lately but I imagine we have a lot less industrial accidents and a much higher survival rate among children than 50yrs ago, which would ultimately increase average life span. And to be honest, we won't know how today's lack of exercise, sedimentary work styles, and poor choices of diet affect life spans for quite some time. I currently see a lot of obese 30 yr olds who I doubt make it to 70 without major health care interventions. But, like I said I'm just going off observations and a hunch.

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It’s gone up about 10 years since 1950. That’s not to say people are healthier. They’re probably not but there’s a medicine for everything now so if your at least seeing a doctor they can keep you going longer. modern medicine is really quite something. Good or bad just depends. Your body gives out eventually no matter, they haven’t got that figured out yet. It will be interesting in the future because as you pointed out there’s a lot of obesity and unhealthy habits in the younger groups right now
We are on startup mode. 42 deaths all compromised issues. Infection rate has stayed at or below 3% since the beginning. Hospitals stayed empty w huge personnel layoffs. Enough ventilators to save the world in a state of less than 2 mill. Poor excuses as to not prepared better for this in large populated areas mostly because they had to buy within their contracts negotiated for cheap products produced ... yep China. Yet they complained it was the Feds fault.
We are a mostly Blue collar state so many continued working In various occupations where distancing was the norm. Economic disaster from feds to state level that we will be paying for in years to come.
People have gotten addicted to the govnt nipple of free money and will want more.
Costs will skyrocket passed on to the consumer. Just for me the required protocol will add costs to all. It can’t be completely absorbed by a business no matter how much I would like that happen. But my 90 yo parents didn’t change many of their habits. They’d been thru worse.
I’m back to full time Monday w protection and don’t want to hear the word Covid again unless it comes without unsubstantiated panic.
Got some trees caged today. Will never use tubes again!!

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We are on startup mode. 42 deaths all compromised issues. Infection rate has stayed at or below 3% since the beginning. Hospitals stayed empty w huge personnel layoffs. Enough ventilators to save the world in a state of less than 2 mill. Poor excuses as to not prepared better for this in large populated areas mostly because they had to buy within their contracts negotiated for cheap products produced ... yep China. Yet they complained it was the Feds fault.
We are a mostly Blue collar state so many continued working In various occupations where distancing was the norm. Economic disaster from feds to state level that we will be paying for in years to come.
People have gotten addicted to the govnt nipple of free money and will want more.
Costs will skyrocket passed on to the consumer. Just for me the required protocol will add costs to all. It can’t be completely absorbed by a business no matter how much I would like that happen. But my 90 yo parents didn’t change many of their habits. They’d been thru worse.
I’m back to full time Monday w protection and don’t want to hear the word Covid again unless it comes without unsubstantiated panic.
Got some trees caged today. Will never use tubes again!!

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So you're saying cages are better than tubes?!?

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
We are on startup mode. 42 deaths all compromised issues. Infection rate has stayed at or below 3% since the beginning. Hospitals stayed empty w huge personnel layoffs. Enough ventilators to save the world in a state of less than 2 mill. Poor excuses as to not prepared better for this in large populated areas mostly because they had to buy within their contracts negotiated for cheap products produced ... yep China. Yet they complained it was the Feds fault.
We are a mostly Blue collar state so many continued working In various occupations where distancing was the norm. Economic disaster from feds to state level that we will be paying for in years to come.
People have gotten addicted to the govnt nipple of free money and will want more.
Costs will skyrocket passed on to the consumer. Just for me the required protocol will add costs to all. It can’t be completely absorbed by a business no matter how much I would like that happen. But my 90 yo parents didn’t change many of their habits. They’d been thru worse.
I’m back to full time Monday w protection and don’t want to hear the word Covid again unless it comes without unsubstantiated panic.
Got some trees caged today. Will never use tubes again!!

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So you're saying cages are better than tubes?!?

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

You’re damn right and I have pics to prove it. I’ve used both. BTW my tubes are free to anyone w only $1000 shipping. And they sure as hell not made in China !!

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Dogghr, living in W. Va. id be curious to compare covid mortality vs. opiod deaths in your state. just curious.
Dogghr, living in W. Va. id be curious to compare covid mortality vs. opiod deaths in your state. just curious.
That kind of data isn't relevant. Trump declared war on the opioid crises (like 3 yrs ago) and made the media completely ignore it. The media does not want Covid19 compared to recreational drugs/abortion/unhealthy life choices.

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Dogghr, living in W. Va. id be curious to compare covid mortality vs. opiod deaths in your state. just curious.

Nationally there are jst under 70000 drug overdose deaths /yr of which about 47000 or about 70% are related opioid cause.
In WV there are about 700 for 2019 of opioid deaths, about 40% of total overdose deaths.
Huge problem across this country exacerbated by the ridiculous failure of the pharmacy and AMA boards and their failure to discipline obvious abuse of a select group of doctors and pharmacists and the companies which were happy to pump unreal number of pills especially in small town communities.
Addicts are at fault but they were fed their appetite.
Having had an heroine addicted brother thru the 70s-90s before he cleaned up , I know all too well their struggles and the affect of addiction fallout on families involved. He’s been clean 20 years. Miracles do happen and people can change. But it’s not an easy path for many. He will be the first to tell you each day he wakes he regrets the life he once lived. But despite what trashing most people throw on addicts , like he , they can become working tax paying citizens contributing to society.
Hopefully each so called normal person remembers that as they have opportunity to interact w any alcohol/drug addict. I have no idea how many people across this country saved my brother from certain death during his odysseys. I’m always appreciative to them even tho they will never know. Sorry for the ramble. You opened up a door

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Dogghr, living in W. Va. id be curious to compare covid mortality vs. opiod deaths in your state. just curious.

I will speak for my county in NY on this. Our County health dept in the last few years is reporting an EPIDEMIC of opioid overdose cases and deaths. Since this virus started our County health dept is reporting a 100% increase in overdoses. Our COVID deaths are total of 2. We’ve had at least 5 overdose deaths in the last month. here in My small world.
Nationally there are jst under 70000 drug overdose deaths /yr of which about 47000 or about 70% are related opioid cause.
In WV there are about 700 for 2019 of opioid deaths, about 40% of total overdose deaths.
Huge problem across this country exacerbated by the ridiculous failure of the pharmacy and AMA boards and their failure to discipline obvious abuse of a select group of doctors and pharmacists and the companies which were happy to pump unreal number of pills especially in small town communities.
Addicts are at fault but they were fed their appetite.
Having had an heroine addicted brother thru the 70s-90s before he cleaned up , I know all too well their struggles and the affect of addiction fallout on families involved. He’s been clean 20 years. Miracles do happen and people can change. But it’s not an easy path for many. He will be the first to tell you each day he wakes he regrets the life he once lived. But despite what trashing most people throw on addicts , like he , they can become working tax paying citizens contributing to society.
Hopefully each so called normal person remembers that as they have opportunity to interact w any alcohol/drug addict. I have no idea how many people across this country saved my brother from certain death during his odysseys. I’m always appreciative to them even tho they will never know. Sorry for the ramble. You opened up a door

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Big problems for sure. I don’t know if it’s getting better or worse now that’s it’s out in the open what some of these doctors and drug company’s were doing. Big problem everywhere it seems
The ability to keep people alive and keep people healthy are two very different things. This is one of many things that will drag the whole country into a fiscal hole. 25 years ago, if you were in poor health, you just died. My grandpa went at 62. Some friends lost parents in their 40s to heart attack. Now, we can put in stints faster than a dealership oil change.
Lots of sad things happening at alarming rates in the country. I've got a cousin with psoriatic arthritis. It got so bad he had to have his finger operated on because his joint just locked up tight. The meds he's on will absolutely give him cancer at some point. Both parents went early because of cancer. Now he's on one of the Abbvie drugs that fixes the arthritis problem, but brings with it all kinds of other hell, cancer being one of them.

There are other things I worry about on this topic, but the problems are so prevalent, I don't want to bring them up. I think a ton of it involves nutrition, and I'm not just talking about eating right, but eating things that were grown right. Speaking of which, basswood leaves will be prime in many parts of the country. If you have morels right now, the basswood leaves are prime. Eat a few. You'll understand why the deer love them. If they are not translucent, they are past prime. Size of a Ritz cracker is about perfect.
There is an incredible amount of focus at the national funding level on "graceful aging", in trying to separate fact from fiction when it comes to staying healthy as we age. With a rapidly growing aged population, this has become a major concern. And as you say SD51555, it's not as simple as "exercise and eat right". There are many variables, including underlying genetic variables that can preclude folks from taking full advantage of say, a good diet. I know that I will try some basswood leaves in the near future though!
Do you put a vinaigrette on the basswood? As morbid as it is, has anyone talked about Covid saving the health care system. It is efficiently taking out the high dollar users. In China's case it could take millions of sick and elderly off the books. I wouldn’t put anything past China at this point. It is time we start considering worst case scenario when ever they are involved.
You’re damn right and I have pics to prove it. I’ve used both. BTW my tubes are free to anyone w only $1000 shipping. And they sure as hell not made in China !!

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Not made in China, but they are the COVID-19 to baby fruit trees.....

There is an incredible amount of focus at the national funding level on "graceful aging", in trying to separate fact from fiction when it comes to staying healthy as we age. With a rapidly growing aged population, this has become a major concern. And as you say SD51555, it's not as simple as "exercise and eat right". There are many variables, including underlying genetic variables that can preclude folks from taking full advantage of say, a good diet. I know that I will try some basswood leaves in the near future though!


basswood trees are great for bees......

So now a couple months into this covid pandemic...Ohio has not been affected nearly as much as other states, small businesses will be opening back up next week.
In my area many people are doubting a lot of the hype that has been associated with this outbreak and hard speculation has been growing on the real threat to overall population as time goes by.
With restrictions loosening our Governor tried to place a mandatory “must wear mask” order last week that was quickly walked back.

So yesterday the wife and I went to our local Menards and were stopped just inside by the masked greeter who informed us we had to wear masks to shop there? Also large signs had been erected stating no one under the age of sixteen is allowed in their store and EVREYONE must wear masks in store....the wife and I and others going in promptly turned around and left.
I get the health scare, I also get the discrimination. Five months ago people were up in arms OK with suing little private bakeries for refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding who politely refused for religious beliefs. Today young people are banned entry into Menards? WTF!
The nazis made Jewish people wear a Star of David on their person in the 1930’s and were banned from many businesses. What the hell is going on here? What happened to my body my choice? These same people that were so gung-ho on equal rights are now so entrenched in the MSM hype that they throw the Constitution and Bill of Rights out the window like nothing?
Way to much government over reach going on and people willing to become mindless sheep over speculation opinion and gossip.

Rant over.
So now a couple months into this covid pandemic...Ohio has not been affected nearly as much as other states, small businesses will be opening back up next week.
In my area many people are doubting a lot of the hype that has been associated with this outbreak and hard speculation has been growing on the real threat to overall population as time goes by.
With restrictions loosening our Governor tried to place a mandatory “must wear mask” order last week that was quickly walked back.

So yesterday the wife and I went to our local Menards and were stopped just inside by the masked greeter who informed us we had to wear masks to shop there? Also large signs had been erected stating no one under the age of sixteen is allowed in their store and EVREYONE must wear masks in store....the wife and I and others going in promptly turned around and left.
I get the health scare, I also get the discrimination. Five months ago people were up in arms OK with suing little private bakeries for refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding who politely refused for religious beliefs. Today young people are banned entry into Menards? WTF!
The nazis made Jewish people wear a Star of David on their person in the 1930’s and were banned from many businesses. What the hell is going on here? What happened to my body my choice? These same people that were so gung-ho on equal rights are now so entrenched in the MSM hype that they throw the Constitution and Bill of Rights out the window like nothing?
Way to much government over reach going on and people willing to become mindless sheep over speculation opinion and gossip.

Rant over.
This guy says it all:
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