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A bad vaccine could be more deadly than the disease. It's important to move fast but still be rigorous in testing. Once a potential vaccine is far enough along, we can fund manufacturing so there is enough vaccine to deploy as soon as approved. The more vaccines using different approaches, the better.
I think your behind Fauci has already said to start production on these vaccines immediately so once approved your not waiting 3 months for production.
Uh huh. Fauci said we should do this. You got me.

Except the Feds haven't done anything yet to fund production and Fauci said to start during Phase 2 trials. There are only 2 vaccines in clinical trials, 1 in China and the Moderna vaccine just started phase 1 trials in the US. Moderna is currently manufacturing vaccine for their phase 2 and phase 3. The WHO website lists 42 vaccines are in pre-clinical studies. The Feds can pull the trigger on production as soon as any of these looks promising and figure out where/how to scale it up to have a stockpile when it finishes.
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Uh huh. Fauci said we should do this. You got me.

Except the Feds haven't done anything yet to fund production and Fauci said to start during Phase 2 trials. There are only 2 vaccines in clinical trials, 1 in China and the Moderna vaccine just started phase 1 trials in the US. Moderna is currently manufacturing vaccine for their phase 2 and phase 3. The WHO website lists 42 vaccines are in pre-clinical studies. The Feds can pull the trigger on production as soon as any of these looks promising and figure out where/how to scale it up to have a stockpile when it finishes.

Is it up to the Feds to fund production? I think these companies see that it’s a race and the one who is there first and ready with the production will reap the biggest reward.
Uh huh. Fauci said we should do this. You got me.

Except the Feds haven't done anything yet to fund production and Fauci said to start during Phase 2 trials. There are only 2 vaccines in clinical trials, 1 in China and the Moderna vaccine just started phase 1 trials in the US. Moderna is currently manufacturing vaccine for their phase 2 and phase 3. The WHO website lists 42 vaccines are in pre-clinical studies. The Feds can pull the trigger on production as soon as any of these looks promising and figure out where/how to scale it up to have a stockpile when it finishes.

Feds are helping Johnson and Johnson and Moderna. Facts matter bro. BARDA is the feds.


And it sounds like we will have millions of vaccines ready before Christmas. They talked about this at one of the White House briefings. POTUS removed the barriers and sent the vaccine straight to production after it meets a certain criteria while the final research is done to see if its safe. That way the day they know one of them is safe they can start using it immediately. Pretty good move.

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Well on the good news front the wife doesnt want to get an SUV anymore. She wants to buy a tractor. Still going to sit on my cash for awhile.
OK bro. I missed the J&J announcement. Good that they will go into production early if their clinical trials show it works. Their approach has a good safety record so there is less risk turning on production. Moderna is far enough along that their production ramp would likely still start in Phase 2 trials. And they can pull the plug and switch horses if needed based on the trials.
Rough night. Positives are multiplying in our town. I'd give it at least 50/50 chance I'll get or already have/had the virus. Social distancing is easy outside of work, basically impossible at work. Hopefully my immune system is working on all cylinders.
Alot of studies show 50% of patients never show symptoms or have very mild symptoms. Cnn and foxnews are reporting it so there is likely some truth there
I read some stuff earlier today that said when reinterviewed after the fact, most actually did have some symptoms. They found it was common for the "asystematic" positives to develop symptoms after they took the test but nobody followed up with them. Also many "asystematic" persons admitted they didn't disclose the body aches, low fevers, slight coughs, or other mild symptoms because they didn't think it was important at the time they were tested.
In Australia they found that Ivermectin kills Covid 19 rapidly in a lab setting. Need to get human test underway ASAP.


You may have given your dog some form of this for worms, given it to the kids cause they had lice, or used it on your farm for livestock. Hope we hear more about this real soon.
Rough night. Positives are multiplying in our town. I'd give it at least 50/50 chance I'll get or already have/had the virus. Social distancing is easy outside of work, basically impossible at work. Hopefully my immune system is working on all cylinders.

According to the University of Washington Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation, the need for ventilators in Wisconsin is to peak later this month at 304 under the most likely scenario, and 770 under the worst case scenario. We have 620 in the state. Our governor ordered 10,000 additional. By comparison, the UK has only 8,125 ventilators in their entire country. The cost of our governor's debacle is staggering.

What we really need are the breathing circuits (hoses) that connect patients to ventilators. Ventilators are made by one manufacturer, and breathing circuits are made by other manufacturers and have to be discarded at a minimum frequency of when the connected patient changes, to prevent cross-contamination, and preferably more often to prevent buildup of microbes in the breathing circuit. We also need endotracheal tubes. And people on ventilators need to have their blood oxygen levels checked with arterial blood gas sampling products. And when they get sent home, many will be on ambulatory infusion pumps, and will also need single-use administration sets (tubing) and the needles that connect to them. Our governor has squandered our money on what looks best in the news headlines and not on what our hospitals need.

If you know someone who gets intubated, get a pen and notepad to them. They won't be able to talk. Giving them something to write on for others to see is a morale booster.
In Australia they found that Ivermectin kills Covid 19 rapidly in a lab setting. Need to get human test underway ASAP.

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You may have given your dog some form of this for worms, given it to the kids cause they had lice, or used it on your farm for livestock. Hope we hear more about this real soon.

I just hope some idiot doesn’t take their dogs heart worm medicine.
Regarding Australia, they are about a week away from major ramp up of production of ICU supplies needed to treat COVID-19 patients.
Rough night. Positives are multiplying in our town. I'd give it at least 50/50 chance I'll get or already have/had the virus. Social distancing is easy outside of work, basically impossible at work. Hopefully my immune system is working on all cylinders.

Sounds like we are in the same sinking boat... Ive been checking everyday with a buddy - he is down by you, he has it, got it from his relief at shift change - so he figures.... who also tested positive... Said it is like nothing he has ever experienced before... woke up the other night wondering if he was dying. He was better yesterday but says it comes and goes - he has been spared the shortness of breath -- so if its that bad without that :emoji_thermometer_face:.... They have guys that are returning to shift work... some had symptoms some didnt been a mixed bag.
Anyways same deal I don't know how I'm not going to get it eventually - pretty tough to social distance at work - the box is pretty small. We are seeing a spike in potential positives but have been blessed with next to nothing for positives. That will end soon enough watching the trends kick up down by you and over in the cities. Stay safe and good luck
I removed the material I posted here ... it was rude in that it might have hijacked this thread which should focus solely on the virus. i'll repost it later as a related topic on a new thread. Pardon my error. :emoji_relaxed:
A recent poll (4-4) seems to have some political implications for November; it appears public sentiment lies with governors who have advocated social distancing like DeWine in OH.
Governor Cuomo has perhaps the highest favorability rating at over 85%. Probably the strongest evidence for the effectiveness of social distancing restrictions is the success of the early intervention in CA where restrictions were placed on the entire San Francisco Bay area. To date they have experienced only 8 deaths. It is NBC if that makes a difference to anyone.
Here's another one concerning Florida. I'll post tomorrow how it appears Trump boxed himself in and can't escape his ultimate fate.
Wishful thinking. You do know that is an opinion article on a liberal site don't you. I don't think sleepy Joe has a chance. Trumps approval rating has been going up. I guess we will see come November. Articles for and against Trump can be found everywhere.
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