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My accountant sent me that information yesterday---I declined any loan/gift and told him that businesses applying for free money isn't going to help anything. It will only cause more problems. My business is still open and employing our workers just like we always have. I don't want to take advantage like so many will. If you NEED it then go for it otherwise you are no different than the worthless bastards that could work but choose not to work because they can get everything free. I absolutely have a problem with people that choose to be worthless.
Couldn't agree more. With that said the stimulus passed and we are all going to pay for it regardless.
Reality update.

In the meantime over 100,000 people died last MONTH from cancer and heart disease Much of this preventable from changes in diet and life style. Should we blame it on politicians ? The govt.? Perhaps personal responsibility for our health? Immune system?

And what impact does this health care burden have on the economy?
Reality update.

In the meantime over 100,000 people died last MONTH from cancer and heart disease Much of this preventable from changes in diet and life style. Should we blame it on politicians ? The govt.? Perhaps personal responsibility for our health? Immune system?

And what impact does this health care burden have on the economy?
What people arent talking about is the advancements in health care/medicine over the past 20-30 years. Many of the people that are getting the virus would have died many years earlier without these advancements. Take the people out of the equation that "should" be dead anyway and the numbers change drastically.
So what do the people have (or don’t have) that are asymptomatic to this virus? Or that don’t require hospitalization when infected?

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Excellent post ....

67 pages later, someone has tried to explain why the death estimates have been ratcheted up considerably. A healthy discussion about this issue might have occurred much earlier in the thread if folks didn't jump to conclusions so fast. Please allow me to demonstrate from a personal standpoint. The obvious problem ofr the internet!

Early in the thread ... I offered ....
Post 611
Again, the rapidity with which this virus can explode within the general population might easily infect more persons with hospital-necessary care than our medical facilities can handle (would probably push up the mortality rate at least above 3-4%). Here's a little math problem for you; what's 4% of 50 million infected persons? If you said 2,000,000 you win the prize.
Let's estimate there are probably at least 70M Americans over 60 years of age in 2020. If only persons over 60 were killed by the virus (after all, everyone knows it only kills senior citizens (sarcasm), and if disease-surges overwhelm the health care systems of several states, is a death rate of 2.5% unrealistic? Heck it's only 1.75 Million Parents and Grandparents! A 5% mortality rate would be only 3.5 Million old folks!

How did folks respond?
Some suggested I didn't know what I was talking about ........ ....

1114 Bucky ”millions to die”. That discredits just about anything you say. There are no such numbers mentioned by any Country in the World. Some of these earlier infected Countries are already ramping their economies back up. By the way it’s the States not Trump who are making these stay at home deals. So he’s not lifting them. The Governors will be and even the epicenter Governor is on board.

1125 Bucky “In NYC the epicenter right now there’s been less than 300 deaths In 3 weeks. In NYC. 400-500 people a day die for other reasons. That’s a total of 10,000 people over the last 3 weeks as opposed to less than 300 for the 3 week period. This is the epicenter.

1186 Buck S said essentially I was nuts
I gotta call you out oak cause this post is about as dramatic and over the top as you can possibly get.

1198 Fred G said my boat would sink

1214 Chummer said I should listen more … called me essentially a trump hater

1215 Roy said I picked on the gentleman “ who called me out” Told me I should admit when I’m wrong
Incidentally ... I did!
post 1193 1. 68.7% of the US population IS NOT over the age of 60 in 2016. My late night calulation was an initial attempt to
frame this post in relation to ksgobblers post on % of population over 60 ...I goofed; however, .....

1223 Buck SW hit me again … Told me I was reckless
"Sorry, I dont agree with your morbid assessment of 2.5-5% of all grandmas and grandpas will die Oakseeds.
3.5 million dead is not based on any type of facts at all, instead just reckless speculations.
It is the worst, of the worst, of the worst case scenario. That's the only way to get to that number.

My response to all this ... 1249 You are certainly entitled to your opinion ... I'll respectfully stick with mine we'll know when it's over.
This is why you come across as a douche. You made a comment about Trump giving foreign countries bail out money through the cruise lines, and how we liked our transparency. That was completely false and in your head. That is why I told you to listen better. In case you didn’t know, because you know everything the cruise lines are still not getting anything.

Dude, he is stuck in an echo chamber. No one but him will ever be right, no matter how much proof he is shown.

Let him type out all the long posts he wants, and just hit the ignore button. It’s what I did with him

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So what do the people have (or don’t have) that are asymptomatic to this virus? Or that don’t require hospitalization when infected?

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Million dollar question there. I think it’s still important to realize the vast majority will have none to mild symptoms. 86% according to DR Birx. Those that do require hospital are at varying degrees from from minimal to major of course there’s those that don’t make it. 98% will recover according to the surgeon general. most of what we know and don’t know about this virus will not come for years after it’s over.
What people arent talking about is the advancements in health care/medicine over the past 20-30 years. Many of the people that are getting the virus would have died many years earlier without these advancements. Take the people out of the equation that "should" be dead anyway and the numbers change drastically.

I suppose. If they don't count, maybe we should tell them to stay home and hope for the best. No sense in risking the lives of health care workers if they don't count or have value.
I suppose. If they don't count, maybe we should tell them to stay home and hope for the best. No sense in risking the lives of health care workers if they don't count or have value.
Of course someone would have to say they don't count or have value. I was simply stating a FACT. If not for modern tech. they wouldn't be around for coronavirus to kill.

Do the lives of the 42 million aborted babies matter to you?
42 million,.. no kidding! Wow!

As I see the woods disappearing all around my town and being replaced with houses and apartments,.. where the heck would 42 million more people fit?

I wonder at what point we actually stop increasing our world population growth? I believe it is on track for most record growth ever right now.

Not here in usa,.. but world wide. I wonder at what point it breaks?

Anyways back to regular Covid19 Programming! LOL
I would imagine the abortion numbers will be down sharply this year, both in the US and worldwide.
42 million,.. no kidding! Wow!

As I see the woods disappearing all around my town and being replaced with houses and apartments,.. where the heck would 42 million more people fit?

I wonder at what point we actually stop increasing our world population growth? I believe it is on track for most record growth ever right now.

Not here in usa,.. but world wide. I wonder at what point it breaks?

Anyways back to regular Covid19 Programming! LOL

I believe I heard around 11 billion by 2100 and then start to decline. Right now there are about 2 million deaths is the US per year and about 4 million babies being born.

I would imagine the abortion numbers will be down sharply this year, both in the US and worldwide.
depends on how long this thing lasts. With all of the school kids being home it may skyrocket. (not that young people are the only ones killing their babbies) Im guessing planned parenthood isn't skipping a beat but I could be wrong.
42 million,.. no kidding! Wow!

As I see the woods disappearing all around my town and being replaced with houses and apartments,.. where the heck would 42 million more people fit?

I wonder at what point we actually stop increasing our world population growth? I believe it is on track for most record growth ever right now.

Not here in usa,.. but world wide. I wonder at what point it breaks?

Anyways back to regular Covid19 Programming! LOL

As chucker said, statistical analysis says somewhere around 11 billion....

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You want lies look no further than the media. What happened to the 83 people on Long Island they reported last Wednesday that caused the market to do a 180 degree turn. I can’t find anything on that now. NBC all morning has been potential outbreak here, there, and everywhere. Keep stoking the fire. You hate Trump so you think he lies. I hate dems and the media so I think they lie. Stop watching CNN. Trump’s delivery sucks at times but that is part of the package. At least you know what he is thinking. You will miss Trump if you get Comrade Bernie or Dementia Joe. Trump is not tearing the country apart, the media is.

Texas Ike .. since you replied to my post, please hit the button again ... a couple of times ... it would help us all.

chummer, this is your first post (201?) on this thread; I believe - for your sake - you should have stopped right there!

Peace brothers ... :emoji_relaxed:
I agree. Do what “you”should to survive as a business. But don’t take advantage. My wife and I are retired. We have a business renting 1 and 2 bedroom apartments weekly at the beach in NJ. “Key” is we’re retired, and “diversified”, This business won’t make or break us, it’s what we like to do.

We started sending out checks today to customers as a refund for the $ they put down as a deposit to hold their vacation week. We aren’t holding any cancellation fee, if you booked with us you get 100% back. We felt many could use that $ for other things right now. We’re also holding their weeks in case things break and they want to come this summer. (Ha, Ha, like anyone will want to vacation in NJ this summer)

because of our tax filing situation we’re going to be getting a stimulus check. We’re planning on giving that to the woman that helps us with cleaning and kinda doesn’t tell anyone she does. So she won’t get one....
God Bless you and your bride Bill... This is a time to all give a little when we can. I am blessed to have more than enough with multiple sources of income. I feel guilty getting any kind of stimulus check. Hoping to come across someone truly struggling I can pay it forward to
Texas Ike .. since you replied to my post, please hit the button again ... a couple of times ... it would help us all.

chummer, this is your first post (201?) on this thread; I believe - for your sake - you should have stopped right there!

Peace brothers ... :emoji_relaxed:
I stand by all of that. At the time those were the facts. The media was praying for something to bring Trump down. They got what they were hoping for. I don’t see why you reposted that. You must be getting lazy, I am sure I said worse than that if you compare it to what is currently happening. Of coarse, your side said it was racist to shut off travel from China so how concerned were they really? Cuomo, DeBlasio, Pelosi among others were still telling everyone to go out into March. You are a one sided hack that wants to tell everyone how smart you are. You should take Faucci’s job since he was also saying it wouldn’t spread like it has. Weren’t you done commenting on my posts? Typical liberal, breaking promises.
Talk about COVID-19 estimated numbers ratcheting down made me think of this report by one of my favorites (Victor Davis Hanson) where he writes about an unusually early, particularly virulent influenza B outbreak that hit California in early November. Also mentioned is the 15,000 Chinese traveling to the US daily and indications that China has not been forthcoming with when their virus spread began (and the resulting travel for weeks of infected tourists from China).

Serology testing for corona-virus antibodies to determine how early the onset of the COVID-19 illness could indicate there was early spreading and resulting immunity developed as a result. This could be why some of the high initial numbers are not coming about and may point to the potential that the total cases may be much lower than even these lower predictions.

In another report I read (can’t remember where), it talked of China’s Belt and Road initiative whereby they come in to an economically strapped country and work contracts to upgrade infrastructure and provide financing and labor to do the work. Such a project was well underway in Lombardy, Italy (the epicenter of a large COVID outbreak). Perhaps the large amount of travel between China and Lombardy Italy caused a particularly high number of cases.

With regard numbers, comparing the US to Italy may be like comparing apples to oranges. I’m just saying.
I’ve never heard of anybody vacationing in NJ. Learn something every day. :emoji_laughing:

Not by choice anyway. Probably vacation in NYC and stay in NJ.
I just can’t get over the New Jersey part. LOL. Ok,Ok I’ll admit it I’ve known people that go to the beach in NJ every year, maybe even your place , I don’t know. They keep inviting me I just can’t .
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