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One of the more frightening things to me is, If it spreads like this and can't be contained, what would happen if this was a legitimately horrible bug? What if its something that had the same rate of spread but had a 40% kill rate. Don't tell me the boys in the middle east aren't already thinking about that.


Well at least the world is getting some practice in case we do get a serious bug!
One of the more frightening things to me is, If it spreads like this and can't be contained, what would happen if this was a legitimately horrible bug? What if its something that had the same rate of spread but had a 40% kill rate. Don't tell me the boys in the middle east aren't already thinking about that.


What if it wasn't, what if it is just the flu .... like you have had many times before?
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My wife said they are only testing healthcare workers or those that are being admitted to the hospital where she works. Everyone else that exhibiting symptoms is sent home and told to self quarantine. On Tuesday, the MN dept of health only ran 150 test. They have rapid test on order at the wife's hospital, but its brand new technology and takes time to get there. They have the regular test available, but the state isn't getting them processed.

This seems to be the normal procedure right now everywhere. People re sitting at home with a cough and complaining they can’t get tested. Well duh. That’s not going to cure you. They say these rapid test and antibody tests in a few weeks. Cuomo said today that’s going to be a key in getting people back to work. Some of these younger people getting really sick is a good wake up call for them for the future. Who knows how strong your immune system is until it’s put to the test. A lot think they’re healthy but are really not as they assumed Good info in case you get a future illness.
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F me, I've just been thrown into this shit storm.

Asshole comes into work monday after having guests over from all over the US to goose hunt. Dosnt tell anyone, starts not feeling well and leaves.

Just found out he got tested this morning.

So much for trying to do my part.
We have a stay at home order starting tonight at midnight. I am still essential soit will be business as usual.
He's a slow blue-stater ... at least he finally saw the light. :emoji_clap::emoji_clap:
Looks like a two week vacation for me on the trout streams and shed hunting. Friday after 5 I will be doing some serious social distancing.
Shed hunting, put up some stands, cut trails...not much else to do?
I had to run to the store for milk after work today. Drove past Kwik Trip and it was packed as normal. Got to one of the two grocery stores in this town of 2,200 people and there were at least 10 people in the store over the age of 65! The store has placed tape on the floor in the checkout lanes to signify 6 foot distances, but most appeared not to notice them.

Don't think the 'safer at home' order in Wisconsin is going to do much good.
One thing that puzzles me about the testing. I keep seeing that you can't get tested unless having serious problems, or are being admitted to the hospital. However, while there have been 585 positive tests in Wisconsin, there have been 10,089 negative tests.

What do those 10k people have that's causing their problems, if it isn't covid-19???
Pretty intense flu season this year. Both A and B type is high risk now in our area. That’s why here they always swab for flu first but I don’t think they’re doing that now. Just send people home. If your well enough stop and go to drive through testing or we’ll enough to go to the doctor. They will just send you home. Earlier on it was different. The flu can put you down really hard sometimes. Like you’ve been run over by a truck. 10s of thousands die. I digress.
One thing that puzzles me about the testing. I keep seeing that you can't get tested unless having serious problems, or are being admitted to the hospital. However, while there have been 585 positive tests in Wisconsin, there have been 10,089 negative tests.

What do those 10k people have that's causing their problems, if it isn't covid-19???
I've been told that many healthcare staff are being tested regularly. My friends wife is a nurse that's been tested twice. I support that as they're very likely to catch it and shouldn't be spreading to other patients but hope those numbers aren't what's being counted ??
I am gonna watch the death toll in the next 2 weeks, we now know there is a high rate of infection. I would venture at least double or triple the number of reported infection. If we quickly shoot up to 5000 next week then I think we got problems.
Pretty intense flu season this year. Both A and B type is high risk now in our area. That’s why here they always swab for flu first but I don’t think they’re doing that now. Just send people home. If your well enough stop and go to drive through testing or we’ll enough to go to the doctor. They will just send you home. Earlier on it was different. The flu can put you down really hard sometimes. Like you’ve been run over by a truck. 10s of thousands die. I digress.

You mean like every other year? Thousands die from the flu? Really? And we don't just shut our whole economy because of this "flu" you speak of? Very strange indeed. <<<Sarcasm off>>>
I’m not sure what your saying? His question was what was causing all these people to get tested and were coming back negative. The flu will do it Was my answer. And yeas tens of thousands die every year from the flu.
Yeah the flu kills thousands each year but infects millions. The statistics show this isn't the flu, even places that test much better than the US show this virus is much worse. The real problem is the viral pneumonia, necessitating ventilators, which are in limited supply. Italy is literally triaging people for death as they don't have enough ventilators. New York is just days from this very same thing because they refused to shut down and isolate until after states with far less spread had already done so. It's notable that De Blasio has disappeared from the media. Our schools in Indiana shut down a week before NYC.

Talked to a colleague in China today. China and South Korea got this thing under control (not that I totally trust numbers out of China). Everybody had to download an app onto their phone. If you violate quarantine or go somewhere you shouldn't, it flags you. If you co-locate with someone who tests positive, you get flagged for 14-day quarantine. With deep testing this allowed Korea to control the virus without a nation-wide shutdown. Lots of US privacy concerns with this approach, but it did work. But it also required testing very deeply to make sure you had a good handle on the virus, and not just serious patients.
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