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Even in NY you can go out and walk your dog, go to parks and such. This is still America and I don’t think they can restrict movement like that. Stay your distance from people there’s really no chance of you getting anything out of thin air.
So, I read this from the Milwaukee journal a couple hours ago, but what exactly does it mean? I see they are calling it "safer at home". But I live in southern MN, and have a cabin in NW Wisconsin. I have a bunch of drywall, and insulation that I have, and was planning on taking it up there, and installing it this weekend. I can make it there and back with a tank of fuel, so I wouldnt need to go to any store, or encounter any people in Wisconsin at all. I can drive directly to my place, park in the garage, close the doors, and no one would even know I was there, then go back home early next week. Will they be guarding the borders? Ticketing people on the road? Is there any good reason to not go there and work on my cabin, and come straight back home Sunday, or Monday evening? I have some free time, all the supplies, and help this weekend to do it, I would like to do it.

There is no way the state is getting "shut down" business will be closed but there is no way to force people to stay home let alone the manpower to close all the roads.
They could block off the roads that lead to the metro---I would be ok with that. Quarantine the most highly concentrated areas. Too bad it would only be temporary.
There would be nothing better if more people were in the woods, going on walks, looking for antlers, working at their lake cabin, etc... that is isolation.
My business will be open as usual unless they have the national guard at the front door.
My favorite quotes from the first day of this thread (Feb 10). Curious if has anyone changed their minds about anything in the last 7 weeks.

"I'm fully confident the United States has a cure."
"2nd on closing the border to protect Americans"
"So, about 1000 people died in the world, in a month, from a scary disease, out of a 8,000,000,000 people, doesnt quite sound like a pandemic to me!"
"I will be on a large cruise ship in less then a month, I am not worried."
"No one knows how this will pan out,.. anyone who says they do,.. don't believe them."
"If I were in China, I would be concerned. But I am not, so I am not. What are the odds I will die in the US of the Coronavirus? Not enough to be concerned about."
"Things aren't looking so bright for the communist party. I'm not worried about any problems here."
"Let’s see how the stock market plays out with the Coronavirus."
"Not sure how some people can casually joke about this."
"We leave later this month on that cruise."
"My question is what is going on right now that they are hiding and drawing everyone’s attention away with this virus crap."
"The flu has killed more people in the same amount of time, with a fraction the attention. It isnt a joking matter, but it isnt a pandemic either. It doesnt deserve the attention the media gives it."
So, I read this from the Milwaukee journal a couple hours ago, but what exactly does it mean? I see they are calling it "safer at home". But I live in southern MN, and have a cabin in NW Wisconsin. I have a bunch of drywall, and insulation that I have, and was planning on taking it up there, and installing it this weekend. I can make it there and back with a tank of fuel, so I wouldnt need to go to any store, or encounter any people in Wisconsin at all. I can drive directly to my place, park in the garage, close the doors, and no one would even know I was there, then go back home early next week. Will they be guarding the borders? Ticketing people on the road? Is there any good reason to not go there and work on my cabin, and come straight back home Sunday, or Monday evening? I have some free time, all the supplies, and help this weekend to do it, I would like to do it.


first I don’t really think they can legally do anything to you in this country if you were to go out. Not that would hold up in court when it gets back in session anyway.

Second if you explained it exactly that way to anyone who would ask, I don’t know how they could give you a hard time.

The only argument against it I could see is that if you were in an accident emergency personnel are spending time on you that could have gone somewhere else and or they could have been put at risk.

I’m an hour away from my second home/business and plan on doing just what you say soon. Close the door at home an not open it until I’m in the driveway there. I’ve got work to finish before we open for the summer. (If they let us open)
Gotta make money---no one puts money in my hand I have to work for it.
My favorite quotes from the first day of this thread (Feb 10). Curious if has anyone changed their minds about anything in the last 7 weeks.

"I'm fully confident the United States has a cure."
"2nd on closing the border to protect Americans"
"So, about 1000 people died in the world, in a month, from a scary disease, out of a 8,000,000,000 people, doesnt quite sound like a pandemic to me!"
"I will be on a large cruise ship in less then a month, I am not worried."
"No one knows how this will pan out,.. anyone who says they do,.. don't believe them."
"If I were in China, I would be concerned. But I am not, so I am not. What are the odds I will die in the US of the Coronavirus? Not enough to be concerned about."
"Things aren't looking so bright for the communist party. I'm not worried about any problems here."
"Let’s see how the stock market plays out with the Coronavirus."
"Not sure how some people can casually joke about this."
"We leave later this month on that cruise."
"My question is what is going on right now that they are hiding and drawing everyone’s attention away with this virus crap."
"The flu has killed more people in the same amount of time, with a fraction the attention. It isnt a joking matter, but it isnt a pandemic either. It doesnt deserve the attention the media gives it."

Four stages.
My favorite quotes from the first day of this thread (Feb 10). Curious if has anyone changed their minds about anything in the last 7 weeks.

"I'm fully confident the United States has a cure."
"2nd on closing the border to protect Americans"
"So, about 1000 people died in the world, in a month, from a scary disease, out of a 8,000,000,000 people, doesnt quite sound like a pandemic to me!"
"I will be on a large cruise ship in less then a month, I am not worried."
"No one knows how this will pan out,.. anyone who says they do,.. don't believe them."
"If I were in China, I would be concerned. But I am not, so I am not. What are the odds I will die in the US of the Coronavirus? Not enough to be concerned about."
"Things aren't looking so bright for the communist party. I'm not worried about any problems here."
"Let’s see how the stock market plays out with the Coronavirus."
"Not sure how some people can casually joke about this."
"We leave later this month on that cruise."
"My question is what is going on right now that they are hiding and drawing everyone’s attention away with this virus crap."
"The flu has killed more people in the same amount of time, with a fraction the attention. It isnt a joking matter, but it isnt a pandemic either. It doesnt deserve the attention the media gives it."
Don't think we have a cure.
Left to be seen

So in other words not much has changed (as I see it)
It looks like most of them came from me. As I see it, I would still go on another cruise. Hell I got 2 extra days on my last one for free. Just because San Juan wouldn’t let us port. We have actually been looking at booking our next cruise, in fact we would have done it on the ship, but with the world going nuts at home, we figured we best see what all the excitement is about.

There is still more flu cases then Corona, and more people died from The flu, so same still applies, except the stock market is down several trillion dollars.
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So, I read this from the Milwaukee journal a couple hours ago, but what exactly does it mean? I see they are calling it "safer at home". But I live in southern MN, and have a cabin in NW Wisconsin. I have a bunch of drywall, and insulation that I have, and was planning on taking it up there, and installing it this weekend. I can make it there and back with a tank of fuel, so I wouldnt need to go to any store, or encounter any people in Wisconsin at all. I can drive directly to my place, park in the garage, close the doors, and no one would even know I was there, then go back home early next week. Will they be guarding the borders? Ticketing people on the road? Is there any good reason to not go there and work on my cabin, and come straight back home Sunday, or Monday evening? I have some free time, all the supplies, and help this weekend to do it, I would like to do it.


Apparently a shut down isn't really much of a shutdown. At my work we process and package summer sausage, snack sticks, cheese curds, and block cheese, so we're considered a food service and are essential. At my wife's work, they make protein and other workout powders. But since 2 of the company's 14 locations make milk replacement powder for dairy calves, the whole company is deemed Agricultural, and is thus essential.

The place I used to work is a welding and fabrication shop. Mostly making parts for Caterpillar and John Deere, but also Oshkosh Truck, who makes military vehicles. That makes it an essential company as well.

I doubt anyone will notice you at all.
I just think we need Natty Bumpo to get the CliffsNotes up to date. This is getting too substantial to know what I'm supposed to think.
TS .... I might as well post some more "Trolling Motor" wake (what DJT may leave behind) as a result of what has become the hot covid-19 topic in the last couple of hours.
It'll be OK if you and others thump me .... I can take it!

Donald wants to open up the economy - ease social distancing - restrictions in another week; some apparently believe he is very concerned about restoring the stock market.
The Governor of Ohio - DeWine - was the first GOP governor to restrict mobility of citizens; the second GOP governor - Parsons of Mo, and 3rd Maryland's Hogan - have done so ... perhaps to the chagrin of some on this site. Actually, 8 Govs. have but I've lost track of the order. You suppose DJT wii be happy with those developments; after all he said in the press conference recently .... some governors are doing a good job, some not so good (you figure that one out). These dudes will soon be out of step with what DJT wants with regard to social distancing if he wants to send people back to work ... and, you know how he reacts when someone disagrees with him.

We'll see how long Dr. Fauci remains on the team.
News releases regarding what Fauci has said ....
Please note this is NOT MSNBC or CNN ... even daytime FOX news commentators are starting to ask hard questions .. sure, I try to track everyone's positions.

If you remember, on another post, I said watch FL, TX, and MO ... all states with GOP governors; what the hell does that mean? In order to explain it, I'll have to give my OPINION regarding DJT's POLITICAL strategy for managing the political side of managing this crisis. He has declared himself a "wartime President" like Washington" and pushed the decision making regarding tough decisions - especially social distancing techniques (restrict movement/now implemented by 8 states) and procurement of vital resources (hostital berds, personal protection items and critical equipment items like ventilators) - down to governors and mayors (CA, IL, NY, NJ, OH, MD, FL , TX miami mayor); some have responded (taken swift and decisive actions and some have not). Trump says the Fed. Govt. is there to back you up, but "WE'RE NOT A SHIPPING CLERK"). ... again, caps for emphasis. Social scientists refer to a concept called attribution theory that individuals use to explain events ... including BAD OUTCOMES... esestially it means a soul to bless or a arse to kick.
Given the trajectory we're on, bad outcomes can be responded to with ... I - (DJT) wasn't making those decisions. He may be attempting to establish a target-rich environment (who he hopes the public will blame) .. when "attributions" about how the crisis was HANDLED ... are made when the crisis is over.
During the 1918 flu health crisis, Missouri proved unequivocally that social distancing WORKS. My opinion ... If you stop using isocial distancing now, you'll kill a lot more people (like possibly millions more); maybe some in America are willing to accept that outcome. In todays briefing DJT said cwe have learned a lot ... referencing specifically social cdistancing (widely used by the State of Missouri in 1918 ... been in the news a lot).
Florida (GOP GOV. DeSantis) is popping up more in the news today ... ramping up testing in the biggest retirement enclave; let's just hope it's not to late (4 college students in -I believe - Tallalassee), tested positive today (we'll see how it develops) and FL already has 1171 cases ... spring breakers / tourists may help to explode that (although I sincerely hope not).
The TX Gov. is, as I understand it - is letting the mayors of larger communities (cities) handle the toughest decisions.
If you want to see a difficult situation , read about Louisiana ... .. you suppose another case of too little, too late?
Today, the top states with regard to the absolute number of cases is ..... NY (20,875), NJ (28444), WA (2025), MI (1328), IL (1285), LA (1172, and FL (1171)

Now, since I already acknowledged this post might be a little -- POLITICAL, I offer my comments regarding the daily briefings by the President and other members of the CV task force. A smart "War President" needs to appear like he's fully in charge ... even if he's kicked the tough decisions off to the Governors. There is now speculation that some in the White House would prefer he not go on camera ever day, or maybe not at all .... he insists he must appear(you see if you can determine if that is true/but it undoubtly helped to increase the public's POSITIVE perceptions that he is doing OK managing the crisis). The briefings are helpful; especially - more recently - when officials/experts are called on to explain aspects of the situation. When it moves to the press question/answer phase, I believe it almost approaches gallows humor ... it would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic. Virtually ever time a reporter asks a question, the President begins answering before the person can finish the question. (ya, I know they are out to get him .... but it could reflect a higher level of anxiety). Frequently, the answer ends up as a campaign snippet or an attack on an individual (even a snide remark about Mitt Romney), or the "press." Today's briefing was no different, he attacked the press, and even badgered Dr. Birx to comment on whether the seats in the press room would ever again will be filled completely with people he alleges are Trump-haters who are very unfair to him(she ducked it nicely). If you are the type of person who is interested in how body posture can reveal how a person thinks/feels (e.g., during conversation a person's arms crosssed in front of him/her usually is interpreted as a defensive posture), watch Trunp's behavior as it changes during the press briefing. He enters, usually pllaces both hands on the side of the podium and reads prepared remarks. Then, question/answer period begins and many of the early questions from the press are directed to members of the task force who are present (DJT standing to the left of the podium with arms at side). Toward the end, most questionns go directly to Trump, and I submit .... as he gets either more angry or anxious about the questions being posed, he does something interesting ... he spreads his hands directly in front of him like he is about to clap; however he never brings his hands together. How far apart his hands go and how fast he moves them mioght be be an accurate indicator of how angry or anxious the question made him feel. We al have idiocyncratic behaviors we are not aware of, yet they tell others how we may feel.
Finally, Trump has indicated today he may open up the economy .. interpreted as sending some/all back to work. How ironic .... 1st Trump shoves the tough cdecisions off on the governors, then he says I'll take over. Health experts are liable to quickly warn him that is a poor decision and - i would submit - the covid-19 virus would quickly(relatively) shut it back down. Note: as many of you probably noticed Dr. Fauci didn't attend todays briefing; let's hope he's there tomorrow.
Sorry for the length ... been at it since 4pm ... choose my words carefully!
Alright, pile on folks, pile on
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If oakseeds didn’t notice. One of the most antI Trump Governors and Governor of the epicenter , Andrew Cuomo of NY stated exactly the same things as the president today about bringing the economy back online
Won’t pile on but I watch them almost everyday. I didn’t get that he wanted to abandon social distancing completely. There finding people who have had it are better and can go back to work. Makes sense to me.

I didn’t get that everywhere was going to be turned back on just where it makes sense. I got from it that he wasn’t going to dictate to governors or mayors how they handle their unique situations because everywhere in the country isn’t the same.

I see the reporters differently also. Some of them ask the same question 4 different ways and ask what he’s already answered. I literately speak to the TV “he already answered that idiot”

not that you’re wrong, just that I guess people see things differently. I missed Cuomo’s briefing today but have been watching his also. Can’t stand the guy because he and I agree on just about nothing. But I’ll give him credit, he seems to be handling those briefings well and seems to be doing what he needs to for his location.
Nice to see the death rate is to date much lower than originally forecasted. Originally around 3.4 and so far 1.2. South Korea the most dependable of the countries who have experienced this is at .7%.

Let's hope we can keep the death rate to .7 and flatten the curve.
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