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I feel they failed to consider doctors in the field who have worked with related diseases for years.
Agree wholeheartedly!
As another retired veterinarian who dealt with coronavirus infections in cattle, swine, dogs, cats, for 40 yrs...and we had effective vaccines for most of those since the 1980s...there was a LOT about the 'response' and "The Science" that TPTB pushed, that made absolutely no sense to me.

Someone earlier in this thread suggested that the veterinary ivermectin products were, essentially, 'dirty', and not safe for human use. Not true! Veterinary pharmaceuticals are subject to the same FDA regulations as their human counterparts, and are often produced on the same lines.
I don't know that I'd take the 'pour-on' formulations orally, or expect them to be effective if applied topically, but I have taken injectable Ivomec cattle dewormer, orally, on numerous occasions - and used it on my own kids when they brought pinworms home from school...and will not hesitate to dose myself if I catch the WuFlu.

I'd even considered just getting a dose of CalfGuard (attenuated live bovine rota/coronavirus vaccine) and taking it intranasally.
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Agree wholeheartedly!
As another retired veterinarian who dealt with coronavirus infections in cattle, swine, dogs, cats, for 40 yrs...and we had effective vaccines for most of those since the 1980s...there was a LOT about the 'response' and "The Science" that TPTB pushed, that made absolutely no sense to me.

Someone earlier in this thread suggested that the veterinary ivermectin products were, essentially, 'dirty', and not safe for human use. Not true! Veterinary pharmaceuticals are subject to the same FDA regulations as their human counterparts, and are often produced on the same lines.
I don't know that I'd take the 'pour-on' formulations orally, or expect them to be effective if applied topically, but I have taken injectable Ivomec cattle dewormer, orally, on numerous occasions - and used it on my own kids when they brought pinworms home from school...and will not hesitate to dose myself if I catch the WuFlu.

I'd even considered just getting a dose of CalfGuard (attenuated live bovine rota/coronavirus vaccine) and taking it intranasally.

I have thought about that same use of Calf Guard.

There are numerous reports on this rural community of people using topical ivermectin and recovering. Who knows if it was the cause of recovery or not. It has been used.

I do somewhat question your comments on corona vaccine. They seemed to help, but cattle corona seemed to mutate to different strains and disease types. Perhaps from GI to respiratory, I say perhaps.

It is interesting that my daughter is recovering and said she had diarrhea. I laughed and said it reminded me of things in calves.

My wife and I recovered from the first bout.

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So of you all that has had the Corona already, has any of you gotten it 2 times? If so, was the second time milder? Just wondering if you had gotten one strain of the virus, will the immunity protect you from other strains, or just the same strain?

I don’t care about what the media, or government, or Dr Fuchs is telling you, I want to know you personally.
So of you all that has had the Corona already, has any of you gotten it 2 times? If so, was the second time milder? Just wondering if you had gotten one strain of the virus, will the immunity protect you from other strains, or just the same strain?

I don’t care about what the media, or government, or Dr Fuchs is telling you, I want to know you personally.
I work with a guy that has had it twice and he was vaccinated in between. He had the same symptoms and duration both times. They were 9 months apart.

I got sick in July of 2020 from something. That knocked me on my ass. Wife and kids got sick too. We got tested and all negative corona. Fast forward to Feb 2021. Wife gets vaccinated with Pfizer and get sicker then hell from it. Fast forward again to Sept 2021. Wife and kid test positive for corona so we just assume I have it (lost taste and smell and tired). Vaccinated wife is sicker then hell and borderline hospitalization. Me 41 years old, unvaccinated, high blood pressure, farmer lungs, asthma, and I kinda breezed right through delta. Stayed home two days and then back to the field to harvest soybeans. Wife was down for about 10 days. Fast forward again to 2 weeks before Christmas. I got sick again. This time they tested me 2 times. Once in triage, then again in the ER. Negative again both times. Dr said it was exacerbated asthma. Felt the same as the July 2020 time. Those two times produced 3 negative test.

I have been in the same vehicle with infected corona people multiple times. A few when it was just corona, a few when it was Delta, and now again when its Omicron. Out of the 3 times being sick since corona started the least sick I was when the wife brought home Delta. I think a person can multiple positive test, but I dont think a person can have corona twice. The doc I saw in the ER for the asthma attack told me you cant get it twice. That McCollugh doc on the Rogan podcast said you cant get it twice. So much information out there its impossible to know the truth. I can think of 10+ times off the top of my head I have been exposed and only had it once. To me natural immunity is the best. Get your Vitamin C, D and Zinc. Too bad we cant get HQ and Ivermectin readily available. Those 5 things would have plummeted the death toll of this thing. Instead the pharmaceutical industrial complex is dead set on poisoning and killing us for profit.
So of you all that has had the Corona already, has any of you gotten it 2 times? If so, was the second time milder? Just wondering if you had gotten one strain of the virus, will the immunity protect you from other strains, or just the same strain?

I don’t care about what the media, or government, or Dr Fuchs is telling you, I want to know you personally.
According to Dr Peter McCullough you can't get it twice. At least that's what I understood. Watch the podcast with Joe Rogan again and he goes into why. The tests do not seem to be that reliable IMHO.
> The central condition for mass formation to occur is a lack of societal bonding. In other words, social isolation on a mass scale, which is precisely what the lockdowns were all about. But even before the pandemic, social isolation was at a historical high.

> The second condition is that a majority of people must experience life as meaningless and purposeless.

> The third condition is widespread free-floating anxiety and free-floating discontent. This refers to discontent and anxiety that have no apparent or distinct causes

> The fourth condition is free-floating frustration and aggression, which tends to naturally follow the previous three. Here, again, the frustration and aggression have no discernible cause

> Once these four conditions are widespread, mass formation can occur, which allows for totalitarianism to rise and thrive. A key strategy to break mass formation and prevent totalitarianism is for dissenters to join together as one large group, thereby giving fence-sitters who are not yet fully hypnotized an alternative to going along with the totalitarians. Another is to loudly speak out against the totalitarian regime, as this is how atrocities are limited.

Let the memes fly boys. We gotta pull them back one by one, neighbor by neighbor.
The best cure for those 4 things is to have a strong spiritual foundation and belief in God. Have a strong bond with brothers and sisters of your church. If more people lived this way, the bureaucrats would have little power over us...Kinda like how the Founding Fathers lived.

I got sick in July of 2020 from something. That knocked me on my ass. Wife and kids got sick too. We got tested and all negative corona. Fast forward to Feb 2021. Wife gets vaccinated with Pfizer and get sicker then hell from it. Fast forward again to Sept 2021. Wife and kid test positive for corona so we just assume I have it (lost taste and smell and tired). Vaccinated wife is sicker then hell and borderline hospitalization. Me 41 years old, unvaccinated, high blood pressure, farmer lungs, asthma, and I kinda breezed right through delta. Stayed home two days and then back to the field to harvest soybeans. Wife was down for about 10 days. Fast forward again to 2 weeks before Christmas. I got sick again. This time they tested me 2 times. Once in triage, then again in the ER. Negative again both times. Dr said it was exacerbated asthma. Felt the same as the July 2020 time. Those two times produced 3 negative test.

I have been in the same vehicle with infected corona people multiple times. A few when it was just corona, a few when it was Delta, and now again when its Omicron. Out of the 3 times being sick since corona started the least sick I was when the wife brought home Delta. I think a person can multiple positive test, but I dont think a person can have corona twice. The doc I saw in the ER for the asthma attack told me you cant get it twice. That McCollugh doc on the Rogan podcast said you cant get it twice. So much information out there its impossible to know the truth. I can think of 10+ times off the top of my head I have been exposed and only had it once. To me natural immunity is the best. Get your Vitamin C, D and Zinc. Too bad we cant get HQ and Ivermectin readily available. Those 5 things would have plummeted the death toll of this thing. Instead the pharmaceutical industrial complex is dead set on poisoning and killing us for profit.
My wife works in a smaller hospital. She is charge of testing all the patients and staff. She has had multiple people have corona twice. They have been the original covid 19 and now either the Delta or omicron. They don't test the strains but they are almost all mild now so I would say omicron. Another interesting thing is that she noticed people that had symptoms testing negative with the rapid test that seems like they should have been positive. She contacted the infectious disease Dr. He swabbed the negative test subjects in their throat instead of the nose and they both tested positive instantly. So it seems the rapid tests are not working properly on the omicron like they did previously. One can test negative and think they are fine and then go on to work or whatever and be spreading the virus. It seems like the test are a good 3 days to late with their results. I believe theses are the same test that Biden says will be available for everyone in America to have shipped right to their homes by mid January.
My wife works in a smaller hospital. She is charge of testing all the patients and staff. She has had multiple people have corona twice. They have been the original covid 19 and now either the Delta or omicron. They don't test the strains but they are almost all mild now so I would say omicron. Another interesting thing is that she noticed people that had symptoms testing negative with the rapid test that seems like they should have been positive. She contacted the infectious disease Dr. He swabbed the negative test subjects in their throat instead of the nose and they both tested positive instantly. So it seems the rapid tests are not working properly on the omicron like they did previously. One can test negative and think they are fine and then go on to work or whatever and be spreading the virus. It seems like the test are a good 3 days to late with their results. I believe theses are the same test that Biden says will be available for everyone in America to have shipped right to their homes by mid January.
These people you say that had it 2 times, were they sick 2 times? Or tested positive? I have 0 faith in these Covid tests. I have seen where they take 10 test kits, and dunk them into the same cup of water, 4 out of 10 tested positive for Covid.
Comrade Sotomayor claimed at the SCOTUS hearing today that over 100,000 children are hospitalized with covid and many on ventilators. According to HHS the seven day average is 3,342. Nothing like inflating the numbers by 30x..... Your kid probably has a better chance of being sexually abused by a CNN producer then being hospitalized with the rona. 30 Pinocchio's for comrade Sotomayor.

These people you say that had it 2 times, were they sick 2 times? Or tested positive? I have 0 faith in these Covid tests. I have seen where they take 10 test kits, and dunk them into the same cup of water, 4 out of 10 tested positive for Covid.
I know her co worker that has had it twice tested positive twice and has been sick twice. By sick this time I mean sore throat and headache. Nothing major at all. The virus is spreading like crazy down here but I don't know anyone lately that has had anymore than very mild symptoms. My wife thinks that the omicron viral load is so weak that it is not popping off the test as positive till about 3 days after someone has symptoms. Just her theory that the virus is stronger living in the throat and if someone has a stuffy nose it is somewhat blocking of the virus enough that it isn't showing. She believes that these rapid test are now a waste of time as far as stopping the spread and if they used the pcr test they would be more accurate. When doing the rapid test it isn't black and whie, sometimes it pops instantly with a dark red line. Others will take 10- 15 minutes to show and will show a very weak pink line. Sometimes it is so faint it is hard to tell. Wife says it depends on the viral load.
I am not sure if the Kenerke is still poking in here and reading, but I have a question for him, but I am sure others may know the answer as well.

Since it is pretty obvious that our "vaccination options arent very effective in vaccinating anyone. Are they working on new vaccinations? You would think other better options would have came out since the 3 we have arent preventing you from getting sick. or transfering the virus to others if you have it. To me it seems like it was just a money distribution to 3 large companies. I guess my thought is, if these 3 companies came out with the vaccines we have now in a very short time, now after 3 years, they could refine it and improve them to make them actually work?

Me personally would be more opt to get the vaccine, even in its trial form, if it actually worked like a vaccine. Rather then trying to force, and shove an unproven, ineffective product in me. Luckily I am self employed, and I have no pressure to get this vaccine, but I do know an employer that if this forced mandate goes through, he is closing his doors, and laying off all of his employees. He is also rather high strung, and talkes about the next revolution coming as well. Says if he is going to lose everything he has worked for his entire life, he is fighting for it.
Agree wholeheartedly!
As another retired veterinarian who dealt with coronavirus infections in cattle, swine, dogs, cats, for 40 yrs...and we had effective vaccines for most of those since the 1980s...there was a LOT about the 'response' and "The Science" that TPTB pushed, that made absolutely no sense to me.

Someone earlier in this thread suggested that the veterinary ivermectin products were, essentially, 'dirty', and not safe for human use. Not true! Veterinary pharmaceuticals are subject to the same FDA regulations as their human counterparts, and are often produced on the same lines.
I don't know that I'd take the 'pour-on' formulations orally, or expect them to be effective if applied topically, but I have taken injectable Ivomec cattle dewormer, orally, on numerous occasions - and used it on my own kids when they brought pinworms home from school...and will not hesitate to dose myself if I catch the WuFlu.

I'd even considered just getting a dose of CalfGuard (attenuated live bovine rota/coronavirus vaccine) and taking it intranasally.
I have actually been taking the vet ivermectin. Not gonna lie, not 100% not worried about it, but everything ive seen says its safe. Is it working? Seems to be maybe. Hard to say with all the other shit im on. Hopefully ill be off the o2 soon...

And as far as getting it twice, according to the dr. At the hospital i was in yes you can get it multiple times. But the subsequent times should be much less stressful. Kinda seems lime natural immunity?
I am not sure if the Kenerke is still poking in here and reading, but I have a question for him, but I am sure others may know the answer as well.

Since it is pretty obvious that our "vaccination options arent very effective in vaccinating anyone. Are they working on new vaccinations? You would think other better options would have came out since the 3 we have arent preventing you from getting sick. or transfering the virus to others if you have it. To me it seems like it was just a money distribution to 3 large companies. I guess my thought is, if these 3 companies came out with the vaccines we have now in a very short time, now after 3 years, they could refine it and improve them to make them actually work?

Me personally would be more opt to get the vaccine, even in its trial form, if it actually worked like a vaccine. Rather then trying to force, and shove an unproven, ineffective product in me. Luckily I am self employed, and I have no pressure to get this vaccine, but I do know an employer that if this forced mandate goes through, he is closing his doors, and laying off all of his employees. He is also rather high strung, and talkes about the next revolution coming as well. Says if he is going to lose everything he has worked for his entire life, he is fighting for it.
Welcome to socialism. They dont care that the vax doesnt work. They get paid either way. Why spend the money to fix it or come up with a workable one when the government continues to pay a premium for the ones that arent working?
Yep. I've heard there won't be any better vax anytime soon. They have too many doses of these jabs already committed and not enough arms yet.
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