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but how do you watch what is going on and assume the jabs will ever be 3 and then done?
Bingo. Israel is already on the 4th round. There are new vaccines in the pipeline, probably be in arms by spring or summer. Covid is going nowhere. There will be at least annual boosters "recommended" for the foreseeable future. We haven't been able to stop influenza, what makes anyone think we'll stop the 'vid?
I think I can see a light at the end of the tunnel when we can finally put the response and constant conversation about Covid behind us.

One way or another, we are all going to get immunized, my guess is within the next 12 months or so. One way to get immunized is stop at the local pharmacy and get poked – do this three times and done. The other way is to contract Covid the natural way, through infection. Assuming you fully recover, you’ve got natural immunity. Either way, the population becomes more and more resistant. Covid will become just one of many illnesses that can cause illness and death, but it’s incidence will be low. One way or another, we are all going to get immunized, it’s just a question of how.

Just my two cents.
That has been the case from the beginning but too many in power still think they are going to make it go away. Or they pretend they can make it go away while they rake in the cash and power.
Bingo. Israel is already on the 4th round. There are new vaccines in the pipeline, probably be in arms by spring or summer. Covid is going nowhere. There will be at least annual boosters "recommended" for the foreseeable future. We haven't been able to stop influenza, what makes anyone think we'll stop the 'vid?
Now that its been released artificially on us it will never be stopped. Thats why imo it needs to be controlled by early treatment.
Faux news has this story about Covid hospitalizations in New York..... apparently people are coming in for "other" aliments, but then testing positive and being included in the overwhelming case counts. Liars are gonna lie when there are billions in cash at stake. Big pharma got their govt puppets to buy the outcome they wanted. The test are a clown show.

Not to be be argumentative, but how do you watch what is going on and assume the jabs will ever be 3 and then done? I see it as always needing another booster, another variation, another pill , whatever. The way it is being done now thos will never end.
Having lived through it now, my opinion is the only way to ever fully "control" thos is for hospitals, and drs to start early treatment protocols. Squash it early and save lives.

Yeah... you're right, additional jabs or pills will probably be needed going forward.

Were we differ is on when and how to control the threat of infection. I suggest we do it as you mention, early on with additional jabs or pills rather than showing up a hospital or doctors office already in dire shape. You've been there, so you know better than most what level of care you expected. Imagine if all your neighbors needed the same level of care as you did at the same time. My point is, prevention would be easier on your body - and the health care system - than treatment after you're infected. I'm glad you're recovering nicely, but I can tell it was no fun... be well.

Do you know what the death rate from myocarditis is after 5 years?? I have read multiple sources that say 50% mortality within 5 years. Why do you think so many people young people are dropping dead post "vaccine"?? European soccer players seem to be dying weekly. Young healthy strong guys. My uncle took his fcking booster, instantly had cardio issues and dropped dead 8 days later. There is no way in hell that any male under 40 years old should take this dog shit "vaccine." This thing isnt safe by any stretch of the imagination....

Yeah... you're right, additional jabs or pills will probably be needed going forward.

Were we differ is on when and how to control the threat of infection. I suggest we do it as you mention, early on with additional jabs or pills rather than showing up a hospital or doctors office already in dire shape. You've been there, so you know better than most what level of care you expected. Imagine if all your neighbors needed the same level of care as you did at the same time. My point is, prevention would be easier on your body - and the health care system - than treatment after you're infected. I'm glad you're recovering nicely, but I can tell it was no fun... be well.
Imagine if the drs were allowed to prescrive iver or hydroxy at the earliest onset? The number of lives that could be saved. Thats the early treatment im talking about.
Much like influenza or sinus infections. Around here you callyour dr, tell them what you got and they call in a script for a zpac, boom done, 3 days your all better. Covid could be the same way, but the powers that be cant stand the thought of stopping the money train.
I hope you're right. One way or another, this too will pass.
Looks like the jab will make you more susceptible to future variants coming down the pipeline. Everything is going according to plan. We'll find out in 75 years if the pfizer jab was safe to take now. Makes perfect sense to me. How are there still people that think you can trust ANYTHING the government does or says? Joe Biden is a puppet that is being kept in the dark by his own staff and thinks he's doing a great job and keeps spewing endless amounts of fictional bullshit on an almost daily basis. Nothing short of ridiculous in my opinion.
Faux news has this story about Covid hospitalizations in New York..... apparently people are coming in for "other" aliments, but then testing positive and being included in the overwhelming case counts. Liars are gonna lie when there are billions in cash at stake. Big pharma got their govt puppets to buy the outcome they wanted. The test are a clown show.

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I don't weigh in here much anymore, honestly I don't look at this thread much at all, but I think you're missing the big picture here.

The story isn't that half of hospital COVID cases weren't admitted for COVID. It's that NYS is breaking numbers down into those admitted for COVID and those that tested positive for COVID while admitted for other things. That didn't use to be an issue pre-omicron, because most folks with COVID in the hospital were there because of it. But now, given that everyone and their brother is coming down with omicron, the same can't be said.

So, this is a case of NYS doing exactly what many on here have been asking for, in the name of transparency. And we still get lambasted. This is why I've opted out of this thread.
I don't weigh in here much anymore, honestly I don't look at this thread much at all, but I think you're missing the big picture here.

The story isn't that half of hospital COVID cases weren't admitted for COVID. It's that NYS is breaking numbers down into those admitted for COVID and those that tested positive for COVID while admitted for other things. That didn't use to be an issue pre-omicron, because most folks with COVID in the hospital were there because of it. But now, given that everyone and their brother is coming down with omicron, the same can't be said.

So, this is a case of NYS doing exactly what many on here have been asking for, in the name of transparency. And we still get lambasted. This is why I've opted out of this thread.
I understand why you don't see a need to participate in this thread. There seems to be no room for rational discussion, pro or con. I have appreciated your and the other health care workers' occasional inputs. It would be great if both sides of this situation could be discussed without all the personal attacks and hyperbolic statements, but I don't think that's possible right now.
Leaders of the free world are saying things like what was posted in #6,195. Our leader is no different. Makes me think the days of civility are gone forever.
Leaders of the free world are saying things like what was posted in #6,195. Our leader is no different. Makes me think the days of civility are gone forever.
valid point
I don't weigh in here much anymore, honestly I don't look at this thread much at all, but I think you're missing the big picture here.

The story isn't that half of hospital COVID cases weren't admitted for COVID. It's that NYS is breaking numbers down into those admitted for COVID and those that tested positive for COVID while admitted for other things. That didn't use to be an issue pre-omicron, because most folks with COVID in the hospital were there because of it. But now, given that everyone and their brother is coming down with omicron, the same can't be said.

So, this is a case of NYS doing exactly what many on here have been asking for, in the name of transparency. And we still get lambasted. This is why I've opted out of this thread.
I think that is the first sensible thing this governor has done.
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