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Leaders of the free world are saying things like what was posted in #6,195. Our leader is no different. Makes me think the days of civility are gone forever.
everything is racist. Does Canada even have minorities? Aren’t minorities among the lowest vaxed? That quote can’t be real.
I don't weigh in here much anymore, honestly I don't look at this thread much at all, but I think you're missing the big picture here.

The story isn't that half of hospital COVID cases weren't admitted for COVID. It's that NYS is breaking numbers down into those admitted for COVID and those that tested positive for COVID while admitted for other things. That didn't use to be an issue pre-omicron, because most folks with COVID in the hospital were there because of it. But now, given that everyone and their brother is coming down with omicron, the same can't be said.

So, this is a case of NYS doing exactly what many on here have been asking for, in the name of transparency. And we still get lambasted. This is why I've opted out of this thread.

This is what about the 10th time you have opted out of this thread???? Stay here and educated a dumb country bumpkin like me.

We can ALL agree that more transparency is a good thing. The entire corona ordeal has been anything but transparent. What me and millions of other people are looking for is "vaccine" transparency, treatment transparency, government agency transparency, and test that are actually reliable. We dont need to be FORCED or fired to take an experimental dogshit "vaccine" that does absolutely NOTHING to reduce transmission by companies that want their data hidden for 75 years. We need transparency when goal post movers (liars=Pcoonfraud) and the mainstream media tell us tell us that 90+% of those hospitalized are unvaccinated. We need transparency for the goal post movers to admit that there are thousands of "vaccinated" people dying and being hospitalized with corona cause their God, the vaccine failed them. This shit "vaccine" is seriously injuring or killing lots of people. I want medical transparency to decide with my doctor which course of treatment is best for me and my family. Hydroxychlorquine was widely used for decades and listed as an essential medicine by the WHO, but once corona started it was deemed dangerous and the supply confiscated by Fauxi. Sure thing.......

Why dont they give everyone that comes to the hospital for a broken leg an STD test, a strep swab, check for flu, or a colonoscopy like they do with corona???? Answer is cause the hospitals are getting paid for positive corona patients. Then the lamestream media parrots can go out and tell everyone how scary it is and how the hospitals are being overwhelmed entirely by the unvaccinated cause of corona. The high cases numbers are EXACTLY the reason why communist politicians and teachers unions have enforced lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine mandates, and distance learning.

Your good buddy Dr Fauxi leading the response in the United States has about 15% of worldwide deaths with 4% of the world's population the last time I ran the math. Too bad they threatened doctors for using medicine that actually worked and coerced them to use "medicine" that will go down in history as a colossal flop. I know there are plenty of people on here that lost loved ones due entirely to a complete lack of transparency the last two years. Some of us have also had loved ones seriously injured or murdered by your beloved vaccine.
I don't weigh in here much anymore, honestly I don't look at this thread much at all, but I think you're missing the big picture here.

The story isn't that half of hospital COVID cases weren't admitted for COVID. It's that NYS is breaking numbers down into those admitted for COVID and those that tested positive for COVID while admitted for other things. That didn't use to be an issue pre-omicron, because most folks with COVID in the hospital were there because of it. But now, given that everyone and their brother is coming down with omicron, the same can't be said.

So, this is a case of NYS doing exactly what many on here have been asking for, in the name of transparency. And we still get lambasted. This is why I've opted out of this thread.
The whole point is that this is how they should have been reporting numbers from the very start. The lambasting is for not doing it all along.

And the same for deaths. Dieing from COVID and dieing with COVID are two entirely different circumstances, and should have been reported as such.
Is it just me or does BIden look 20 years older since last year?
I ran some figures from our local paper. This is for Minnesota as of Nov 28.

Reinfections have been 1.7 %.

Breakthrough infections, after vaccine are 4.3%.

There has to be some error due to inaccuracy of tests.

My understanding is that omnicon has more breakthroughs.

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Good news science!!!! You fired healthcare workers with no symptoms and replaced them with sick people to keep broadcasting the plague. Perhaps if California and AZ weren't getting crushed by an invasion there hospitals wouldn't be overwhelmed.......

Any body know what happened to my body, my choice??? Only seems convenient when we need to murder a fetus.


Here is a question. How many people every year would die of influenza, pneumonia, flu, etc if we treated them the same as covid.
Test positive for influenza? Go home, come back when you're near death and we will maybe give you a Tylenol. The death count would be in the millions every year. But we dont, we treat those all early and effectively.
But with covid they do nothing, then stand back and act surprised when people die.
The longer this goes for me, the more pissed off i get. These crooked mother ****ers are playing money games with people's lives and no one seems to give a shit about it.
After firing tens of thousands of health care workers in NY. Gov. Hoc in her State of the Union address says that her number one priority is to address the health care worker shortage. LOL. Another you can’t make this stuff up credit.
After firing tens of thousands of health care workers in NY. Gov. Hoc in her State of the Union address says that her number one priority is to address the health care worker shortage. LOL. Another you can’t make this stuff up credit.
31,858 in NY
Here is a question. How many people every year would die of influenza, pneumonia, flu, etc if we treated them the same as covid.
Test positive for influenza? Go home, come back when you're near death and we will maybe give you a Tylenol. The death count would be in the millions every year. But we dont, we treat those all early and effectively.
But with covid they do nothing, then stand back and act surprised when people die.
The longer this goes for me, the more pissed off i get. These crooked mother ****ers are playing money games with people's lives and no one seems to give a shit about it.
The government has always had an agenda(several different ones over the years). They have always lied and tried to keep the people in the dark and misinformed. Nothing new at all. THE GOVERNMENT DOESN'T CARE ABOUT THE PEOPLE. Never has and never will.
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CDC Covid Death Camps coming to community near you just got to get the hysteria a little higher before we can implement.
This one was way better than the creepy one they put out through colbert.

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