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When was I typing at you in caps? :emoji_thinking: Was it the "tuna" post?? :emoji_grin:

No, it’s been a while.

And for the record for FarmerDan. I probably wouldn’t have busted stones if it was someone I didn’t virtually know for so long. Bows has busted my stones and I’ve busted his over the years. Somehow we’ve never pissed each other off. :emoji_thumbsup:
I'm only using the above to bounce off of.....

The troubles with numbers are many. They are symbolic. They come on to the page as certainties. But, they are not - certain. Some are better than others. They must be interpreted and everyone has a context bias. It's a mess. Where you get the numbers you write about is troublesome. Some are assumptions derived from thin air. If you rely on media then the numbers might be right, but the media's presentation is mostly wrong. The headlines accompanying what you read or hear or likely phrased to drag you into the discussion - and to generate advertising revenue.

Look, for whatever it's worth, In my more youthful days I worked in (small-time) journalism and broadcasting. I write. I am published. I am a scientist. I read academic journals containing peer reviewed research. I like to think I can spot good science and bad science. I like to think I can separate 'news' with a bias and 'news' that's more balanced. Some of you will read that and think, "What a jackass!" Ok...

I am probably wrong about all of that, human nature being what it is.

I don't always agree with your contributions, but I've learned to give each thoughtful consideration. What I find troubling is some of what I will call bullying of those with different opinions. Most just leave this thread and/or the forum entirely. I've considered it. But, again, I've taken the time to re-evaluate and find all important to my understanding of many of life's events and experiences.

Bottom line for me is this - All the numbers, all the data about COVID we wrestle with are suspect. Call it crap if you wish. I do. I have no reservation about calling a rotten fish a rotten fish. Maybe 25 or 50 or 100 years from now there will be clarity. Maybe. But, we still have individual decisions to make. So, where do we turn for 'good' information to make those decisions. It'll be different for you than for me.

Enough. As we begin 2022 I want to take a moment to thank you, all of you for your posts in this thread. Writing is difficult. A lot of people can't put six words together to make an intelligent sentence. And then, to put five sentences together? You ALL do it well! I'm impressed and appreciative, memes aside.

Wishing each of you all the best under under difficult circumstances! Happy 2022!

Torture the numbers long enough, they tell you what you want them to

I'm surprised it hasn't been censored yet
It is now lol

Dr. Malone invented mRNA technology, he shouldn't be spewing his scientific opinion about anything Covid and must be censored!!!
He lost his Twitter account also :( apparently he was talking freely about science and that shouldn't happen.
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You guys all keeping feed store ivermectin in your stashes?
If you or anyone else needs Dr. prescribed Ivermectin go here, links on the right and throughout the page that will "get you the stuff". It's not just Ivermectin, it is a combination of Steroids and other things called I-MASK, it used to be called MASK+ and the + was the unspoken/censored "I swear word".

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New variant found in France. Here we go again.
I heard Ontario Canada was keeping track of corona hospitalizations according to vaccination status so I looked it up on their Goobermint website. Attached below is the chart from today. I did a little bit of rounding on the calculations. I sure hope "doctor" Pcoonfraud comes back here soon to tell us how the hospitals are being over run by the unvaccinated. Glad to see comrade dipshit was busy blaming the unvaccinated again today from the fake white house. Vaccinated people are the ones spreading this crap like a Colorado arson( I mean climate change) fire. Oh, and another 25 year old soccer player in the prime of his career dropped deader than hell today from a vaccine induced heart attack. Thanks for killing us for profit Bill Gates and Tony Fauci and not letting doctors prescribe drugs that actually work with early treatment like HQ or Ivermectin.

I look forward to this thread everyday some of the stuff on here tickles me. Or at least it’s nice to know not everyone has gone completely mad.

I did not make the post in jest.

As a retired veterinarian who has worked with corona viruses in cattle and calves, I feel out government experts have said somethings that make no sense. Flip flopping and giving advice that is changing. They will say it is because they have ‘learned more’.

I feel they failed to consider doctors in the field who have worked with related diseases for years.

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Elderberry. Just like every flu season. Take high doses as soon as you notice any sign of illness creeping up. In today's COVID environment I've been taking daily as a preventative.

I've made my own tincture from homegrown elderberry and also chokeberry.
Not a bad choice of ingredients. I'm no voodoo, snake-oil guy - but those 2 things are SUPER-LOADED with vitamins, anti-oxidants, minerals, and other natural goodies that are proven good for a variety of ills and prevention. Not miracles - but pretty good things to ingest. Chokeberry is a monster full of good things.
No, it’s been a while.

And for the record for FarmerDan. I probably wouldn’t have busted stones if it was someone I didn’t virtually know for so long. Bows has busted my stones and I’ve busted his over the years. Somehow we’ve never pissed each other off. :emoji_thumbsup:
I don't piss off that easy, Bill. Working in big construction for 40 years on numerous projects - busting stones and getting them busted is a daily occurrence. Anger and rage just cloud thinking. And they KILL you from the stress.

If you're from Jersey ......... you're a veteran of getting busted. Tough place. Worked there a few times. So kiss my A$$ Bill !!!!!!:emoji_grin::emoji_laughing: :emoji_handshake:
'Fully vaccinated' no longer a designation. You are now up to date, or not.

Color me shocked the goal post moved again.

If I'm reading between the lines correctly, I also believe this marks the transition from a one time experiment to end a pandemic, to permanent mandatory subscription to receive short allowances of freedom. I may be jumping the gun here by 3-6 weeks. But really, who sees this crowd letting up?
I heard Ontario Canada was keeping track of corona hospitalizations according to vaccination status so I looked it up on their Goobermint website. Attached below is the chart from today. I did a little bit of rounding on the calculations. I sure hope "doctor" Pcoonfraud comes back here soon to tell us how the hospitals are being over run by the unvaccinated. Glad to see comrade dipshit was busy blaming the unvaccinated again today from the fake white house. Vaccinated people are the ones spreading this crap like a Colorado arson( I mean climate change) fire. Oh, and another 25 year old soccer player in the prime of his career dropped deader than hell today from a vaccine induced heart attack. Thanks for killing us for profit Bill Gates and Tony Fauci and not letting doctors prescribe drugs that actually work with early treatment like HQ or Ivermectin.

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I know this is a place to vent about this and I enjoy the memes because this is a bit blown out of proportion IMHO. But I still think its important to analyze the data properly instead of trying to make it fit a narrative. Yes the hospitals may not be overrun with unvaccinated in Ontario, but that's because 91% of the population is vaccinated.

The information from Ontario also actually supports the case for vaccination. Only 9% of the population in Ontario are unvaccinated, versus 88% fully vaccinated and 3% is partially vaccinated. If the vaccine did nothing, the percentage hospitalizations should be similar to these percentages but instead the unvaccinated make up 29.3% of the population in the hospital.

Also, this other graph below is from the same site and is important as well. The percent of unvaccinated in the ICU is 52%, which demonstrates the vaccine helps reduce the severity of COVID infection. Meaning, 9% of the population makes up over 50% of the severe cases in Ontario. So the vaccine may not stop infection or transmission 100% like everyone wanted, but this data shows it helps fight it when you get it...


Another thing to consider is who is doing the reporting. imo
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