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I know this is a place to vent about this and I enjoy the memes because this is a bit blown out of proportion IMHO. But I still think its important to analyze the data properly instead of trying to make it fit a narrative. Yes the hospitals may not be overrun with unvaccinated in Ontario, but that's because 91% of the population is vaccinated.

The information from Ontario also actually supports the case for vaccination. Only 9% of the population in Ontario are unvaccinated, versus 88% fully vaccinated and 3% is partially vaccinated. If the vaccine did nothing, the percentage hospitalizations should be similar to these percentages but instead the unvaccinated make up 29.3% of the population in the hospital.

Also, this other graph below is from the same site and is important as well. The percent of unvaccinated in the ICU is 52%, which demonstrates the vaccine helps reduce the severity of COVID infection. Meaning, 9% of the population makes up over 50% of the severe cases in Ontario. So the vaccine may not stop infection or transmission 100% like everyone wanted, but this data shows it helps fight it when you get it...

Well said. I was too lazy to crunch the numbers.
And for the record for FarmerDan. I probably wouldn’t have busted stones if it was someone I didn’t virtually know for so long. Bows has busted my stones and I’ve busted his over the years. Somehow we’ve never pissed each other off. :emoji_thumbsup:

Haha! Well played Bill! And while the record is being amended and clarified, my inclusion of your sage observation was intended as a compliment to your humorous and picture-perfect provocative response to Bows! You inspire me to greater considerations!

Sorry. I have trouble including eee-mow-gees to convey emotion.:emoji_nerd:
Another thing to throw in there, which group of people are out working, and spending time in public, and which group are hiding, and afraid to get sick? It isnt quite apple to apples when one group lives a normal life, and the other group is afraid to go to a store, or leave their house.

I am not vaccinated, I have lived my usual life and did my normal activities I would do any other day, at least the ones that havent been closed down.

I have been on a couple cruises to the southern Caribbean, been to Myrtle Beech, Miami 2 times, Phoenix, and I am off to Vegas soon. Some of my vaccinated friends, work from home, have their food delivered, wear a mask anytime they are outside of their homes, and dont invite anyone over to their houses. They are waiting for the virus to leave, before they venture outside. They refuse to meet me, because I am not vaccinated, and they are afraid I will give them the virus, that I dont have, and their vaccine that they push on me, obviously doesnt do anything.

A good friend of mine just stayed 5 days in the hospital for low O2 numbers, fully vaccinated, and boostered. He is an EMT, and a fireman and is in great shape. Another friends wife was in the hospital for the same thing, but unvaccinated. It is scary stuff when it hits you hard. I wish the scientists would be trying to figure out why it hits some people really hard, and others not at all, rather then pushing a vaccine that doesnt vaccinate.

Torture the numbers long enough, they tell you what you want them to

Yes! Agree! Seduction is a much better way to go about it. :emoji_scream:
I know this is a place to vent about this and I enjoy the memes because this is a bit blown out of proportion IMHO. But I still think its important to analyze the data properly instead of trying to make it fit a narrative. Yes the hospitals may not be overrun with unvaccinated in Ontario, but that's because 91% of the population is vaccinated.

The information from Ontario also actually supports the case for vaccination. Only 9% of the population in Ontario are unvaccinated, versus 88% fully vaccinated and 3% is partially vaccinated. If the vaccine did nothing, the percentage hospitalizations should be similar to these percentages but instead the unvaccinated make up 29.3% of the population in the hospital.

Also, this other graph below is from the same site and is important as well. The percent of unvaccinated in the ICU is 52%, which demonstrates the vaccine helps reduce the severity of COVID infection. Meaning, 9% of the population makes up over 50% of the severe cases in Ontario. So the vaccine may not stop infection or transmission 100% like everyone wanted, but this data shows it helps fight it when you get it...

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Its NOT a vaccine by any stretch of the imagination. Its a shot full of some shit developed by a bunch of goal post moving assholes who have been proven wrong OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN. First we were told get two shots and it STOPS transmission. You cant get it EVER after two shots. After two shots failed they said, "take this booster and you will be protected." SHITLOADS of "vaccinated and boosted" people are still dying and being hospitalized. Now there are places going onto the fourth shot in about 1 years time.....

What are the 2, 5, 10, 20 year side effects of the "vaccine"???? Not one SOB on this planet can answer that question. The ****ed up "science" keeps changing and I'm just supposed to blindly follow it??? If you include illegals the population of MN is somewhere over 6 million people. After 2 full years of this shit we have about 10,600 deaths. 90+% of them are people over 60 years old with severe comorbidities. More people under 40 have been killed by homicide then corona in MN, and its not even close. Throw in drug overdose and you get to about 10x.

Also, what is the exposure rate of "vaccinated" v unvaccinated people?? I'm guessing its somewhere between 50-500 times higher for unvaccinated people. I have run across all kinds of Karens that wont leave the basement, wont see their families, etc cause they live in such fear. Normal people understand that the stupid mask doesnt do a fcking thing and no form of govt or lockdowns or any of the other stupid bullshit is gonna stop an airborne bio weapon. Corona needs to run its course and nothing anyone says or does will change that.

When the goalpost keep moving its time to call bullshit.
Not a bad choice of ingredients. I'm no voodoo, snake-oil guy - but those 2 things are SUPER-LOADED with vitamins, anti-oxidants, minerals, and other natural goodies that are proven good for a variety of ills and prevention. Not miracles - but pretty good things to ingest. Chokeberry is a monster full of good things.
I'm no voodoo magic believer either but with all the stuff I do that is no good for my body I figure a little bit of something else can't hurt. Currently out of my homemade stuff, been taking this on/off over the last year.

Tap and everyone else who cares,

I bought this book and have been reading it. Its absolutely ABHORRENT what Fauxi and Bill Gates have done according to this book. I'm about 100 pages in so far. If 1% of the book written by this flaming liberal democrat is true then Fauxi and Gates should be summarily executed for mass murder. For anyone reading this that lost a loved one I implore you to get a copy of this book and start reading. The pharmaceutical industrial complex is totally in control.

Just when I thought it wasn't possible for there to be a more important body of information after all the Rogan interviews with Dr. McCullough, Dr. Malone, Bret Weinstein etc, this one comes along. If you watch any, this should be the one. It pulls together the things that we cannot understand. They brought in an expert in mass formation (this fella dropped the word psychosis). It perfectly aligns the happenings which a logical person, up to this point, couldn't understand.

It's not logical, and it's very dangerous. The absurdity isn't absurdity. It's a gauge of progress on formation of the mass.


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Brandon sounds angry right now. It's like there's nothing more important going on. VP Commie compared 1/6 to 12/7 and 9/11. Shouldn't they be talking about how they plan to fulfill their promise of getting more rona tests to the American people? He's filled with hatred and it's ironic that it's the clearest speech I ever recall him giving.
Just when I thought it wasn't possible for there to be a more important body of information after all the Rogan interviews with Dr. McCullough, Dr. Malone, Bret Weinstein etc, this one comes along. If you watch any, this should be the one. It pulls together the things that we cannot understand. They brought in an expert in mass formation (this fella dropped the word psychosis). It perfectly aligns the happenings which a logical person, up to this point, couldn't understand.

It's not logical, and it's very dangerous. The absurdity isn't absurdity. It's a gauge of progress on formation of the mass.

I went back and checked the popularity of this video. This guy gets about 200 views per video he puts up. The one I've linked to here has been watched 235,000 times in 48 hours. It's an important one.
> The central condition for mass formation to occur is a lack of societal bonding. In other words, social isolation on a mass scale, which is precisely what the lockdowns were all about. But even before the pandemic, social isolation was at a historical high.

> The second condition is that a majority of people must experience life as meaningless and purposeless.

> The third condition is widespread free-floating anxiety and free-floating discontent. This refers to discontent and anxiety that have no apparent or distinct causes

> The fourth condition is free-floating frustration and aggression, which tends to naturally follow the previous three. Here, again, the frustration and aggression have no discernible cause

> Once these four conditions are widespread, mass formation can occur, which allows for totalitarianism to rise and thrive. A key strategy to break mass formation and prevent totalitarianism is for dissenters to join together as one large group, thereby giving fence-sitters who are not yet fully hypnotized an alternative to going along with the totalitarians. Another is to loudly speak out against the totalitarian regime, as this is how atrocities are limited.

Let the memes fly boys. We gotta pull them back one by one, neighbor by neighbor.
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