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What a f*******g idiot..... Way to surrender and deflect blame Brandon!!! I remember when he was gonna "shut the virus down", and when anyone with 200,000+ deaths should resign as president. Joe Empathy from Scranton has been at the upper echelons of the United States govt for 48 of 52 years. The only thing he has ever delivered on is complete and utter failure....

It sounds like this administration is going to do a little more carrot and stick game. You want to fly? Sounds like they are going to require you to have your vaccination card in order to board the plane.

I have a vacation planned in a couple weeks, I am sure they will make it a requirement right before my trip, so I cant cancel, and not get my money back.
It sounds like this administration is going to do a little more carrot and stick game. You want to fly? Sounds like they are going to require you to have your vaccination card in order to board the plane.

I have a vacation planned in a couple weeks, I am sure they will make it a requirement right before my trip, so I cant cancel, and not get my money back.

IMO they should have to refund your money. It wasn’t a requirement when you bought the ticket, they want to change rules they should have to refund. Of course my logic doesn’t mean shit!

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Can anyone think of a federal agency that isn't captured at this point? DOJ, FBI, IRS, DOD, EPA, Supreme Court, Congress, CFTC, DEA, The Fed, Treasury, USDA... We're living the realization that the FDA and CDC have been exposed as captured.

A great and quick read that may help some begin to understand why nothing makes sense, until you realize it makes perfect sense.

High command in MN gave us some additional data. Looks like in one weeks time an additional 73 fully vaccinated people died and 266 more hospitalized to go along with THOUSANDs of cases.....The numbers will keep right on climbing as the narrative falls apart....Also, Dr Fauci.....If my mask works on a plane why do I need to be "vaccinated"????

Today is the day. as of today every employer in NYC is required to have all their employees vaxed. If not vaxed they are required to let them go and post a sign at the business stating they are in compliance. We will see about compliance as Diblasio only has 4 days left but so far the new Mayor doesn’t seem interested in changing the mandate

50% vaccinated will be herd immunity and stop the spread.

70-90 % vaccinated will provide herd immunity and stop the spread.

Two weeks to flatten the curve.

Masks work.

Masks don’t work.

Covid is not seasonal in the USA.

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I have an almost 95 year old neighbor who got her booster about a month ago and now has a pulmonary embolism.

Word is a nursing home put most residents on a baby aspirin per day after the vaccine.

Will we ever know the truth?

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At least NFL players are vaccinated......otherwise a lotta players would miss games..........

I have an almost 95 year old neighbor who got her booster about a month ago and now has a pulmonary embolism.

It seems to me that if the vaccine was going to cause anything, one of the first two shots would have done it. Cause, or coincidence, who can say for sure.
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I know people who have used the cattle product, topically. Not approved for human use at all.
The animal version I agree shouldn't be used for humans, Ivermectin human version that won a Nobel prize in 2015 for it's use in humans has proven to have anti-viral properties as well though. The CDC or FDA, I forget which made the statement that "hospitalizations from the animal version of Ivermectin has increased 5 fold from the pre-Covid baseline" or something similar. I tried looking for the number of people hospitalized in the years before (or now) to see what "5 fold" infers but never found it. I doubt there were many people using the animal version of Ivermectin prior to Covid but cannot find any documentation despite looking, 5 fold increase of 1 person per year is only 5 people and doesn't represent the overblown coverage of media articles yelling fire.

I don't believe much of what is fed to us through the news outlets anymore, if anything I see something that peaks my interest and go digging for the facts around it. I have reverted to digging through clinical trials and studies, preferably peer reviewed publications. Here is one that found "Ivermectin is an inhibitor of the COVID-19 causative virus (SARS-CoV-2) in vitro." and also "Ivermectin is an FDA-approved broad spectrum anti-parasitic agent (Gonzalez Canga et al., 2008) that in recent years we, along with other groups, have shown to have anti-viral activity against a broad range of viruses (Gotz et al., 2016; Lundberg et al., 2013; Tay et al., 2013; Wagstaff et al., 2012) in vitro." if you are interested bud.

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It seems to me that if the vaccine was going to cause anything one of the first two shots would have done it
I am not sure how much you have read up on this stuff, or maybe not interested bud, but if you are look up Maddie De Garay, she was 12 years old and in the the first Pfizer Trial for their vaccine in 2020. Pfizer listed her as "removed from trials for abdominal pain", that is a disingenuous wording for permanently paralyzed from the neck down. Maddie and her parents testified at a Senate hearing if your interested in the truth of the vaccine injuries my friend. Ivermectin has shown it's ability to fight Covid-19 documented here in June of 2020, this was in vitro . There are now over 100 trials and studies showing Ivermectin works, in humans to beat Covid with roughly a dozen already peer-reviewed if you look for them. I can certainly post more links to trials if you would like, I'll leave that up to you.

Like most things these days, the numbers are manipulated and misleading. The CDC first said the numbers of VAERS reports weren't accurate because they are voluntary and not yet investigated, then said they were both, and the numbers accurately represent the very small amount of adverse events. Harvard did a study for the CDC (in 2015?) that stated "Adverse events from vaccines are common but under reported, with less than one percent reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)." I would guess that more than 1% of Covid jab adverse events are being reported, but there is no baseline data for it except this study so who knows what the numbers really are.

It is worth noting that Pfizer paid the single highest Criminal Fine in US history ($2.3 billion) in 2009 for falsifying data submitted to the FDA for 5 drugs it submitted for approval. One of them, Bextra, after denial from the FDA, Pfizer tried to resubmit the same drug under a different name and class knowing the safety data was again falsified. Pfizer also incentivized Dr's and Hosptals to use theses drugs before they were even FDA approved. It was a felony, but of course nobody went to jail (weird?). This is before Pharmasuticals created the Opioid epidemic by monetarily incentivizing doctors and hospitals to over prescribe Opioids, in case anyone thinks pharmaceuticals put peoples health above their wealth. Also noteworthy, Johnson & Johnson paid the 2nd highest criminal fine in US histroy for EXACTLY the same schenanagins in 2013 for falsifying data.

Again I say, I don't believe media or news is in any way factual so I look at lawsuites, studies and trials for the facts. Here is the DOJ fine and surrounding circumstances.

Sorry that ended up long lol
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Troubles, your points are well taken, and disappointing to say the least. Personally, I don’t understand the reluctance to look closer at Ivermectin, and encourage its use if it helps, or at worse, does no harm. I think where we differ is on the credibility of the media and CDC. I just don’t think the media can stage over-crowded hospitals, burnt out nurses, and make up the fact that a larger percent the Covid patients are un-vaccinated as opposed to vaccinated. As you know, my personal feeling is that the Covid vaccine does far more good than harm. But to say of the millions of doses administered, there is never going to be a bad, even fatal, reaction is disingenuous. - just my two cents.
A few things I noticed, Everyone is "SCREAMING" pandemic, but if you look at the numbers, instead of the percentages, it just doesnt SCREAM pandemic.

As I pointed out earlier, my wife works in the largest hospital in the area, from 100 miles north, to 60 miles south, 100 east, and 100 miles west, and they have 4 people in ICU for Covid. The new Doc, PCOONROD, said he works in the largest hospital in Iowa, and said they have 23 people in with Covid in ICU. He thought those numbers were very high, but in my eyes, that isnt a pandemic.

If you look at percentages, you dont take into account that available ICU beds mean available staff to run the beds, and it is an ever changing number. If 1/3 of your staff quit, or got fired for a certain recent mandate, that would also bring your ICU beds down 1/3.

As for this great vaccine they are pushing, my wife, and daughter are sick with the new covid, basically a sore throat and cough because of a tickle in their throats. Both vaccinated to recommendations. Both work in healthcare, and one is a college student. Myself, unvaccinated and totally healthy. I also didnt go into get tested, but I am not sick, so I see no reason to.

So in my household, vaccinated had 2 "breakthrough" cases, and unvaccinated, healthy, no symptoms. So my percentages are vaccinated are 100% of the sick people.

It is time to stop testing, and just go back to, if you are sick, stay home. If you arent sick, get your ass to work! Stop the testing!
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