Troubles, your points are well taken, and disappointing to say the least. Personally, I don’t understand the reluctance to look closer at Ivermectin, and encourage its use if it helps, or at worse, does no harm. I think where we differ is on the credibility of the media and CDC. I just don’t think the media can stage over-crowded hospitals, burnt out nurses, and make up the fact that a larger percent the Covid patients are un-vaccinated as opposed to vaccinated. As you know, my personal feeling is that the Covid vaccine does far more good than harm. But to say of the millions of doses administered, there is never going to be a bad, even fatal, reaction is disingenuous. - just my two cents.
Thank you for your reply Apple Junkie, sometimes I feel like I come off as gruff and people don't want to talk about it, I have an open mind but I have also spent well over a year researching this stuff. I don't get my information from media, I watch the 8+hour FDA vote on the boosters (that's where I found Maddie De Garay), I watched 3 of the 4 day International Covid Summit in Italy, I read trials and studies that cover the globe, I follow countries that have low Covid numbers and research why. I get obsessed with things and seek the truth. I go in with an open mind without bias either way and follow the facts.
I agree with you on much of that bud and I certainly respect your opinion. I definitely agree that with millions of doses given there are bound to be bad reactions and it is expected, but we also expect transparency on all aspects of what we are putting into our bodies. My problem with it is covering up those problems and both the FDA that does the vaccine approvals and CDC who make recommendations (that we need everyone vaccinated) to force everyone to get the jabs aren't transparent with those problems. They ignore the science of herd immunity and also natural immunity completely like it isn't part of the equation. There was a study out of Israel (at the bottom of this book lol) that showed that unvaccinated people that got Covid prior has better immunity than the vaccines provide. Yet they are still forced to get the jabs. I respect anyone's decision to get the jabs, but I also expect people to respect others decision not to, it works both ways or it don't work at all for me at least. mRNA has never been used on humans and I wouldn't call the previous years of using it on animals successfully safe. It was classified with the FDA as "gene therapy" until Covid hit then it is a vaccine. Within 4 months they created a vaccine and after 4 more months of trials they were approved and deployed to the public. The next fastest Vaccine ever made anywhere on Earth prior was the mumps vaccine in the 60's and it took 4 years to create, it took 6 years to test for safety and efficacy so it took 10 years total to create and prove it worked and was safe in humans. Mumps have been around since Jesus walked the Earth so it wasn't a Novel disease and there were many failed attempts at a vaccine prior to that one. Obviously science is more efficient today than the 60's but 8 months isn't even close to the previous minimum of 6 years of safety trials before deployment, and they are leveraging peoples jobs and freedoms over this, NYC is a good example.
Nurses and Dr's have worked through this and were hero's for a year and a half, now, during a deadly pandemic, they force our healthcare folks to take the shot or quit/get fired, then claim Covid is so bad we are short hospital beds? We are short hospital beds in part because, like you said, the healthcare system was already taxed to the max with people burnt out overworked and quitting, and now they want to add to that by firing more, then complain there aren't enough hospital beds which is equivalent to saying we don't have enough staff that you just fired? All this keeps the Emergency status in effect (which is the only way they can force vaccinate), as does the denial that there are things like steroids and Ivermectin that work. Couple that with the complete lack of transparency and sprinkle in the censorship of anyone that speaks the word Ivermectin, and to me it all seems like nothing more than a sales pitch for the vaccines that were made by people that have a long history of putting profits above safety or efficacy.
Conclusions This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity."
Background Reports of waning vaccine-induced immunity against COVID-19 have begun to surface. With that, the comparable long-term protection conferred by previous infection with SARS-CoV-2 remains unclear. Methods We conducted a retrospective observational study comparing three groups...
Gosh that was long, sorry Apple but even with all that I left a lot out lol