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Drive her to a nice FL beach? A bad flu bug can take down a cruise ship anyhow.
I totally agree. There is no benefit. The virus with a 99.7% chance of survival, has a vaccine that is 90-80% successful. So, there is 2 ways of looking at that, 80-90% of the .3% will now have less chance to get sick from it, if they catch it. Or does it take your survival rate of 99.7%, and bring it down to 80-90%? I know, I know, stop asking questions, and get in line like a good little sheep.

The only reason I would take it is to vacation, it was the trade off with my wife for moving upnorth to my hunting land. I would need to take her on a cruise every winter for a couple week get away from the cold.
I get it, happy wife happy life!
Im fortunate, my wife my be more against getting it than me! She is in dentistry, the doctors all got the shot right away and are pushing the staff to get it . The wife is one of the last that keep refusing.
She said the only way she would is if it meant they could take off the masks (they have to wear 2, ) and the glasses and the face sheild. Yeah the dr is making them wear all of it, it looks ridiculous. Funny thing is, before all this if they had a patient known to have hiv it is illegal to treat them differently than anyone else. Makes total sense really....
I totally agree. There is no benefit. The virus with a 99.7% chance of survival, has a vaccine that is 90-80% successful. So, there is 2 ways of looking at that, 80-90% of the .3% will now have less chance to get sick from it, if they catch it. Or does it take your survival rate of 99.7%, and bring it down to 80-90%? I know, I know, stop asking questions, and get in line like a good little sheep.

The only reason I would take it is to vacation, it was the trade off with my wife for moving upnorth to my hunting land. I would need to take her on a cruise every winter for a couple week get away from the cold.
That is one heck of a negotiation
Well the other option was to get a winter house in St Thomas, but financially that isnt possible, unless we win the lottery, and that really isnt possible, since we dont buy lottery tickets.
Don't know if it's true or not, but read today that getting the vaccine will void your life insurance because the vaccine doesn't have full FDA approval. Might want to look into that if you're considering it.
Minnesota had a long lockdown. Wisconsin had just a one month lockdown at the beginning and after that its small businesses reopened.
MN death rate: 0.12% of its population. WI death rate: 0.12% of its population.
Maybe just telling people how to avoid getting infected was just as effective as shutting down a state's small businesses.
Don't know if it's true or not, but read today that getting the vaccine will void your life insurance because the vaccine doesn't have full FDA approval. Might want to look into that if you're considering it.

100% not true.
Minnesota had a long lockdown. Wisconsin had just a one month lockdown at the beginning and after that its small businesses reopened.
MN death rate: 0.12% of its population. WI death rate: 0.12% of its population.
Maybe just telling people how to avoid getting infected was just as effective as shutting down a state's small businesses.
So if's that the official death rate, why would anyone get a vaccine?
If only they had a vaccine......
Looks like places vaccinating people are getting paid about $80 per patient. I don't know if that qualifies as a gravy train or not.
I calculated the Wisconsin and Minnesota death rates by taking those states' departments of health reported COVID death numbers to-date and divided by the estimated population of those states. I have no idea what the mainstream news is reporting. I was first alerted to the fact that closing small businesses made no difference by a small on-line magazine out of Minneapolis, and then checked the math myself to confirm it.

It appears that the current per-capita rate of COVID infections in Minnesota is nearly twice that in Wisconsin. This is just speculation on my part, but if people have been told that government measures will protect them, rather than rely on themselves to avoid infection, then that could explain the difference in how long this epidemic lingers.
So if's that the official death rate, why would anyone get a vaccine?

because if your vaccinated you can’t catch or spread it and you no longer need to wear a mask. Also it lasts a really long time and even protects from the next great hype “THE VARIANT”

Wait, none of that is true.......

The way the lie box is covering the VCU forfeit, I had at first thought the team airplane crashed.
Chummer ... in light of your earlier post indicating your distain for cancer, I thought this brief excerpt from an article might make you smile. Who knows, maybe their Covid 19 vaccine research will ultimately lead to breakthroughs on cancer. we can only hope.

FRANK JORDANS, Associated Press
BERLIN (AP) — The scientist who won the race to deliver the first widely used coronavirus vaccine says people can rest assured the shots are safe, and the technology behind it will soon be used to fight another global scourge — cancer. Ozlem Tureci, who founded the German company BioNTech with her husband Ugur Sahin, was working on a way to harness the body's immune system to tackle tumors when they learned last year of an unknown virus infecting people in China. Over breakfast, the couple decided to apply the technology they'd been researching for two decades to the new threat.
Britain authorized BioNTech's mRNA vaccine for use in December, followed a week later by the United States. Dozens of other countries have followed suit and tens of millions of people worldwide have since received the shot developed together with U.S. pharmaceutical giant Pfizer.

"We have several different cancer vaccines based on mRNA," said Tureci.
Asked when such a therapy might be available, Tureci said "that's very difficult to predict in innovative development. But we expect that within only a couple of years, we will also have our vaccines (against) cancer at a place where we can offer them to people."
Yet the Corona vaccine comes out, and is safe in no time.
Chummer ... in light of your earlier post indicating your distain for cancer, I thought this brief excerpt from an article might make you smile. Who knows, maybe their Covid 19 vaccine research will ultimately lead to breakthroughs on cancer. we can only hope.

FRANK JORDANS, Associated Press
BERLIN (AP) — The scientist who won the race to deliver the first widely used coronavirus vaccine says people can rest assured the shots are safe, and the technology behind it will soon be used to fight another global scourge — cancer. Ozlem Tureci, who founded the German company BioNTech with her husband Ugur Sahin, was working on a way to harness the body's immune system to tackle tumors when they learned last year of an unknown virus infecting people in China. Over breakfast, the couple decided to apply the technology they'd been researching for two decades to the new threat.
Britain authorized BioNTech's mRNA vaccine for use in December, followed a week later by the United States. Dozens of other countries have followed suit and tens of millions of people worldwide have since received the shot developed together with U.S. pharmaceutical giant Pfizer.

"We have several different cancer vaccines based on mRNA," said Tureci.
Asked when such a therapy might be available, Tureci said "that's very difficult to predict in innovative development. But we expect that within only a couple of years, we will also have our vaccines (against) cancer at a place where we can offer them to people."
I hope it will be in the next few years. They are almost there. The jump in the last 10 years dwarfs everything done prior. This articles sums up my point. Once you figure out cancer everything else is easy. They took something they had been working on for 20 years and probably had the Covid vaccine in a couple months when to take out the months for trials.
Complete BS. I had VCU in my bracket and it counts as a loss. I have one of the worst brackets possible, this is just insult to injury.
The Wisconsin state mask mandate ended yesterday, the 20th. Some places near me, like Ace Hardware, had already stopped requiring them.

Of course it wouldn't surprise me if Evers released another one right away.
Washington county yesterday announced they will no longer recognize any mask mandates from the cadaver in the state capitol. They are leaving it up to business owners and the public to decide whether they want to wear a mask or not. Novel idea...
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