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Its only your body if you conform to the lefts agenda.

On the bright side, IF we do everything we are told and dont question anything, ever, maybe, just maybe we will be allowed to have a SMALL 4th of July party. So please guys, dont f this up for the rest of us. Comrade Biden has degreed it, so it will be. WTF
Isn't it ironic that the govt is telling us if, when, and how we can celebrate independence? Oxymoron??
But its for our own good! This hurts them alot more than it hurts us! Just 15 maybe 20 years you know to flatten the curve.
But its for our own good! This hurts them alot more than it hurts us! Just 15 maybe 20 years you know to flatten the curve.
When they continuously lie to us about just about everything including something as clear cut as gender, why would I believe anything they tell me?
These are the same people that place their hand on the Holy Bible and then swear to defend and uphold the US Constitution, and then they immediately do everything in their power to break their oath.
I'm sorry, but these spineless bureaucrats have lost all credibility. It will be a loooong time before they restore trust with me.
I walked into the BMV today with a gaiter around my neck, not over my face and no one said anything.

Getting on a plane tonight with wife and 3 kids to head south for a week or so. Lotta ridiculousness out there, but its passing, and I feel it's woken some people up to what exactly is going on.
Thank God none of the thousands of people pouring across the border have covid---otherwise we might have to start all over again telling the people who matters and who doesn't. In the governments eyes none of us matter. They have proven that several times in the last year alone. Maybe some people will wake up?
I'll give this president the same respect they gave Trump.
which is the same respect you gave obama, which is the same respect they gave bush...

I'd like to think I'm above being petty and hold myself to a higher standard than a baby killing liberal wuss...

But you do you...
which is the same respect you gave obama, which is the same respect they gave bush...

I'd like to think I'm above being petty and hold myself to a higher standard than a baby killing liberal wuss...

But you do you...
Generally id agree with this, but my side didnt steal an election and spend 5 years plus trying to destroy Obama. What they did to Trump is criminal and no ome will be held accountable for it. I didnt respect Obama, but i respect the office and the title. This one didnt earn it and continues to not earn it so...
No back to covid talk!!
I encourage all of the Karen's to read this article. The stupid lockdowns didn't do shit but crush the economy. Florida likely has more old people than any state in the country yet they were nowhere near the top for death, and they have one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country and their kids are in school. Pretty bad when a CNN article is showering praise on someone that isnt an open communist.
How is it that even a straightforward answer is met with criticism and disdain? I'm not sure why I'd even bother, but since you asked directly, here you go. The two most obvious answers are first, the mask mandate and second, more recently, the 6 foot rule, as pertains to schooling.

There was originally uncertainty over whether masks protected against COVID. The guidance was not clear. When the top cheese issued a clear mandate, the country erupted. Lies! Waffling! Communism! Nope, just new facts that caused a change in position to better reflect the science. There are lots of internet rumors out there about various nefarious reasons that motivated the decision, but coincidentally, the mask mandates started soon after the major route of transmission was identified (and other routes were shown to be much less likely). But it seems easier to scream at your computer than to accept that maybe folks were mistaken and owned it.

You may also recall that the CDC is set to recommend 3 feet rather than 6 between kids at school - to help get them back, which is as I read it one of the principle concerns of many on here. If this isn't a "quasi-gov health agency" as you put it admitting they got it wrong, well then I guess we see the world through quite differently tinted glasses.

Alright, your turn to tear apart these simple, direct answers to your questions - low hanging fruit in a ripe orchard - as science is self-correcting by nature, and examples of being wrong on the way to better understanding abound. But I'm sure that your opinion is much more informed.

And thank you for your kind comments on my training and character. I'm sure that our president also appreciates your respect. I think I liked your snarky statements in Russian better. They made me laugh. So does this, but in a despairing way...
I appreciate that we're finally on a level playing field, you and I. Don't despair guy, we're sciencing our way outta this. We just gotta work on the rest of the science that is still inconsistent garbage and set the people free.

I think we're on the same team now. We're glad to have you.
which is the same respect you gave obama, which is the same respect they gave bush...

I'd like to think I'm above being petty and hold myself to a higher standard than a baby killing liberal wuss...

But you do you...
I respect the office but not the man. When Trump was president, the office wasn't even respected.
Anyone who didn't respect Obama was a racist. Couldn't be the fact that he only got elected because of his skin color.
I especially love (hate) how they keep making the covid and the clinical teial a race thing. The people running this shot show are the racists.
Im also sick of hearing about the "heros" working on the "front lines" like they are fighting some kind of war. They are doing their jobs. Big deal, so did I the whole time, so did millions of others. And all the bs about hospitals being overwhelmed too. The hospitals made bank from this crap, they loved it.
Then the whole "new normal" . What a bunch of crap. No reason whatsoever for anyone to change the way they live. If you choose to ,fine. But dont expect me to change my life because you're an unhinged boob afraid of your own shadow. I will live my life thank you.
Being able to live your own life---I sure do like the sound of that.
I know it's crazy but a guy can dream.
I think people who hate the Don are racist. After all he’s not an old white guy, he’s Cheeto. And you can only hate white guys and “not” be racist.

Trust me this is proven science..


Would you happen to know why the great Dr. Fauci flopped so hard on the two mask are better than one??? If we are supposed to follow the science, and Dr. Fauci finally figured out after a year that two mask are better than one why cant he convince Xiden and the rest of high command to wear two mask all the time?? And why did it take him a whole year to figure out that two are better than one?? Some people people inside the Reich cant even figure out how to properly wear one.

I think people who hate the Don are racist. After all he’s not an old white guy, he’s Cheeto. And you can only hate white guys and “not” be racist.

Trust me this is proven science..
There is no proven science! Unless its climate change.....
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