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No one sees a problem with a clinical trial that you are so sure is harmless that you schedule the day off of work because your affraid of side effects?
watching the news this morning, Many European countries are suspending giving out the astrozenica clinical trial as it been killing people, causing dangerous blood clots. The media is sure to point out there is no scientific evidence linking the trial to the clots... lol. There has been no scientific proof of anything about this fakedemic all along, that didnt stop them from repoting every peice of propagada crap as fact. Funny how no one dies of the vaccine ever, it was a preexisting condition. With the trials, they must have had a preexisting condition, propably a hang nail.
Well I’m not all down with Dr. ten penny on all vaccines. If the Ukrainian government would have spent .75 cents on each kid in the orphanage for a polio vaccine my son wouldn’t have walking issues. He got polio at 7 months old in 1999. That shouldn’t have happened.

But the polio vaccine is a dead virus not MR. Na (mRNA)
I’ve said it before, offer me a dead Rona vaccine and I’m in. Mr. Na, count me out.
I'm new to the "vaccines will kill us all" game. My wife got a podcast with tenpenny on it and I don't know much about it. Is she the anti-vac voice? She has my wife sufficiently scared and I'm trying to figure out if it's legit, or if she's just another agenda, albeit on the other side of things, that I need to temper.
watching the news this morning, Many European countries are suspending giving out the astrozenica clinical trial as it been killing people, causing dangerous blood clots. The media is sure to point out there is no scientific evidence linking the trial to the clots... lol. There has been no scientific proof of anything about this fakedemic all along, that didnt stop them from repoting every peice of propagada crap as fact. Funny how no one dies of the vaccine ever, it was a preexisting condition. With the trials, they must have had a preexisting condition, propably a hang nail.
The latest load of crap is the amount of distancing. The 6 feet "science" was based on a study done by a German dentist in the 1800s...yeah, the EIGHTEEN HUNDREDS!
Now, all of a sudden, 3 feet might be good enough.
We are being played.
Or the recommendations are being updated as we learn more. It's interesting how there's a group that doesn't mind admitting when they're wrong - so long as it's supported by EVIDENCE - and a group that will stand by their OPINION, no matter what evidence to the contrary arises. Think really deeply about which group you're in...

I try to be in the first group, but I'm sure that I veer into the second sometimes. It is really easy to take an intractable stance when fueled by righteous indignation or weaponized outrage.

Bill - that sucks about your son. One of my postdoctoral fellows from India lost the use of his legs to polio when he was a kid for a similar reason, but at that time where he lived was like a third world country. We remodeled the lab to make it easier for him to get around on crutches. What happened to your son should have never been.
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Thats exactly what sime of us are talking about. NOTHING they have said or done has been based on anything but opinions and agenda. They had and have no real proof that social distancing and t shirts on your face do anything but make the masses look stupid. They just took every symptom of every sickness known to man, and even included things that are symptoms of being totally healthy and made them symptims of covid. Thet took a "vaccine" that thet themselve said was dangerous, noone should get it, there is no way of knowing what the side effect are, commie harris herself said on many occasions " i will not ever get the trump vaccine". Until They stole an election, now its the safest thing out and everyone MUST get it , if not its certain death.
Its a clinical trial with an efficacy of 90 to 95% to combat a DANGEROUS virus that has a horrifically low survivability rate of only 98+%. Plus they have no idea what the side effects are, plus they refuse to report the 1000s that are dieing after getting it..
So no they arent changing minds based on science, they are hypocrites of the highest degree who believe and know nothing other than they want power and will stip at nothing to get it. The who and the CDC are both included in that.
There is no updating on this distance thing. It’s always been stay 6 ft away or wear a mask. If you can’t maintain 6 ft then wear a mask. So now this 3 ft thing with a mask is what? Nonsense really. Somewhere along the line the EXPERTS came up with wear a mask as long as your breathing. LOL.
Meanwhile in small town USA, Forced shutdowns and mandates for a society that has been practicing distancing their entire lives.
I try to be in the first group, but I'm sure that I veer into the second sometimes. It is really easy to take an intractable stance when fueled by righteous indignation or weaponized outrage.
There is no updating on this distance thing. It’s always been stay 6 ft away or wear a mask. If you can’t maintain 6 ft then wear a mask. So now this 3 ft thing with a mask is what? Nonsense really. Somewhere along the line the EXPERTS came up with wear a mask as long as your breathing. LOL.
I was working on a pool at a local HS yesterday when I heard an announcement , apparently its ok for the kids to sit at the same tables and eat together, WITH MASKS OFF, but its certain death if they were to get up and walk around and talk to people WITH MASKS ON. Its incredible how stupid these people sound and act and that they are to stupid to realize how stupid their stupid rules are.
Meanwhile in small town USA, Forced shutdowns and mandates for a society that has been practicing distancing their entire lives.
The small businesses and restaurants in those small towns are where this deadly pandemic is most likely to spread. Not ever in a Wal-Mart though, that a safe space.
one Walmart store has more customers in a day than these small businesses have in several months. My business doesn't have that much traffic in an entire year!!
Wow, i had no idea you were such a super spreader s.t.
The school my wife teaches at, had 2 kids get sick on a sports team. They shut the sports down, and all students in classrooms need to be no closer then 10 feet from each other. So class sizes now are about 10 students, and back to every other day in school. Because 2 kids tested positive, with no symptoms. But at least the governor has complete control over the state to guide them.
What's next? HAZMAT SUITS?
Or the recommendations are being updated as we learn more. It's interesting how there's a group that doesn't mind admitting when they're wrong - so long as it's supported by EVIDENCE - and a group that will stand by their OPINION, no matter what evidence to the contrary arises. Think really deeply about which group you're in...

I try to be in the first group, but I'm sure that I veer into the second sometimes. It is really easy to take an intractable stance when fueled by righteous indignation or weaponized outrage.

Bill - that sucks about your son. One of my postdoctoral fellows from India lost the use of his legs to polio when he was a kid for a similar reason, but at that time where he lived was like a third world country. We remodeled the lab to make it easier for him to get around on crutches. What happened to your son should have never been.
Also interesting that there is a group that keeps moving the goal posts.
Or the recommendations are being updated as we learn more. It's interesting how there's a group that doesn't mind admitting when they're wrong - so long as it's supported by EVIDENCE - and a group that will stand by their OPINION, no matter what evidence to the contrary arises. Think really deeply about which group you're in...

I try to be in the first group, but I'm sure that I veer into the second sometimes. It is really easy to take an intractable stance when fueled by righteous indignation or weaponized outrage.

Bill - that sucks about your son. One of my postdoctoral fellows from India lost the use of his legs to polio when he was a kid for a similar reason, but at that time where he lived was like a third world country. We remodeled the lab to make it easier for him to get around on crutches. What happened to your son should have never been.
What have you guys ever admitted to being wrong about? And why are you YELLING in all caps? You guys are trying to hold up the AZ vaccine as safe because it hasn't been proven dangerous. What kind of @$$backwards science is that?
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