I live in NJ. I wear a mask everywhere I’m supposed to. Even when visiting family “most of the time.” But I don’t go where people are, unless I have to.
I’ve been on countless planes since April with a mask. that mask hasn’t done jack! It’s got 100,000 miles on it.
The fact that I don’t really like people and stay away from as many as possible has helped.
Also I’m a long time germaphobe, two years ago I would used hand cleaner after picking up a salt shaker in a restaurant. True..long before Covid.
I won’t eat Amish food ever, never would. Why? No electricity, no running water, no hand cleaning on a regular basis because they have to pump water. I don’t eat Amish food.
I keep an eye on everyone in public places because people are dangerous. Did I mention I don’t like people? Unless we know each other, then I’ll give you my shirt.
we don’t need masks or the government. We need common sense. And maybe this is natural selection at its finest.

but if a piece of bacon falls on my floor, I’m eating it. Your floor, not happening
I like staying 6 feet from people I don’t know. I like not having to hug some woman that isn’t my wife.
Damn! I think I like covid. I’m not such a germaphobe after all.
Booner, I’m glad you and your wife are ok.
I’m not a denier. I just think we over did this for the wrong reasons.