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The silver lining in all of this is that dealths from heart disease are way down.
Cancer is still the same. Lost another 40 yo cousin with three kids a couple weeks ago. Imagine if COVID kills 1|10 of what cancer does in a year, we won’t be allowed out of our houses again. Probably the only compliment I will ever give Biden but he is the only politician I have heard talk about taking on cancer. Only because his kid died but it’s a start. Rant over, but f*ck cancer.
I don't care to get solid facts from news agencies or the CDC, any longer. Any reputable sources?
I have been pro mask from the beginning but it is hard to keep the faith. I believe NY has had one of the longest mask mandates and guess what. We have COVID. It slowed down, but as soon as colleges opened up and the weather cooled we have had steady increases. Nothing but a vaccine or herd immunity will stop this thing. Masks may help a little but they are not worth the hoopla the media gives them.
According to Cuomo NY has about a 99% compliance on masks. Cases keep rising. No explanation.
All they'll say is that the cases would rise even more without the masks. They're never wrong. I heard on the radio today that Japan's suicide is killing more than covid is. The cure is worse than the disease. But they'll have an answer for Japan too. Never wrong. Meanwhile they keep getting busted on a daily basis not wearing masks and disobeying their own orders.
I wasn't endorsing the CDC, or any position on wearing masks .... just trying to show where the story originated. :emoji_mask::emoji_thumbsdown::emoji_thumbsup:
Non sick people have absolutely no reason to wear masks. 2020 is no different than any of the other previous years, If you are sick dont go to work, school, church, etc.
The cloth masks and the cheap China-made masks are worthless. Everyone's wearing masks and there are still just as many people getting a cold, flu, bronchitis, etc as any other year.

Two of my family members have spent time in the ICU with covid. Both have previous health problems, but thought they were safe because they wore masks and avoided contact with people not wearing them.
most Of our schools are open with mostly in class learning. A lot of the kids were wearing face shields. Gov. Wolfe just stepped in and said no more face shields. Kids have to wear the useless masks. Go figure.
Seems like a big reason masks don't work is that people leave them in the car. They wear them into the grocery store or other businesses when required. But the mask is left in the car when visiting with their family or neighbor or buddy.
Wife had it, I slept next to her for all 10 days of her quarantine and I tested negative twice. Figure i already had it and didn’t know or won’t ever get it. Don’t see how I could be more exposed than I was last week.

I work in the medical field and can tell you one thing it is killing people and overloading our hospitals locally.
however there is a lot of political handling of it as well which is very sad. It sound like our vaccine will be here in the next two weeks.

I think we did a very poor job or protecting our most vulnerable population and should have worked towards herd immunity during the spring and summer. All of the stay at home orders for the last 10 months allowed us to have a major surge during the worst possible time of the year.

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I live in NJ. I wear a mask everywhere I’m supposed to. Even when visiting family “most of the time.” But I don’t go where people are, unless I have to.

I’ve been on countless planes since April with a mask. that mask hasn’t done jack! It’s got 100,000 miles on it.

The fact that I don’t really like people and stay away from as many as possible has helped.

Also I’m a long time germaphobe, two years ago I would used hand cleaner after picking up a salt shaker in a restaurant. True..long before Covid.

I won’t eat Amish food ever, never would. Why? No electricity, no running water, no hand cleaning on a regular basis because they have to pump water. I don’t eat Amish food.

I keep an eye on everyone in public places because people are dangerous. Did I mention I don’t like people? Unless we know each other, then I’ll give you my shirt.

we don’t need masks or the government. We need common sense. And maybe this is natural selection at its finest. :emoji_scream::emoji_stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::emoji_stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

but if a piece of bacon falls on my floor, I’m eating it. Your floor, not happening

I like staying 6 feet from people I don’t know. I like not having to hug some woman that isn’t my wife.

Damn! I think I like covid. I’m not such a germaphobe after all.

Booner, I’m glad you and your wife are ok.
I’m not a denier. I just think we over did this for the wrong reasons.
Wife had it, I slept next to her for all 10 days of her quarantine and I tested negative twice. Figure i already had it and didn’t know or won’t ever get it. Don’t see how I could be more exposed than I was last week.

I work in the medical field and can tell you one thing it is killing people and overloading our hospitals locally.
however there is a lot of political handling of it as well which is very sad. It sound like our vaccine will be here in the next two weeks.

I think we did a very poor job or protecting our most vulnerable population and should have worked towards herd immunity during the spring and summer. All of the stay at home orders for the last 10 months allowed us to have a major surge during the worst possible time of the year.

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Most people with common sense anyway knew that flattening the curve was just delaying the inevitable Kick the can down the road. If the vaccine is as good as they say and if they are right about Elderly in facilities being first then we should know in about a month if the deaths seem to plummet. So for me Being under 60 and retired so I’m not essential I’ll be in the last group to get the vaccine. But hey, like you say maybe I already had it.
I live in NJ. I wear a mask everywhere I’m supposed to. Even when visiting family “most of the time.” But I don’t go where people are, unless I have to.

I’ve been on countless planes since April with a mask. that mask hasn’t done jack! It’s got 100,000 miles on it.

The fact that I don’t really like people and stay away from as many as possible has helped.

Also I’m a long time germaphobe, two years ago I would use hand cleaner after picking up a salt shaker in a restaurant. True..long before Covid.

I won’t eat Amish food ever, never would. Why? No electricity, no running water, no hand cleaning on a regular basis because they have to pump water. I don’t eat Amish food.

I keep an eye on everyone in public places because people are dangerous. Did I mention I don’t like people? Unless we know each other, then I’ll give you my shirt.

we don’t need masks or the government. We need common sense. And maybe this is natural selection at its finest. :emoji_scream::emoji_stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::emoji_stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

but if a piece of bacon falls on my floor, I’m eating it. Your floor, not happening

I like staying 6 feet from people I don’t know. I like not having to hug some woman that isn’t my wife.

Damn! I think I like covid. I’m not such a germaphobe after all.

Booner, I’m glad you and your wife are ok.
I’m not a denier. I just think we over did this for the wrong reasons.

I’ll admit I don’t like to eat Amish food but I have. not in the last 10 years though. Lol. Possible Amish food could build up your immune system. ?????? NOT. Lots of the local Amish are dealing with the virus now.
I live in NJ. I wear a mask everywhere I’m supposed to. Even when visiting family “most of the time.” But I don’t go where people are, unless I have to.

I’ve been on countless planes since April with a mask. that mask hasn’t done jack! It’s got 100,000 miles on it.

The fact that I don’t really like people and stay away from as many as possible has helped.

Also I’m a long time germaphobe, two years ago I would used hand cleaner after picking up a salt shaker in a restaurant. True..long before Covid.

I won’t eat Amish food ever, never would. Why? No electricity, no running water, no hand cleaning on a regular basis because they have to pump water. I don’t eat Amish food.

I keep an eye on everyone in public places because people are dangerous. Did I mention I don’t like people? Unless we know each other, then I’ll give you my shirt.

we don’t need masks or the government. We need common sense. And maybe this is natural selection at its finest. :emoji_scream::emoji_stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::emoji_stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

but if a piece of bacon falls on my floor, I’m eating it. Your floor, not happening

I like staying 6 feet from people I don’t know. I like not having to hug some woman that isn’t my wife.

Damn! I think I like covid. I’m not such a germaphobe after all.

Booner, I’m glad you and your wife are ok.
I’m not a denier. I just think we over did this for the wrong reasons.

So Bill was social distancing before it was cool.........

You guys still misunderstand the purpose of masks.

It is less about filtering the air you breath in and more about catching the aerosolized particles that fly out of your mouth when talking coughing or sneezing. Most cases are passed on by folks who are infected and do not even know it. That is why they want everyone to wear a mask. So that if you are infected and are not even aware of it,.. you are spreading less aerosolized particles into the air from your mouth,.. that others may breath in.

If you are trying to actually filter the air that you breath,.. then yes you need the N95 or better. This though,.. is not why CDC are suggesting masks.

It is the same thing in the operating room. You wear the mask (not to filter the air you breath in) but so that when you are standing over the patient with his insides exposed and say Scissors you do not cause shit to fly outta your mouth and into the patients organs thereby causing infection. Next time you go in for surgery,.. try suggestion no masks ! LOL

It is not that hard a concept to understand?

What is hard to understand,.. is how this got so politized.
The fact they are trying to force people to do something they dont want to do, is where they all went wrong. Then spreading false hopes to get people to wear them, people started to see that it was more of a control thing then a safety thing.

It is a fast easy moving virus, chances are most everyone will get it, I am in the group that says, lets just get it over with, I want to live my life, and not in fear. Staying stuck in a house, not being able to do anything, living in fear, and are afraid to go outside, unless the government tells me it is safe, isnt living!

My inlaws are close to their 80's, they choose to lock themselves inside, they havent gone anywhere in 9 months. They dont allow family or friends near them. Yet they complain how they miss everyone, and are tired of being stuck inside. They are the vulnerable, if that is what they choose, I respect that. But for me, that isnt living.

I am with Bill, I dont like people. I social distanced before it was cool. I normally have a 6 foot bubble, that I am uncomfortable when others are in it, other then my wife, grand kids, or my pets. I dont like busy areas, I hate malls, shopping, etc.. I mostly pay at the pump at gas stations, in and out of there, and not spending an extra $10 on a pop, and snacks every time.

I am not in denial, I know people are getting sick, but I also think their testing is flawed. How can Covid cases keep rising, but flu cases have been non existent this year? Heart disease has plummeted, why? Is covid attacking the people with heart disease the most? Does the covid test come back positive if you have the flu, and not covid? Or is everyone that has the flu, catch covid?

For me, it boils down to, dont tell me how to live my personal life, yes, I am one of those! Government is not intended to control our personal lives, whether it is for our own good, or not.

Maybe all those Chinese masks get a few droplets of Covid before being delivered to the US, what a way to stick it to the US if they were. Just think, create a virus, then say the only prevention is to wear a mask, then spread the virus, with the mask.
What is hard to understand,.. is how this got so politized.

(Two weeks to slow the spread) we “All” agreed.

after that it became political because they lied, Like the government always does. That’s easy to understand.
Masks mandates are nothing more than a way to keep the richest 1% gaining wealth hand over fist. They are the people that actually make the rules. If you don't see it you are blind!! Masks and lock downs have absolutely nothing to do with keeping people safe and everything to do with the rich getting richer. OPEN YOUR EYES!!!
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