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I havent commented on here for many reasons in a long while ...but Leave it to Ron Paul a senile old goat who can hide his own Easter Eggs to scrape up someone else that couldn't find the Easter Eggs he hid himself... 4:30 mark to the 7:30 mark, wow really - I got beyond those few minutes taken out of my life (which I know I will never get back) but thats all I could take. It amazes me what grown seemingly functional adults on both sides of this mess can dream up for reality. I just blows me away on a daily basis - the world is flat, Santa is real, the virus is a lie, - government doesn't lie - at least not my party... next your all going to tell me the Easter Bunny is a Venezuelan communist infiltrator - working as a Georgian ballot sorter . I used to believe left wing liberals are the most dangerous thing out there in regards to our Constitutional Republic, till now.

Its like a messed up circle - the far left and far right actually touch each other on the opposite ends of the spectrum. Those people on both ends are functionally the same - polar opposites that hate each other but the "SAME". The ever evolving conspiracy theory fun factory and the whole pragmatic far right shift is what destroyed the Republican party and left us with the liberal clown car we are about to ride away on. We have gone from a Ronald Mc Donald failed TV start who has bankrupted every business hes touched, screwing over his investors, belittles and slanders our soldiers and war dead - degrades or wives and daughters, is a corrupt as you can get and spews more untruths - to a Stuttering fool who will take a knee for votes, he'll never make it four years and we will live a different whack job of a reality show life soon after that. The Big D wouldnt let half of us here eat the peanuts out of his three day old bowel movements let alone set foot in one of his resorts - unless you had a hot porn star daughter he could play grab @$$ with. And Biden straight up make me wanna puke.
Sometimes life is simple - much simpler than what normal human beings seem to be able to handle..... maybe this duck that walks and quacks like a duck is just a virus - a virus not much unlike any other apart from globally spreading across every continent but 1 in a very short period of time.... Maybe it will pass in time with a vaccine or without. Some people will die many wont (mostly the wrong people). Some will get rich from this others will board up their bars and restaurants.
The sad part is we had an opportunity - a test run for something worse, which this could easily have been and failed as a Nation, flat out failed as a people. Did a couple remarkable things like the vaccine development. But over all failed. And is in part why a simply hate people in general.
I havent commented on here for many reasons in a long while ...but Leave it to Ron Paul a senile old goat who can hide his own Easter Eggs to scrape up someone else that couldn't find the Easter Eggs he hid himself... 4:30 mark to the 7:30 mark, wow really - I got beyond those few minutes taken out of my life (which I know I will never get back) but thats all I could take. It amazes me what grown seemingly functional adults on both sides of this mess can dream up for reality. I just blows me away on a daily basis - the world is flat, Santa is real, the virus is a lie, - government doesn't lie - at least not my party... next your all going to tell me the Easter Bunny is a Venezuelan communist infiltrator - working as a Georgian ballot sorter . I used to believe left wing liberals are the most dangerous thing out there in regards to our Constitutional Republic, till now.

Its like a messed up circle - the far left and far right actually touch each other on the opposite ends of the spectrum. Those people on both ends are functionally the same - polar opposites that hate each other but the "SAME". The ever evolving conspiracy theory fun factory and the whole pragmatic far right shift is what destroyed the Republican party and left us with the liberal clown car we are about to ride away on. We have gone from a Ronald Mc Donald failed TV start who has bankrupted every business hes touched, screwing over his investors, belittles and slanders our soldiers and war dead - degrades or wives and daughters, is a corrupt as you can get and spews more untruths - to a Stuttering fool who will take a knee for votes, he'll never make it four years and we will live a different whack job of a reality show life soon after that. The Big D wouldnt let half of us here eat the peanuts out of his three day old bowel movements let alone set foot in one of his resorts - unless you had a hot porn star daughter he could play grab @$$ with. And Biden straight up make me wanna puke.
Sometimes life is simple - much simpler than what normal human beings seem to be able to handle..... maybe this duck that walks and quacks like a duck is just a virus - a virus not much unlike any other apart from globally spreading across every continent but 1 in a very short period of time.... Maybe it will pass in time with a vaccine or without. Some people will die many wont (mostly the wrong people). Some will get rich from this others will board up their bars and restaurants.
The sad part is we had an opportunity - a test run for something worse, which this could easily have been and failed as a Nation, flat out failed as a people. Did a couple remarkable things like the vaccine development. But over all failed. And is in part why a simply hate people in general.
“failed as a Nation”. “But overall failed”. You got any better ideas ???? Now‘s the time. Save us all. Lol.
There's days that I'm optimistic, and then there's days that I feel just like you. I spoke to a young woman celebrating her 90th birthday - property owner to my South, who emigrated from Germany - and she told me to, "cleave to the middle, and hold it for all it's worth".

I think she knows a little something something. She was a girl when the Nazis were in power. In her opinion, you can't let the loudmouth extremists decide the direction of our nation. You need to hold firmly and vocally to the center, where you listen to arguments before making up your mind and avoid dogma at all costs. I would like to subscribe to her newsletter.
I cannot compete at this level of scientific debate.
The Erie County executive (Buffalo NY). Just said some of the most scary stuff I’ve heard yet. I understand he’s tired and stressed but, he said it about 4 times so I think he means it. He states that business and “private property” have no rights. The State has the authority to come in to private property anytime there is a “crime“. he has just stated that having a gathering on any private property is subject to “criminal“ behavior. And if the area goes into “red” by The Governors terms then any gathering held in private property. Aka your home would be criminal and the State, either cops or health dept have the right to come into your private home or business and take care of the CRIME. He claims there are no rights entitled to their private property Family gatherings are now a crime. As he stated at least 4 times. Happy Thanksgiving in NY.
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, good luck to those in Oregon also. Same things going on all over. I wonder if we’ll see any NFL on Thursday. Looks too much like a gathering.
I havent commented on here for many reasons in a long while ...but Leave it to Ron Paul a senile old goat who can hide his own Easter Eggs to scrape up someone else that couldn't find the Easter Eggs he hid himself... 4:30 mark to the 7:30 mark, wow really - I got beyond those few minutes taken out of my life (which I know I will never get back) but thats all I could take. It amazes me what grown seemingly functional adults on both sides of this mess can dream up for reality. I just blows me away on a daily basis - the world is flat, Santa is real, the virus is a lie, - government doesn't lie - at least not my party... next your all going to tell me the Easter Bunny is a Venezuelan communist infiltrator - working as a Georgian ballot sorter . I used to believe left wing liberals are the most dangerous thing out there in regards to our Constitutional Republic, till now.

Its like a messed up circle - the far left and far right actually touch each other on the opposite ends of the spectrum. Those people on both ends are functionally the same - polar opposites that hate each other but the "SAME". The ever evolving conspiracy theory fun factory and the whole pragmatic far right shift is what destroyed the Republican party and left us with the liberal clown car we are about to ride away on. We have gone from a Ronald Mc Donald failed TV start who has bankrupted every business hes touched, screwing over his investors, belittles and slanders our soldiers and war dead - degrades or wives and daughters, is a corrupt as you can get and spews more untruths - to a Stuttering fool who will take a knee for votes, he'll never make it four years and we will live a different whack job of a reality show life soon after that. The Big D wouldnt let half of us here eat the peanuts out of his three day old bowel movements let alone set foot in one of his resorts - unless you had a hot porn star daughter he could play grab @$$ with. And Biden straight up make me wanna puke.
Sometimes life is simple - much simpler than what normal human beings seem to be able to handle..... maybe this duck that walks and quacks like a duck is just a virus - a virus not much unlike any other apart from globally spreading across every continent but 1 in a very short period of time.... Maybe it will pass in time with a vaccine or without. Some people will die many wont (mostly the wrong people). Some will get rich from this others will board up their bars and restaurants.
The sad part is we had an opportunity - a test run for something worse, which this could easily have been and failed as a Nation, flat out failed as a people. Did a couple remarkable things like the vaccine development. But over all failed. And is in part why a simply hate people in general.

Time to find that Wolverine Tree Spade,plant a few baby trees and clear your mind

How does not selling alcohol prevent Covid-19? Where's the science there?
You’re catching on. Lol. It doesn’t. Simply put they are trying to push the control of people button as far as they can right now before it’s all over and they can’t. Or as they say make hay while the sun shines.
I agree, some of the rules are just ludicrous. How does banning alcohol sales for one night impact COVID? That's a head scratcher.

I'd be willing to listen if somebody presented a cogent argument describing the presumed impact of the rule, but...

The problem is, I'm having a hard time figuring out why politicians would issue arbitrary rules. It doesn't increase their power or fan base. Is it simply fear causing them to make crazy decisions? It is certainly a polarizing position, and without provocation that's a silly stance to take. It drives us apart as a nation.

You've all heard me argue about listening to the science. Now I'm agreeing with "the opposition". This is not evidence-based decision making.
If you ever watch Wolf speak, he always has that deer in the headlights look. Simply they have no clue so they feel they have to do something. Right or wrong just do something. It’s destroying us. And it’s not just us, it’s worldwide Wolf’s sidekick Lavine says that the night before Thanksgiving is the biggest drinking day of the year so they want to limit congregating. who Ever heard of this before????? Stretching things a bit I’d say.
Yep. I had no idea the Wednesday prior to Thanksgiving was such a binge worthy day, or I'd have been partaking. Oh wait, probably not. Thanksgiving itself is the second best opportunity to score after opening day.
Pretty sure I have it now. Lungs feel real tight the past couple days.
Pretty sure I have it now. Lungs feel real tight the past couple days.
Take care of yourself. I've know people who got over it in a day... and people who didn't. Keep us posted on how it's going.

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Thanks Cat. Certainly nothing bad, but a feeling I've never had. Kristin has had normal cold symptoms for a couple days, and she actually made some calls today about getting herself tested, but it seemed like jumping through fire. She panics by nature. My niece, almost a year old and who I've only met once, got tested today. She's been running a fever. Goes to daycare everyday. My bubble is pretty small. Haven't done any socializing. Been preaching to my bubble for months to stay on the cardio. I take my hat off for a while every day to get my free vitamin D. No worries.
I would bet money that one way or another biden will not finish his term.
You think...
If Vegas had odds. And they may. The ROI would be negative.

it’s shameful what people in his own party and family did to this guy.

I hope my families hate never puts me in a position like this guy finds himself.
Pretty sure I have it now. Lungs feel real tight the past couple days.

hang in there. 99.Something chances you’re good. My step mother with cancer got it. She’s good. My grandsons other grandmother had it. 300lbs, and it was a cold.
Everyone I know who got it, and “didn’t” live in a nursing home, lived.

Being sick sucks but I’m diagnosing you as good!
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