I look at masks with common sense. What masks are you using?How is it being worn? What are you trying to keep out/in from the mask? If the particles you are trying to keep out are smaller then the filtering capabilities of the mask, then the mask is doing much.
I have explained it like this to a friend that helped me spray paint my garage. I wore an N95 mask, he wore a regular cheap mask. His nostrils were full of paint, and all around where the mask makes contact with his face. My nostrils wearing the N95 mask, was still full of paint, but not as bad. Now paint particles are much bigger then the particles that spread the virus. Sure the wearing a cheap mask, or face covering probably helped a little compared to not wearing any mask, and wearing a N95 mask help even more over wearing a regular mask in keeping paint particles out. Lets make up some percentages, say no mask is 0% filtered, a cheap mask is 25% filtered, and a N95 mask if 75% filtered, if you are in contact with the Covid virus, and it is airborn, you are still very likely to get it, wearing a mask, as wearing no mask. I would rather just get it, rather then walk around with a half a bra on my face. Or look like one of them sheep that drive around with it on their face, or hanging from their ears, while they zig and zag doing 90 in a 45 on the highway. I mean, hell, those people are more likely to get in a car accident, or die from roadrage, then catching it while in the car themselves driving down the highway. Yet those are the people that say I am careless!