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It's whack-a-do scientism like this that makes me keep challenging consensus. This is worse than the sugar vs saturated fat science scandal.

The Babylon bee is a satirical organization. They’re not real stories.

Now, that doesn’t mean they don’t hit the mail on the head with their comedic commentary dang near every time.

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This one is also from a questionable source, but let's run with it.

Japan losing 3.6 more people to suicide than the rona. That's based on the increase since the lockdown, not the total number.

Giant disaster, or working as planned?

I guess the path forward will tell us.

Feel pretty good. No other symptoms of anything besides the "tight lungs", which are somewhat better than Wed/Thur - maybe 25% better. My blood pressure was a tick high this morning, so I hope I'm not misdiagnosing a heart attack as covid. Need to focus for a few days and get the diet back where it needs to be. Maybe it's just blood pressure and stress, although I think covid makes sense. My niece's test came back negative. My wife has been trying to get tested since Wed, and they finally called her back and said they could maybe squeeze her in on Mon. :emoji_rolling_eyes: I guess when that's the case, all I can do is self diagnose. It got into our local veterans home and killed 27 vets this month. Over 2/3 of the employees tested positive. It's under investigation.
Good to hear Mort!

Well one thing has not changed since the election (yes I know some of you believe it is not decided yet),.. the tenor of this thread! LOL

I see we have reached the level of death and packed ICU's that a month ago was predicted. Now they say we may well see it get much worse still in the next month. As I said before I hope the computer modeling and disease experts are wrong. If I was a betting man though,.. I would put my money on the computer models and not Twitter.

It's a virus,.. wear your mask, keep socially distant.

Don't be a dumb ass.

Prayers for anyone who gets this damn Covid!
The past few days have seen a surge locally, and unfortunately several acquaintances who've had negative repercussions. One in ICU, the other with a coronary event from "the silent killer" hypoxia. Fingers crossed they come through okay, and hands together for everybody else that it's "one tissue" and that's it.
Even Fox and Friends finally agree Masks work.

They looked at Kansas where some counties strictly enforced mask mandates,.. and other counties in Kansas did not.

Strangely, in the counties where mask mandates were enforced cases went down dramatically. In counties where they were not enforced cases went way up.

Check out the discussion.

PS: I guess some of you are correct,.. after the election people can think differently !


where in Kansas?
I’ve been to Kansas. Some places 1 family “is” the town.
I look at masks with common sense. What masks are you using?How is it being worn? What are you trying to keep out/in from the mask? If the particles you are trying to keep out are smaller then the filtering capabilities of the mask, then the mask is doing much.

I have explained it like this to a friend that helped me spray paint my garage. I wore an N95 mask, he wore a regular cheap mask. His nostrils were full of paint, and all around where the mask makes contact with his face. My nostrils wearing the N95 mask, was still full of paint, but not as bad. Now paint particles are much bigger then the particles that spread the virus. Sure the wearing a cheap mask, or face covering probably helped a little compared to not wearing any mask, and wearing a N95 mask help even more over wearing a regular mask in keeping paint particles out. Lets make up some percentages, say no mask is 0% filtered, a cheap mask is 25% filtered, and a N95 mask if 75% filtered, if you are in contact with the Covid virus, and it is airborn, you are still very likely to get it, wearing a mask, as wearing no mask. I would rather just get it, rather then walk around with a half a bra on my face. Or look like one of them sheep that drive around with it on their face, or hanging from their ears, while they zig and zag doing 90 in a 45 on the highway. I mean, hell, those people are more likely to get in a car accident, or die from roadrage, then catching it while in the car themselves driving down the highway. Yet those are the people that say I am careless!
The silver lining in all of this is that dealths from heart disease are way down.
The Southern Hemisphere has just wound up their flu season. There were so few cases they’ve declared flu was non existent.

where in Kansas?
I’ve been to Kansas. Some places 1 family “is” the town.

Apparently counties in Kansas had the option to enact mask mandates or not; some counties did while others did not. Its been reported that counties enacting mask mandates experienced a 6% drop in covid cases (not a dramatic decrease, but a decrease none the less). In the counties that declined to institute a mask mandate, the covid case rate increased 97% (if I recall the numbers correctly).
Perhaps that good man from KS - Catscratch - can provide a more complete explanation since its probably widely discussed in the media of KS.

Heres the CDC story ....
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Unless the counties had similar populations living in similar circumstances the numbers don’t mean a thing.

Granted I haven’t seen the numbers, but if one county has 35 residents per square mile and another has 30,000 residents per square miles it matters.
I have been pro mask from the beginning but it is hard to keep the faith. I believe NY has had one of the longest mask mandates and guess what. We have COVID. It slowed down, but as soon as colleges opened up and the weather cooled we have had steady increases. Nothing but a vaccine or herd immunity will stop this thing. Masks may help a little but they are not worth the hoopla the media gives them.
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