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Whatever. It’s not working obviously.
Still not working. Cases rise regardless. NY Cuomo says there’s 99% mask compliance. Cases rise. The CDC says 15% increase in mask use would help. How does that work when its 99% now. I know Cuomo wouldn’t make up numbers. LOL. The reality is people are wearing them. I’m frankly getting bored with people that are blaming everything on non maskers. Where are they. I don’t see them. Everybody’s got one on. Cases rise. I know of three cases this week that the people were always masked, never been anywhere people were unmasked and never really out at all. Still got it. They’re so perplexed. I’m not. Masks equal false sense of security at the least. And yeah people touch their face about 1000 times an hour with a mask on.
So, what the above posts are intended to convey is that we will need to consider the existing data, resources, and possible consequences fully before making informed decisions? And ignore our biases, assumptions, and (tell me it isn't so) political affiliations?

A measured response? I like the way you think!!
I have seen maybe 3 people without a mask since April. Obviously they are not the solution the media thinks they are. I still think think they offer some help so I support wearing them in stores. I have used the pig pen analogy from Charlie Brown. The part that pisses people off is we are living through the experiment. Knehrkle, I get what you are saying, but the processes, experiments, and the follow the science you speak of are meant for labs and closed settings. What we have is scientists and politicians drunk on power that are running the process on us. Errors and incorrect hypotheses are usually not seen out of the lab. Now they have financial, mental, and physical implications on us in real time. Throw in a media trying to use it to get rid of a president and drive ratings and you have a country ready to snap. This time when it snaps it might not go back together. Here is the solution you were asking for; protect the vulnerable, let the healthy protect themselves, open the schools and economy 100%.
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Never have worn one other then when required at work. Also think it’s hilarious that we need to be 6’ apart but when it’s time to board an airplane they pack you in there like sardines.

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Never have worn one other then when required at work. Also think it’s hilarious that we need to be 6’ apart but when it’s time to board an airplane they pack you in there like sardines.

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6’ apart may be the biggest joke of the whole thing. Doesn’t apply to riots either.
The hypocrisy of the whole situation is whats the most troubling. The left screams follow the science anytime any one questions the knee jerk reactions, the questioners are told they don't understand, or we are deniers... but when the science goes against THEIR agenda then its fake news and those scientists are dumb.
Its hard to take any of this when you look around and see the truth. Its a pandemic that no one seems to die from. People are dieing with it but not from it. That is a huge distinction.If the flu was reported the way the china flu is the death toll would be in the millions every year.
I have relatives and very close friends in the medical field, they all same the same thing, its serious to a very small minority of people, everyone else will range from not knowing they have it ,to wow that was a nasty flu. Kinda seems like every other sickness and ailment ever known to man.
Thats misinformation you are spreading. How dare you. If this was Facebook you would be banned. 2 million people die every year. Old people die more that young people. Science told me this. But way more people died this year right due to the Rona? More old people died this year that normal too right?
Lately I’ve been thinking this disconnect is similar to what happened after 9/11. For a short time, we were in it together but it didn’t last long. Soon it was everybody wanting to live their life like normal and the wars were the problem of the people fighting and their families. Now it’s the problem of the hospitals and nursing homes and hurting families. In the abstract, we’re sorry they are struggling but that’s their problem and we’re over honoring their sacrifice. No reason to inconvenience the rest of us. The victims are just waiting around to die anyway, right?
Lately I’ve been thinking this disconnect is similar to what happened after 9/11. For a short time, we were in it together but it didn’t last long. Soon it was everybody wanting to live their life like normal and the wars were the problem of the people fighting and their families. Now it’s the problem of the hospitals and nursing homes and hurting families. In the abstract, we’re sorry they are struggling but that’s their problem and we’re over honoring their sacrifice. No reason to inconvenience the rest of us. The victims are just waiting around to die anyway, right?

I guess the same could be said about the 300,000 people a year that die due to obesity while every food company is celebrated for its new, even less healthy sugar packed and ultra processed food item.

Or how 655,000 people die a year of heart disease when science has shown for a couple decades that highly processed vegetable oils cause massive inflammation of the heart/arteries which leads even low cholesterol patients to build plaques and clog arteries. And yet our healthcare officials, and producers, bill vegetable fats as the better “low cholesterol” option.

Or how 40,000 people die a year in vehicle accidents and yet we continue to give licenses and allow vehicle sales.

No one is undermining the value of a lost life. No one is saying they want more people to die. What people are saying is that the entirety of human existence has been a balancing of risks. At this point, it is more than proven that the lockdowns cause more problems than they fix. Lock downs do nothing but push the goalpost. At any point in time down the line... when the lockdowns lift, the cases will spike. Our policy makers understand this and yet they ignore it. They ignore it because they are driven by emotion instead of logic, or they ignore it because they believe their position should have the power and authority this pandemic era has bestowed upon them, or they ignore it because it is a means to further their political beliefs.

The world will ALWAYS have deaths, and often time in the form of pandemics/plagues. But you can’t keep a virus from doing what a virus does. The answer is herd immunity, not lockdowns. The upcoming vaccines, by the way, don’t keep a vaccinated person from incubating and transmitting the virus according to Pfizer.... so it isn’t the same as actual herd immunity. Just like every novel virus in human history, we need enough of the healthy population exposed to and recovered from this virus that there isn’t a high enough percentage of people available to it to facilitate spread.

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Lately I’ve been thinking this disconnect is similar to what happened after 9/11. For a short time, we were in it together but it didn’t last long. Soon it was everybody wanting to live their life like normal and the wars were the problem of the people fighting and their families. Now it’s the problem of the hospitals and nursing homes and hurting families. In the abstract, we’re sorry they are struggling but that’s their problem and we’re over honoring their sacrifice. No reason to inconvenience the rest of us. The victims are just waiting around to die anyway, right?
Comparing soldiers down range from the enemy to doctors and nurses is absurd. The only thing the "wars" and this pandemic have in common is idiot politicians have made both exponentially worse.
I want to apologize for that last post by me----i just insulted idiots everywhere.
I want to apologize for that last post by me----i just insulted idiots everywhere.
Bahahah! I've purposely stayed out of this discussion but this made me laugh! Laugh a lot! Thanks.

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I’ve tired of arguing any more on this. Instead I just sit back and watch the sheep. There is no hope.
Ohio allowed intercollegiate wrestling but are not allowed to shake hands !! Who comes up w this chit??? Football game today... no fans, refs/ coaches w masks... and end of game all the players are doing their post game interactions literally face to face.
Here’s the Ohio link

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