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After 3 Governors. New York , California and Oregon said they weren’t listening to anything Trump said, they were going to abide by the strictly CDC guidelines. Have now said they aren’t going to listen to CDC guidelines. Lol. Here in NY they force salon workers to be tested every 2 weeks. What a waste of recourses. That’s got to be hundreds of thousands of tests for nothing. CUOMO will have a hard time enforcing that now that the CDC doesn’t recommend doing that. Gyms also.
Local Highschool (the one with the new $1 million turf football field) just went to full remote learning. They lasted 1 week.
Local Highschool (the one with the new $1 million turf football field) just went to full remote learning. They lasted 1 week.

Ours too. Brand new turf field and school is 100 percent virtual. They surveyed parents and 75 percent parents wanted in school or hybrid. Then the school board voted 7-0 to do all online. Lots of people asking why they even surveyed the parents.

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Local Highschool (the one with the new $1 million turf football field) just went to full remote learning. They lasted 1 week.
Our district has been pushing for a ridiculous water park type pool. Think they're gonna stop asking now. Hope you'll be letting your school know how impressed you are with how they spend your money
The school only funded about half of it. The rest was all from donation drive. They did a terrible job building the field the first time so they had drainage issues. Regularly had to move games to different fields and practices as well. Not so concerned with them building the field as shutting down the schools for what I see as a political stunt. We’re the only school in the county to go 100 percent virtual and our school board voted 7-0. Not one vote for kids to go to school.

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People should vote for new board members! Replace the worthless politicians---period.

I agree. It’ll be interesting to see the next time they’re elected.

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I agree. It’ll be interesting to see the next time they’re elected.

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Why not run yourself? It doesn't cost anything and you can really have an impact on your schools this way.

Why not run yourself? It doesn't cost anything and you can really have an impact on your schools this way.

I would love to run for school board. My wife teaches in the district so I cant.
My wifes school she teaches at in MN, just said they are doing 100% distant learning. They said they will reevaluate in 2 months. Hmm, when will that be, that is right, just after the elections. Tell me again it isnt political!
Why not run yourself? It doesn't cost anything and you can really have an impact on your schools this way.

I would love to run for school board. My wife teaches in the district so I cant.
You might check into that. We have, and have had several spouse teacher/BOE member combinations as well as some parent/child teacher/BOE combos. We are currentl in-person learning but the board is meeting every 2 weeks to re-evaluate the situation.

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Couple things:

1. We are well over month into comrade Walz mask mandate. If they work not sure why we are pushing the highest number of cases daily since this started over 5 weeks ago. Mask don’t do shit and the people wearing them are sheep.

2. CDC says 94% of those that died had severe comorbidity. Only 6% were healthy people.

3. Cases are still plummeting across the US as are deaths. The virus is burning out. Down to about 33,500 case. Was at 70,000+ couple weeks ago.


What many (most?) suspected appears to be true. CDC has been cooking the books when reporting Covid-19 death data. Are we played as chumps or what?

SHOCK REPORT: This Week CDC Quietly Updated COVID-19 Numbers – Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 Alone – Rest Had Different Other Serious Illnesses
By Joe Hoft
Published August 29, 2020 at 7:45pm

So let’s get this straight – based on the recommendation of doctors Fauci and Birx the US shut down the entire economy based on 9,000 American deaths due entirely to the China coronavirus?

We were first to report that the Director General of the WHO on March 3, 2020 a set off the panic with his highly flawed statement:

The Gateway Pundit reported, that the coronavirus fatality rate reported by the liberal mainstream media was completely inaccurate and the actual rate more typical to a seasonal flu – the media was lying again.

Doctors Fauci and Birx next pushed ridiculous and highly exaggerated mortality rates related to the coronavirus:

** Dr. Tony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx used the Imperial College Model to persuade President Trump to lock down the ENTIRE US ECONOMY.
** The fraudulent model predicted 2.2 million American deaths from the coronavirus pandemic
** The authors of the Imperial College Model shared their findings with the White House Coronavirus task force in early March
** Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx then met with President Trump privately and urged him to shut down the US economy and destroy the record Trump economy based on this model

But the Imperial College model Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx pushed was garbage and they recommended the destruction of the US economy using this completely flawed model.

The CDC silently updated their numbers this week to show that only 6% of all coronavirus deaths were completely due to the coronavirus alone. The rest of the deaths pinned to the China coronavirus are attributed to individuals who had other serious issues going on.

Also, most of the deaths are very old Americans with co-morbidities.
You guys are killing it. I won't bother casting your arguments in a different light. There is no hope of convincing you of anything beyond what you want to believe. I'm sure that you will find numbers to support how you feel, regardless. You do realize that you are guilty of EXACTLY the same thing you're preaching against, right? The truth is likely buried somewhere in the middle, where reasonable folks can't find it due to all the shouting at the extremes.

^^^^^^Sweden still refuses mask mandates cause they don’t do jack shit to stop this virus. They are basically down to zero deaths per day cause they realize there is no stopping a virus (herd immunity). How is your young friend Khernke??? The one that you said was infected by careless people. How did you figure out that he wasn’t infected by someone taking all the necessary precautions? Asking for my wife’s hospital cause her and almost all of her nurse friends got corona and they have to choke on an N95, face shield, gloves and gown the entire time they are in the building. They took all these precautions and still all of them got sick.
Here is some ultimate liberal hypocrisy for us all to enjoy from yesterday. I hope comrade Biden sends him to the gulags. Poor Andrew Cuomo can’t practice what he preaches. Must have been dehydrated like Fauxci.

Gee---maybe the dumbs have an alternate agenda? What our "leaders" have done to our country is criminal and should be treated as such. Destroyed lives for NO reason other than trying to rig an election. Minnesota is talking about stopping gatherings again. I'm guessing that after school starts and one kid has the sniffles they will cancel in person schooling for the year. Dumb as it gets.
The only thing left to do is VOTE!
It's time to quit screwing around with this virus and mandate all the unhealthy and those over 40 confined to their homes indefinitely. The rights of the individual shall not infringe on the safety of the collective.

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