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Here's another interesting one. Not sure which way to take this?

Is the guy legit concerned about ramming home a vaccine that's sidestepped an alarming number of safety protocols?


Is this guy the spearhead for the 10th extension of 14 days to slow the spread?
No way there is a vaccine before the election unless said vaccine is guaranteed to have harmful side effects before said election. Picking up what I am putting down?
Typical media hit piece. Making mountains out of things that haven’t or won’t even happen in the future. Just headline grabbers. Since when does the Trump administration approve vaccines? I’d say if this guy legit said that he’s probably on the way out, my guess.
Welcome to politics. They are despicable. Dems do what ever they want with the media covering for them. Who ever broke this story will be shunned.
Wolfey and his cohorts have less credibility than even Cuomo does. They’re starting fall sports here in this part of PA now against Wolfeys wishes they hold off til 2021. They asked for science or credible evidence on his sports stance. His answer, some colleges have canceled their seasons. So, not quite a good reason so they’re starting to play. Around NW PA where I tour around they’ve pretty much forgot about the virus at this point. Warren County has the lowest infection rate in the State regardless..
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They are positive, but they could be negative unless they are positive again, but they really could still be negative even if they are positive and NEVER exhibited any symptoms at all. Either way they will figure out how to keep being an embarrassment to the the state. Congrats to the people that got others to think that masks work or that corona test are worth a shit....

They are positive, but they could be negative unless they are positive again, but they really could still be negative even if they are positive and NEVER exhibited any symptoms at all. Either way they will figure out how to keep being an embarrassment to the the state. Congrats to the people that got others to think that masks work or that corona test are worth a shit....

View attachment 31244
77 false positives I guess. 11 teams.
Who else saw them trying to turn these current lockdowns and restrictions as the new norm?
"WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said during a news conference from the agency’s Geneva headquarters. “At the same time, we will not, we cannot go back to the way things were.”

And why not throw in the Climate Change virtue signaling while talking Covid?
“In particular, the Covid-19 pandemic has given new impetus to the need to accelerate efforts to respond to climate change,” he said. “The Covid-19 pandemic has given us a glimpse of our world as it could be: cleaner skies and rivers.”
The GOOD news:
Corona is PLUMMETING across the country even with all the fake NFL players testing positive and millions being infected from the Sturgis rally..... Down to 32,000 cases yesterday. 99% of them are mild.


The BAD news:
Comrade Biden still wants you to wear a mask outside and to lockdown until Mid January, people still believe mask work, schools are still closed and more will close, Fauci is still a slimeball, Bill Gates still wants to poison you and your family, Trump engineered the coronavirus and deployed it in a stroke of genius to sink the post office to steal the election, and gullible democrats still think Russia is a thing...... Oh how I wish I could go back in time to when Stormy Daniels or grab em by the P was all the fuss.
I can't exactly agree with the all caps plummeting assessment but trend over the last month is welcome and encouraging. It definitely shows that the rate of infection can be suppressed when more people take precautions. Hopefully that downward trend will continue despite the many new opportunities for spread as schools and colleges re-open.
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This is basically the human version of cwd. It'll be bad when and where they need it to be bad.
It's been ten days since the single largest biological terror attack in human history took place in the Black Hills.

450,000 asymptomatic racists attacked Sturgis with every deadly mutation of the rona on earth, 100% of them systemic carriers.

We defeated them with Busch Light and ZZ Top.

The wind blew, and now the SCIENTIST at the CDC are completely reversing course and taking us in another direction AGAIN..... Yes comrade Biden lets all listen to the "experts." Gonna be a lot of disappointed sheep when they figure out the stupid mask they have been wearing is worthless.

Round and round we go. I stopped watching any type of news a while ago and almost forgot the world is ending. If people really want to be protected they would go back to what actually worked in the past---wrap their heads with several layers of tinfoil and you will be just fine.
Apparently in Pennsylvania you can grease the right palms and Covid restrictions go away.

this story is getting interesting. I was wrong no palms greased.

My sister in law grew up in this town and her parents still live there. I can’t find it in print but the Word on the street is the owners who put on the car show said pound sand and went to court. Judge said PA had no right to close them down. The health Secretary dropped all charges in return for a non disclosure.

Apparently P.A. didn’t want the word out that outside events couldn’t be stopped.
The wind blew, and now the SCIENTIST at the CDC are completely reversing course and taking us in another direction AGAIN..... Yes comrade Biden lets all listen to the "experts." Gonna be a lot of disappointed sheep when they figure out the stupid mask they have been wearing is worthless.

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The percentage of positive tests was getting too low, so now if asymptomatic people aren't taking tests, the percentage of positives will rise and look scarier.
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