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Should probably find all people with a slight fever and just shoot them on the spot---better safe than sorry.
Before I left for work this morning the news channel was preaching that thanksgiving should be done via zoom this year. This message brought to you by zoom.
Before I left for work this morning the news channel was preaching that thanksgiving should be done via zoom this year. This message brought to you by zoom.
Did you happen to see what that stock looks like today?
Didn't see zoom. Through the roof?
You guys are killing it. I won't bother casting your arguments in a different light. There is no hope of convincing you of anything beyond what you want to believe. I'm sure that you will find numbers to support how you feel, regardless. You do realize that you are guilty of EXACTLY the same thing you're preaching against, right? The truth is likely buried somewhere in the middle, where reasonable folks can't find it due to all the shouting at the extremes.

I'm afraid Im not following you

Do you dispute the numbers as stated in Sutherland's post?

Further , Dr Fauci( can he take a set of vitals?????????) has certainly tortured the numbers enough to further an agenda

I,too, have serious reservations about Fauci,Birx and other eastern seaboard liberalese espoused by those hubristically confident of their own urbanity

You guys are killing it. I won't bother casting your arguments in a different light. There is no hope of convincing you of anything beyond what you want to believe. I'm sure that you will find numbers to support how you feel, regardless. You do realize that you are guilty of EXACTLY the same thing you're preaching against, right? The truth is likely buried somewhere in the middle, where reasonable folks can't find it due to all the shouting at the extremes.
Are you really that trusting in Government not politicizing anything? Look back in this thread to July 24th, Page #118 comment #2,352 and you will see this "new" 6% number isn't new, it is simply the media acknowledging what has been there for a very long time, they just never did the research as I have done. The CDC simply made a new section that admits this without the digging.
Out of that 6% (roughly 9,000) of all 180,000 "Covid deaths" bear in mind that there were just under 40,000 "Covid deaths" before there was even a Covid test to confirm they even had Covid, so I ask, did Covid even cause these deaths? As of July 24th Florida was still counting people shot in the head as a Covid death... you can find this on your own, just google "Florida man shot in head Covid death", they give a few more examples than the guy shot in the head.
Out of the other 94% of Covid deaths that had underlying health conditions, the CDC gives the example of "Terminal Cancer" so lets not confuse it with Diabetes or high blood pressure. I will post a link to both of them when I switch to my phone.


here’s the page that gives Terminal Cancer as the example.

Here’s the July Florida shot in head Covid death.
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Interesting post from the guy that starts the thread about obvious biased in the reporting.
We’re now 18 days past Sturgis, the single largest super spreader event worldwide since the deadly global coronavirus pandemic began.

There has been no spike in hospitalizations or deaths. 240 more were told they had it yesterday. 220 more were deemed cured. Im waiting for the spin on how the lack of death is still bad.

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Just gotta give it a little time---they will have to get pretty creative or maybe just start a whole new pandemic. They have to keep the sheeple hiding until after nov 3rd(like that's gonna help biden). Desperate times call for desperate measures. Seems the dumbs are always desperate these days---maybe they should accept the elected president who was chosen by the people. Desperate ,arrogant and pathetic.
We’re now 18 days past Sturgis, the single largest super spreader event worldwide since the deadly global coronavirus pandemic began.

There has been no spike in hospitalizations or deaths. 240 more were told they had it yesterday. 220 more were deemed cured. Im waiting for the spin on how the lack of death is still bad.

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Maybe the Sturgis folks were protesting the police. That gives immediate immunity.
Well I bought here. I’m pretty PO’d. if only a week earlier.

Cv 2.0 anyone? I know I’m just a privileged guy taking advantage of a system that was rigged 200 years ago.

yeah that, or you can’t fix stupid.

risk reward. Don’t care if you’re selling hooch or doing it legal. It’s risk reward or the parents basement and Bernie.

happy to report I’ve made enough $ to pay for 4 grandchildren to actually attend Christian school this year. “In person”

we did waste $30 on masks for them today so that’s a set back.
Well I bought here. I’m pretty PO’d. if only a week earlier.

Cv 2.0 anyone? I know I’m just a privileged guy taking advantage of a system that was rigged 200 years ago.

yeah that, or you can’t fix stupid.

risk reward. Don’t care if you’re selling hooch or doing it legal. It’s risk reward or the parents basement and Bernie.

happy to report I’ve made enough $ to pay for 4 grandchildren to actually attend Christian school this year. “In person”

we did waste $30 on masks for them today so that’s a set back.
View attachment 31438
you arrogant, white privileged, cracker! How dare you try to make your family's life better...
I'm afraid Im not following you

Do you dispute the numbers as stated in Sutherland's post?

Further , Dr Fauci( can he take a set of vitals?????????) has certainly tortured the numbers enough to further an agenda

I,too, have serious reservations about Fauci,Birx and other eastern seaboard liberalese espoused by those hubristically confident of their own urbanity

I'm not disputing anything. I can't yell loud enough to be heard over the internet reverb. What I read here is a classic example of folks who share the same opinions firing each other up. The left does the same thing. And each side has to adopt more and more extreme stances in order to justify their position. And the gap widens.

I am firmly in the middle. I listen to both sides. But it's become like a joke you've heard 1000 times. You know the punchline. I don't have the bandwidth to keep up with all of the arguments. It just seems like there is NO WAY that some folks will ever cross that political line, no matter what the evidence. And they will find a way to justify their position.

Heck, if the national news agencies can't be unbiased, I guess I'm hopelessly optimistic expecting different from people. Honestly, I'm not casting shade. But you can find numbers to support any position you want, if you dig deeply enough. I'm just frankly amazed that all of the numbers appear to support one side of the argument - depending on who you're talking to.

Single case in point, then I stop preaching. Headline, "Up to 50% of coronavirus positive test results are false!". Wow, that seems like quite a bit. And it would be, if your positive testing rate was say 10%. That would be 1 in 20 false positives. On the other hand, if you test positive at 0.5%, then half of that is 0.25% or a 1 in 400 false positive rate. Quite a difference, right? And yet I see this exact "fact" reiterated without thought, but with "righteous indignation and weaponized outrage". Same weapons used by the far left.
I'm not disputing anything. I can't yell loud enough to be heard over the internet reverb. What I read here is a classic example of folks who share the same opinions firing each other up. The left does the same thing. And each side has to adopt more and more extreme stances in order to justify their position. And the gap widens.

I am firmly in the middle. I listen to both sides. But it's become like a joke you've heard 1000 times. You know the punchline. I don't have the bandwidth to keep up with all of the arguments. It just seems like there is NO WAY that some folks will ever cross that political line, no matter what the evidence. And they will find a way to justify their position.

Heck, if the national news agencies can't be unbiased, I guess I'm hopelessly optimistic expecting different from people. Honestly, I'm not casting shade. But you can find numbers to support any position you want, if you dig deeply enough. I'm just frankly amazed that all of the numbers appear to support one side of the argument - depending on who you're talking to.

Single case in point, then I stop preaching. Headline, "Up to 50% of coronavirus positive test results are false!". Wow, that seems like quite a bit. And it would be, if your positive testing rate was say 10%. That would be 1 in 20 false positives. On the other hand, if you test positive at 0.5%, then half of that is 0.25% or a 1 in 400 false positive rate. Quite a difference, right? And yet I see this exact "fact" reiterated without thought, but with "righteous indignation and weaponized outrage". Same weapons used by the far left.

Safe to say, this is why I consider myself "disenfranchised" despite the direction I tend to lean politically.

None of these parties represent me or what I'm about. They're all taking us to hell. Just to different entrances and at a different rate of speed.
State geniuses make another prediction. We're officially past the vaccine as a goal post for reopening. Behavioral submission is the new benchmark for defeating the rona, or perhaps rona-2. Would have thought it'd be based on some kind of measure of health.


I am firmly in the middle. I listen to both sides.

Those sitting on the fence are likely to have it blown out from underneath them at some point. I will listen to objective data, but have absolutely no desire to listen to both sides. I for one, thank God the choice is so clear. If you truly believe that we magically have the first global pandemic in 100 years from an under-cooked bat then I dont know what to say. There are better odds of me picking the winning powerball numbers than this plandemic being a natural occurrence with decisions being driven by "science."
So I usually ignore discussions like this, but I have to weigh in.
1) This is not the first global pandemic from animals. Many corona viruses are believed, because of good evidence, to have crossed to people and spread across large populations. Thankfully the US has been spared from most of them. SARS and MERS are less contagious and have a higher mortality rate, which limits the spread. COVID is more contagious and less fatal, making the spread much easier. HIV is a worldwide disease originating from monkeys. Swine flu most likely because of mutations within the original pig virus.

2) Masks work. Masks work great to do what masks are designed to do. They do not kill the virus, filter it out, or block it from entering the airspace. They serve to prevent a direct, full viral laden cough, sneeze or breath from directly smacking me in the face at close distance. Like taking a shotgun blast in the face vs they raining of small shot from across the dove field. Most studies I could find when I last searched, showed that while the viral load a person receives may not lessen the chance of getting the virus, there was ample evidence to suggest that it WAS correlated with the severity of disease, especially with lung disease. In a hospital environment loaded with the virus, masks alone aren't going to make more than a few percentage points difference, if any. A great tractor isn't going to help food plots in a searing drought or flood, but that does not mean a tractor can't do what it was designed to do.

I wear a mask because I can read medical journals, think logically and make my own decisions. Not because I am some stupid wandering sheep. I believe one of the post pointed out how many stupid sheep are wearing masks while also pointing out that the cases are falling. Coincidence? Who knows?

3) Because the death rate is SO overstated, this is no big deal. Most people that died had comorbidities. Really??? It's ok that people died who happened to have something else in their medical history? Have any of you lost someone you cared about yet? Was it a warm consolation to say, "Well, her blood pressure ran a little high sometimes"? I would hazard a guess and say most people over 60 have at least 1 thing that could qualify as a comorbidity. I also believe, that properly handled, these people will not die because of the comorbidities anytime soon, if ever. So if they get COVID and die, I'm gonna say COVID killed them.

You know what else can kill you more easily if you have a comorbidity? Everything. Strong healthy young people probably survive hip fractures, pneumonia, car wrecks, major infections, trauma and plain old bad decisions because they are "healthier". I know people who survived 14 days on a ventilator, people who have had it and cruised through and a couple of young "healthy" people who have struggled for weeks after finally testing negative. This virus is no joke and can cause a host of other devastating things besides death.

4) Lastly, in spite of what I feel about our current administration, I do not blame Trump or anyone for this pandemic. Neither one man nor one political party could have stopped this. I hate that everything is so politicized and has to be all the way right and all the way left. The ability to compromise and see things through other people's eyes is what will save this country. Although things may seem clear cut and black and white to an individual, in a group of 330 million people, my way or the highway won't work. As my microbiology teacher told us on the first day of class in vet school, "You can all hang together or you can all hang, separately. Learn to help each other through the next 4 years."
More contagious and LESS fatal.
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