Cool experience


5 year old buck +
Like most of y’all I enjoy all kinds of creatures.

I went outside this morning and within 30 minutes saw 5 black snakes. They were everywhere. Well we figured out what was going on. A female was sending out a message for the boys to come running... well slither.

This 6 footer won out.

Gentlest snake I’ve ever met. Well except garden snakes. I like them around for mice control.
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We see a lot of garter snakes around here, seeing them lets me know the ecosystem is healthy. The dog saw it's first one ever the other day and I knew exactly what it was from a distance the way she was acting...strange how everything treats snakes the same even when they don't know what they are.

We see a lot of garter snakes around here, seeing them lets me know the ecosystem is healthy. The dog saw it's first one ever the other day and I knew exactly what it was from a distance the way she was acting...strange how everything treats snakes the same even when they don't know what they are.

Our boxer Ella May keeps a pretty good distance. She got popped by a copperhead last year. She watches from a distance now.
Gentlest snake I’ve ever met. Well except garden snakes. I like them around for mice control.
We had 5 other ones around that day. Every time I turned around there was another one. Non were aggressive they only wanted one thing.
My daughter has an eight year old brindle colored boxer Roy that she spoils rotten, I'm trying to turn him into a farm dog took him bunny hunting last winter.
I've seen the garter snakes act way more communal piling all up on each other, only mildly aggressive snake we have here are the water snakes but they normally stay their distance if respected.
My daughter has an eight year old brindle colored boxer Roy that she spoils rotten, I'm trying to turn him into a farm dog took him bunny hunting last winter.
I've seen the garter snakes act way more communal piling all up on each other, only mildly aggressive snake we have here are the water snakes but they normally stay their distance if respected.
I’ve been 300 yards in the woods without her and have watched her follow my trail all the way through woods to me. Boxers and their stubby noses may not be known for it, but that dog can track. Wouldn’t trade her for the world 7F404BBA-9887-4AE6-B285-C9D40A6AF655.jpeg
Ella is a good looking girl! I've got a buddy that has a female that is almost all fawn colored.

This is Roy, he is getting gray in the face and has lost some zip but he still makes me laugh every time she brings him over to visit. He is a teddy bear, our 9 month old GSP wears him out pretty fast. He sure likes running out at the farm.


Ella is a good looking girl! I've got a buddy that has a female that is almost all fawn colored.

This is Roy, he is getting gray in the face and has lost some zip but he still makes me laugh every time she brings him over to visit. He is a teddy bear, our 9 month old GSP wears him out pretty fast. He sure likes running out at the farm.


Looks like a stud. Gray like some of us but still a stud.
Buddy killed a big rattler today. It surprised him as he was hooking up his grain drill to go plant a food plot.
Buddy killed a big rattler today. It surprised him as he was hooking up his grain drill to go plant a food plot.
I bet that would scare the heck out of yah
This beast was in front of the house this morning