Conspiracy theorys, where do you stand?

I bookmark really good stories when I find them. It’s not more than 3-4 a year. Last night I went back and re-read the origins of Putins invasions into crimea and eastern Ukraine. I got to thinking about this because with peace on the table, if Putin is actually an independent country and person, we’ve got to reconcile for what we’ve done there. The Russians damn sure know what we did, and I don’t think there will be peace unless those clandestine things are resolved.

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I bookmark really good stories when I find them. It’s not more than 3-4 a year. Last night I went back and re-read the origins of Putins invasions into crimea and eastern Ukraine. I got to thinking about this because with peace on the table, if Putin is actually an independent country and person, we’ve got to reconcile for what we’ve done there. The Russians damn sure know what we did, and I don’t think there will be peace unless those clandestine things are resolved.

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What did you find out as the origins of the invasion into Ukraine and what are the clandestine things the US did?
this week you’ve sided/sympathized with radical Islam and Russia at the expense of the United States. That’s a bold mindset. I don’t know it all so maybe I’m wrong but I like my team over the visiting team in this game.
this week you’ve sided/sympathized with radical Islam and Russia at the expense of the United States. That’s a bold mindset. I don’t know it all so maybe I’m wrong but I like my team over the visiting team in this game.

I can’t expand on this in full right now, but if we’re keeping score, I was also siding with Assad in Syria, and advocating for the illegal alien kids in America.

When I get home, I’ll expand on that.

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What did you find out as the origins of the invasion into Ukraine and what are the clandestine things the US did?
If you start at Crimea back in 2014, Russia took it 5 days after the united states overthrew Yanukovych. The thing that spurred Russia to take Crimea, among a number of things, was the immediate dismissal of the defense ministers, and their replacement with actual nazis and terrorists, and yes, Obama's victoria nuland of the united states state department ordered it.

Dmitry Yarosh (actual nazi) - Leader of the Maidan Brown Shirts (also a wanted international terrorist) is appointed to lead the neo nazi Right Sector party in parliment

Andriy Parubiy - Co founder of Svoboda (all nazis) is made secretary of national defense and security.

Mikhail Koval - minister of defense, announced immediately that he would cleanse ukraine of the subhumans they deem unfit for living in the east, those that voted for Yanukovych. They would be cleansed of the area and relocated (kinda like those 'stinians)

These three guys, all actual nazis, posed a big problem for Russia. Crimea was already about 75% pro-russian anyway, and of very strategic military importance. Facing the prospect of americans or nazis putting missiles that close pointed at Moscow or seizing that port, they couldn't let the shifty cats at the US state dept have it.

The second invasion into the Donbas in 2022 was because US and nato have crapped all over the start treaty from the moment it was signed. Russia went to nato and the US and demanded they not admit ukraine to nato, or any more former soviet states and that they de-nazify the ukranian defense forces. Further problems russia had with ukraine, again, all at the doing of the US state department, russia knew we were developing race targeting biological weapons in 46 labs throughout the country. This reaches China, the bidens, fauci, and the whole gang.
this week you’ve sided/sympathized with radical Islam and Russia at the expense of the United States. That’s a bold mindset. I don’t know it all so maybe I’m wrong but I like my team over the visiting team in this game.
I prayed for the palestinians against isreal, yes. They have not had a trial. We have not heard from any of them. We believe they are all evil because the media told us. We do not believe the media on anything other than war propaganda. This will be a giant policy failure because isreal has at best killed half of the 2.4 million men, women, and children that lived there. Every survivor they leave behind will be hated wherever they go next, impoverished again, mistreated, and placed in their own ghetto. Our state department will go back there in 10-15 years and buy the influence of their religious gang leaders, give them weapons and money and training, and we will use them to attack someone else.

I prayed for the illegal alien children against united states homeland security, the EU, UN, and the hebrew immigrant aid society (HIAS). Who are they and what were they doing? They were based in the darian gap in panama receiving children from all over the world and busing them into the united states. When they crossed the border, they were given to non-family guardians, at least 500,000 and then conveniently lost. Yet, when trump got into office, his first act was to find them as quickly as possible. Why was that so important when there are gang members, murderers, and cannibals all over? Why the kids first? What did trump know? And shocker, the hebrews weren't here trying to get their fair share of cannibals and murderers and trafficked children. They just wanted to be sure they all got into america. Former head of homeland security for biden? He worked for HIAS.

I prayed for the syrians and assad against the US state department. Assad and syria lost. Our state department gave syria over to Isis. We gave Isis a country on the border of Isreal, and Israel didn't make any fuss about it whatsoever. Isis did get to work in the first 24 hours killing as many soldiers and christians as they could find. All made possible by the united states state department and team biden.

Russia, yeah, kinda understand where they're coming from. The state department overthrew Yanukovych, put actual nazis in charge of the military, signed off on the genocide in the east, had/has 46 biological weapons labs there trying to isolate race-specific offensive weapons, organ harvesting, child trafficking, and a further violations of the Start Treaty. If Russia had been doing any one of those things in Canada or Mexico, we'd demand they be blasted into the stone age.
this week you’ve sided/sympathized with radical Islam and Russia at the expense of the United States. That’s a bold mindset. I don’t know it all so maybe I’m wrong but I like my team over the visiting team in this game.
I know this is long winded, but this isn't as simple as "you're either with us or against us." We have a responsibility to make damn sure we're not the useful idiots of evil people. Our values should guide us, and nothing else. You're not with America when you pick the other sides of those issues. You're co-signing the terrible policies and crimes of obama, biden, isreal, and the military industrial complex. I support none of it, and will never feel bad for it.

The same people writing the stories about how subhuman the palestinians and russians are, are also the same people telling us the J6'ers are dangerous fanatics that should all serve life in prison, that the unvaxed should have been put in concentration camps or excluded from society, and that the gun and bible crowd in america are the greatest threat to democracy we've ever faced. So when they skip the UN, skip the trial, and just declare someone evil and start killing, and nobody stands up, don't be hurt when that crew gets to you.
Understood. We just disagree. I have no sympathy by and large for Palestinians, radical Muslims and Russians. I know some are fine people and it’s a shame if anything bad happens to them. In my opinion, they are the bad actors in this world (throw in China obviously) and their demise would be a net positive to the overall balance of the world. The United States isn’t perfect by its so far morally and ethically above them that it’s not even in the same stratosphere.
I appreciate your post and glad to end it at a place of understanding. I won’t convince you and you won’t convince but civility wins out and that’s how issues should be discussed.
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I can’t not respond to the farcical “gee it sounds like it could be true” nonsense above.

No one’s beef in the West is with the Russian people. It is with Putin.

No one’s beef in the west is with the Palestinian people, it is with Hamas and Lebanese hezbollah and the mullahs/IRGC.

And no one is more surprised than me to find Americans perfectly paraphrasing misinformation that Russia and the Soviet Union have been putting into the world’s collective conscience since before WW2 in the perfect place: A thread about conspiracies.

And what a perfect storm: It can’t be refuted because even if I went through, point by point and told you why it was Russian hooey mixed with about a third Iranian hooey, it has been pre-built in that the truth can’t be trusted. Because some of us believe thousands of years of nonsense about the Jewish people over the truth and claim to be free thinkers who have gone out and gathered the facts.

Information warfare was originally built in Russia. They have been doing it since at least before WW2, I believe it goes back to the 1800’s but don’t quote me on that. The posts above prove that it works.
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Believe nothing that you hear and only half of what you see. I don't trust any of man's records honestly. Everyone has an agenda. jmo
A lot of liberals make accusations and then are actually guilty of it themselves !…example…The Pope was complaining about walls and deportations. He was then called on the table about the Vatican having a wall, and very restrictive entry where you can be jailed if you violate ! He has plenty to fix in the Catholic Church !

I’m married to a Catholic, my kids are Catholic. Hopefully the next Pope will not use the world stage to push “his” personal political beliefs .
I am Catholic as well, but I don’t brag about it anymore.
A lot of liberals make accusations and then are actually guilty of it themselves !…example…The Pope was complaining about walls and deportations. He was then called on the table about the Vatican having a wall, and very restrictive entry where you can be jailed if you violate ! He has plenty to fix in the Catholic Church !

I’m married to a Catholic, my kids are Catholic. Hopefully the next Pope will not use the world stage to push “his” personal political beliefs .
Unfortunately that ship has sailed. Liberal hive mind has infected everything that used to be somewhat good and ruined it. People have been brain washed to believe everything they are told. Just read a couple posts up from yours.
I am Catholic as well, but I don’t brag about it anymore.
Oh man. You think I've got a moral problem with what the state department, homeland security, and the pentagon have been doingi? You're gonna need a bigger bucket of popcorn if we get talking about el papa and the vatican.
I believe the term I heard once was that of a ‘recovering Catholic’, which probably fits me,,lol. But seriously, if the whole Catholic priest sexual abuse thing had happened within any corporation that business would have been sued out of existence and people would have been put in prison.

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Common sense goes a long way, but apparently that is lacking this day and age.
Common sense goes a long way, but apparently that is lacking this day and age.
Wow. That didn’t take long, 2 posts. When you see your therapist on Monday ask about TDS. I don’t think there is a pill for it. But I think there might be an ass cream..
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Common sense goes a long way, but apparently that is lacking this day and age.
Can you repeat that? I don't think so 🤣