this week you’ve sided/sympathized with radical Islam and Russia at the expense of the United States. That’s a bold mindset. I don’t know it all so maybe I’m wrong but I like my team over the visiting team in this game.
I prayed for the palestinians against isreal, yes. They have not had a trial. We have not heard from any of them. We believe they are all evil because the media told us. We do not believe the media on anything other than war propaganda. This will be a giant policy failure because isreal has at best killed half of the 2.4 million men, women, and children that lived there. Every survivor they leave behind will be hated wherever they go next, impoverished again, mistreated, and placed in their own ghetto. Our state department will go back there in 10-15 years and buy the influence of their religious gang leaders, give them weapons and money and training, and we will use them to attack someone else.
I prayed for the illegal alien children against united states homeland security, the EU, UN, and the hebrew immigrant aid society (HIAS). Who are they and what were they doing? They were based in the darian gap in panama receiving children from all over the world and busing them into the united states. When they crossed the border, they were given to non-family guardians, at least 500,000 and then conveniently lost. Yet, when trump got into office, his first act was to find them as quickly as possible. Why was that so important when there are gang members, murderers, and cannibals all over? Why the kids first? What did trump know? And shocker, the hebrews weren't here trying to get their fair share of cannibals and murderers and trafficked children. They just wanted to be sure they all got into america. Former head of homeland security for biden? He worked for HIAS.
I prayed for the syrians and assad against the US state department. Assad and syria lost. Our state department gave syria over to Isis. We gave Isis a country on the border of Isreal, and Israel didn't make any fuss about it whatsoever. Isis did get to work in the first 24 hours killing as many soldiers and christians as they could find. All made possible by the united states state department and team biden.
Russia, yeah, kinda understand where they're coming from. The state department overthrew Yanukovych, put actual nazis in charge of the military, signed off on the genocide in the east, had/has 46 biological weapons labs there trying to isolate race-specific offensive weapons, organ harvesting, child trafficking, and a further violations of the Start Treaty. If Russia had been doing any one of those things in Canada or Mexico, we'd demand they be blasted into the stone age.