Conspiracy theorys, where do you stand?

Seriously you didn’t hear the Jan 6 prisoners/hostages were beat up and put in isolation, forced Covid shots ?? CNN didn’t cover that ?

Since you are neutral , next 5 posts are complaining about Biden & Harris … go !
A poster above offers: "You obviously fancy yourself as some sort of intellectual authority ."

That's a sad misread of my posting.

Rather, I originally was responding to the suggestion that half of all federal employees should be terminated. I personally thought that doing so could be problematic for America, and for me and my family.

One need not be an intellectual authority...self-fancied or detect the obvious concern arising from firing half the post office workers, closing half of all post offices, and eliminating half of all air-traffic controllers. The predictable results of doing such seem, at least to my eye, rather blindingly obvious.

Surely you too, see cutting in half our military could be problematic? No?

As far as a concern of my avatar being an 'authority' on anything...well, noper. I make no such claim.

Rather, I'm a mostly retired farmer and businessman......with a hobby of 'habitating' for wildlife on my farms. My claim to authority, I would suggest, lies kinda/sorta close to Shakespeare's observation: "In nature's infinite book of secrecy, a little I can read."

That "little" is as authoritative as I could ever be.

Hopefully, that allays your fears.
That's a lot of words just tell me you have no solution. Heck, you quoted Shakespeare!
"You obviously are way more schooled on what really happened on Jan 6 and how there was no political bias involved in the fair and just judicial process they all got." posted by poster Tool.


No, Mr. Tool, I am not 'way more schooled', but, I have read enough to know that those folks who were arrested were arrested legally and entered what appears to be an involved and multi-layered judicial process. If one reads any of a number of compilations of who was charged, what they were charged with, and then details of their actions......well, it's hard not to understand that they were treated quite fairly.

And were fortunate that if they were going to commit the offenses they were charged with....well, doing so in Washington DC under the bright stare of the national media worked to their advantage.

Clubbing down a uniformed police officer with a steel rod or spraying one in the face with bear-spray would likely be viewed --and handled ---a bit more, ummm, 'firmly'....... in, say, Hattiesburg, Mississipi, Cheyenne, Wyoming, or Waco, Texas.

I’m actually with you on not being a fan of the blanket pardons. I think that sets the wrong precedent and I said as much earlier.
But now that we’ve covered Jan 6th…let’s hear your thoughts on Biden’s preemptive pardons of a whole bunch of innocent folks.
Sounds a lot like every school board on America when they don't get a referendum passed or someone dares suggest they cut costs. "We'll just have to fire teachers and suspend all sports then"
What a dbag argument.
"You obviously are way more schooled on what really happened on Jan 6 and how there was no political bias involved in the fair and just judicial process they all got." posted by poster Tool.


No, Mr. Tool, I am not 'way more schooled', but, I have read enough to know that those folks who were arrested were arrested legally and entered what appears to be an involved and multi-layered judicial process. If one reads any of a number of compilations of who was charged, what they were charged with, and then details of their actions......well, it's hard not to understand that they were treated quite fairly.

And were fortunate that if they were going to commit the offenses they were charged with....well, doing so in Washington DC under the bright stare of the national media worked to their advantage.

Clubbing down a uniformed police officer with a steel rod or spraying one in the face with bear-spray would likely be viewed --and handled ---a bit more, ummm, 'firmly'....... in, say, Hattiesburg, Mississipi, Cheyenne, Wyoming, or Waco, Texas.


I really don’t care what opinions and thoughts you have or any other of your pontificating blather.

Go troll a political Karen site where you can have some fun.
Who said they're axeing half the VA?
List your sources.
He can’t. Visiting Yoder.
I opened this site, looked at my notifications, saw this and literally laughed out loud, and needed to explain to my wife why.
He can’t. Visiting Yoder.
Not complaining just wondering why? He didn't seem to break any rules? Just kinda pompous
Yeah I don't disagree but we all come off sounding like that sometimes.
Not complaining just wondering why? He didn't seem to break any rules? Just kinda pompous
Sometimes you dont need to break the rules to be banned. Sometimes just being annoying, and knowing that he isnt good for the long term of the site is all it takes. Sure he may have mellowed and contributed something positive, but he didnt seem like that type of person, just a troll. JMO
Ya, I was wondering where the hell did this guy come from???
I don’t mind thoughtful debate but he was/is a pompous ass.
I think he was a long time member when I clicked on his profile. Didn't post much. Had a cool user name. Just a hard-core democrat who was having a really bad week!!
I go ref all day and look what I miss. Dangit anyway. :emoji_head_bandage: