Conspiracy theorys, where do you stand?

Cousin of mine was being robbed for many weeks. Was robbed of thousands of dollars worth of goods. Police wouldn't help. Hired an off duty police and they took shifts standing guard. Finally one night the serial thief came in the night. Shot at the getaway car trying to take out a tire. No one was harmed. Cousin can no longer own a firearm. He was and is a model citizen for many many years. Convicted felon.

Wait what? How?
Wait what? How?
Yep. 8 bullet holes in the car. I didn't attend the court case, so don't know much else. Happened some years ago.

Welp, game day is here. Sounds like shenanigans taking place again. Big surprise. Even in my tiny precinct there were computer issues already early this am. Additionally, both my ballot and my wife's were spit out of the machine because we didn't fill everything out. I said yeah duh I'm not voting for democrats in uncontested races.

Yep. 8 bullet holes in the car. I didn't attend the court case, so don't know much else. Happened some years ago.

Mortenson.....sorry if I am missing something. Your cousin shot a car with people in it...hit it 8 times...and we are wondering why he was prosecuted and is now a convicted felon and can no longer own guns? I read and re-read to be sure I wasn't missing something. Model citizen or not...he sounds like exactly the kind of guy who shouldn't own firearms. Whether he gets to vote or not after he has paid his debt to society is another story.
Mortenson.....sorry if I am missing something. Your cousin shot a car with people in it...hit it 8 times...and we are wondering why he was prosecuted and is now a convicted felon and can no longer own guns? I read and re-read to be sure I wasn't missing something. Model citizen or not...he sounds like exactly the kind of guy who shouldn't own firearms. Whether he gets to vote or not after he has paid his debt to society is another story.
Yep. Most people around here thought he should've been given an award not a felony
Yep. Most people around here thought he should've been given an award not a felony

Yeah I get that. And I understand the sentiment given the circumstances.

It's funny though how people want "law and order" and "the rule of law"....until they don't.
Who’s gonna volunteer to stay up and watch out for the 2 AM ballot dumps?

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Been watching the 2024 vote on tv. I'm afraid to go to bed....after the big surprise in 2020. Hope somebody else is keeping watch.......but at this point it loos good. Nite.
There's a lot more left to watch. I hope the guys in the bushes don't go home just yet. There are potentially 6 more senate seats to be stolen before this is over.

Who’s gonna volunteer to stay up and watch out for the 2 AM ballot dumps?

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I'm awake! The joys of being 6 hours ahead of EST.

But they already called it for Trump.
I'm having the biggest victory party here that anyone has ever seen. The crowd size is about to double when my wife wakes up to join me!!!!!
I’m SO PROUD of this country! I have been so negative in thinking that this country is lost and lost forever. This country completely rejected a movement that would absolutely ruin any civilized society. We have work to do but last night was a repudiation of socialism, woke, anti civilized country ideas. Now let’s get to work turning this beast around.

Also it rained last night at my farm. MAGA already winning!
In typical Wisconsin fashion, we are still counting the Senate race. I find it hard to believe anyone who voted for Trump also voted for do nothing Tammy so hopefully they won't be able to cheat enough to get her across the line.
Unfortunately though it looks like we may have lost the State after the jerrymandered(sp?) districts went into effect. Alot of races not called yet though.
On the plus side, we did vote to not let the illegals vote......still can't believe we had to vote on that.
Congrats to Trump on winning his 3rd presidential election. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but how in the blue f*** did Kumala end up getting 15+ million fewer votes than Biden did in 2020???? It also appears Trump may not eclipse his 2020 total. We had "record" turnout in 2024, but somehow lost 15-20 million voters. Not a doubt in my mind that 2020 was stolen by these assholes. I'll hang up and wait for the inevitable pathetic responses.

Screenshot 2024-11-06 055400.jpg
Congrats to Trump on winning his 3rd presidential election. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but how in the blue f*** did Kumala end up getting 15+ million fewer votes than Biden did in 2020???? It also appears Trump may not eclipse his 2020 total. We had "record" turnout in 2024, but somehow lost 15-20 million voters. Not a doubt in my mind that 2020 was stolen by these assholes. I'll hang up and wait for the inevitable pathetic responses.

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Alot of that could be attributed to her being the least popular VP in the history of vps. But I 100% agree, this is a clear indication of the rampant cheating that was allowed in 20 even when you figure in Kamaltoes ineptitude
I just wonder how many of the blue states Trump actually won but the fix has long been in
I would hope so. There are a lot of Americans who live outside the place where they are registered to vote. And another huge group who are temporarily away from home during the election. I have only ever voted once at a polling station. Every other time I have voted by absentee ballot.

I went to university after high school, and I moved overseas after that. The only time I ever voted where I'm registered was one autumn I was by chance back home for a few months.

Ive been away from home for most of the first 2 decades I’ve been eligible to vote as well.