Changing Tree Tube Height Question


5 year old buck +
Question for those who've used tree tubes.

To protect saplings of various trees I originally used 5' tall tree tubes and did so on most about 3 or 4 years ago. Thankfully the vast majority of the trees area now tall enough / big enough diameter to survive any browsing deer might do on lower branch leaves. That said, I do like that the tubes prevent rubs on the trees.

As I go around doing pruning / mulching over the next couple of weeks I've thought about cutting down the height of the tree tubes. Just wondering how low I can safely cut down before deer will feel the temptation to rub the trees. Anybody ever cut their tubes lower? Love to leave them on just a bit longer until diameters grow large enough that rubbing is less tempting.

Actually, ask one more question... anybody just take them completely off around March and then just put them back on as fall rubbing begins? Super tempted to try that now, but still have a few healthy bucks sporting horns and would hate to lose any of the trees I've babied to the point they're all viable.
When I used to use tubes, bucks seemed to like to fight with the tubes and break them off.

It must not be happening for you.

Sorry I did not answer your question.

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Why cut them down? I leave them till the tree is near same diameter
In hindsight wish I had used cages, but used tubes for ALL trees I planted... chestnuts, pears, sawtooths, crabapples, pecans, etc... lowering or removing would make pruning / maintenance bit easier, and with trees surrounding my home vs distant farm honestly looking forward to day I don't have 100 or so blue tubes all within sight of the house.
Should add I doubled up on the tab style tubes so have really big diameters of about 8". Think it helped the trees survive until they grew out of the tubes but has made for even higher visibility / bigger eyesore.
I’ve heard people left them until the tree split them from growth. I don’t have any at that size yet but I would leave it on. I have brush piled around every one of mine because there are cattle on the land at certain times of the year so I’m not worried about browsing or rubbing too much. My property is not near as picturesque as your though. And I don’t live by it so I get not wanting to look at tubes instead of trees.