Why use oats at all?
Rye is slower growing and we don't want it planted so thick that it smothers clover the following spring.
Oats grow quickly and provide highly palatable food source during October and November when whitetails are putting on fat reserves. By December they turn on brassicas and the oats begin to freeze out leaving the winter rye to fill the holes when the brassicas are gone.
Every crop works in tandem with the other perfectly
Why use oats at all?
Rye is slower growing and we don't want it planted so thick that it smothers clover the following spring.
Oats grow quickly and provide highly palatable food source during October and November when whitetails are putting on fat reserves. By December they turn on brassicas and the oats begin to freeze out leaving the winter rye to fill the holes when the brassicas are gone.
Every crop works in tandem with the other perfectly