Catscratch wood carving

Gravel Road

5 year old buck +
So, if you follow the Catscratch Land Tour thread you probably already saw his driftwood duck carving. I mentioned that it was really cool and looked similar to a 33,000 year old mammoth carving that had been in the news. Imagine my surprise when it showed up in the mail a few weeks later!

I put it on an old International Harvester foot rest tonight as a temporary pedestal until I can decide on a better one.


@Catscratch, like you said, it does look like a jet taking off! It has the profile of the B1 Bombers I used to work on.

Anyway, I had to share because there are some awesome people on this forum, and Catscratch is 👍👍
That is cool and I think the base goes well with it. I would leave it as it is.

Back a number of years ago, we had a fellow that was in an outdoor forum that I was in at the time carve a working decoy. Don't recall the species anymore. Have a picture of it somewhere I am sure. However, it became the traveling decoy. One guy would hunt over it, take some pictures and then post them up and his hunt story and then mail it to the next guy. It was pretty neat. I took that decoy to ND on what used to be our annual hunt. Not saying he would have to 😉, but if Catscratch was so inclined he could carve something like a squirrel LOL and it could make the rounds in the treestands next Fall.
That is a cool piece. I like that you found a pedestal for it. But I have to say the feet look like my second mate getting on the boat with crocks on. My opinion doesn't count but a pedestal behind it would give more of the take off...
Nice job with the mount, I like it! It's not one of the original ones I posted the build on. I made this one after you said you'd had a long career in the AirForce. I'd hoped it would look enough like a jet to honor your service.

Turkey, something like that would be cool! Not sure what I could do but I could give it some thought. Or I'd take suggestions...
That is a cool piece. I like that you found a pedestal for it. But I have to say the feet look like my second mate getting on the boat with crocks on. My opinion doesn't count but a pedestal behind it would give more of the take off...
Agreed. It probably would look better as a wall hanging, but not sure yet. Was going to do a long diagonal cut of hedge for a pedestal, but didn't think the wood color would work.
That is cool and I think the base goes well with it. I would leave it as it is.

Back a number of years ago, we had a fellow that was in an outdoor forum that I was in at the time carve a working decoy. Don't recall the species anymore. Have a picture of it somewhere I am sure. However, it became the traveling decoy. One guy would hunt over it, take some pictures and then post them up and his hunt story and then mail it to the next guy. It was pretty neat. I took that decoy to ND on what used to be our annual hunt. Not saying he would have to 😉, but if Catscratch was so inclined he could carve something like a squirrel LOL and it could make the rounds in the treestands next Fall.
Cool idea. A lucky charm for a big buck
Agreed. It probably would look better as a wall hanging, but not sure yet. Was going to do a long diagonal cut of hedge for a pedestal, but didn't think the wood color would work.

Finished hedge turns red after time. Might work with this one.
Hedge/osage orange ages to a nice chocolate brown with age it doesn’t stay yellow. I believe it’s UV rays that produce the change in color so likely setting the part before finishing out doors on nice sunny days would darken it quickly. There will be some variation in the level of darkness achieve based on each tree the wood is from in my experience. If I was at the house I could take photos of some old hedge projects I’ve got around the house but here is one grabbed from online that shows it pretty well and it can get darker than this example fresh cut that block was likely nearly as yellow as that tape measure.


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I had started an osage self bow but it wasn't working out. Cut up to make door pulls and had Tooln make me a knife out of it. This was as yellow as it gets when I started on it. Turns a nice color with some oxidation.
Sounds sort of like eastern red cedar. It starts off a purple and goes brown in the light.
Here’s a good hedge comparison. This bow was built in the spring of 2020. 1st picture is from May of 2020 and the 2nd is from April of 23. Quite a bit of darkening in just 3yrs. I need to get another picture of it at the 5yr mark.
Here’s a good hedge comparison. This bow was built in the spring of 2020. 1st picture is from May of 2020 and the 2nd is from April of 23. Quite a bit of darkening in just 3yrs. I need to get another picture of it at the 5yr mark.
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Very nice!