Catscratch House and Habitat build

Found another dead buck. Couldn't tell what got him. Maybe old age? No lower jaw but his upper teeth looked pretty worn. Big ol hump for a snout.

Found the beaver's den...
Damn near stepped on him. He exploded as I was stepping over that little sink hole. I may have jumped out of my skin a little.
Lets see some more pics!

Any history with this buck? I know you mentioned you thought he was a 10 but you always seems to get some good deer caught on camera too.

No history that I know of. If he's the deer I shot and didn't find then it was the first time I'd seen him. No trailcam pics.

I get 178 without any of the junk, assuming 5” brows and only giving 8.5” for all the upright tines. Wild! That deer is solidly over 180 I think. Pushing up near some very very special numbers. Man!

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I'll have to get him cleaned up, stained, and looking presentable enough to bring in and take some pics with the deer I did get this yr. Both are pretty nice.
I think we need a field day at your place catscratch
I am also planting two warren this spring. Like everything I’ve read about it.
I am also planting two warren this spring. Like everything I’ve read about it.
I hope so! I actually wanted 2 Magness instead of 2 Warren, but they ran out and substituted. If I remember correctly they Magness has a higher Fireblight resistance.
The wife got us a new puppy. She's been giving her antlers (spikes) for toys in her pen. She shows a lot of interest in this yrs shed pile. Pretty sure she's going to make an awesome hunting dog! (If the little gal can run through anything taller than freshly mowed grass)

Your pond is really cool. How old is the pond and how much has it silted in over the years? That recent picture of the lower water before the recent rain makes it look like some silt has been pushed into the pond from the creek.

My neighbor built a pond by building a dam across a valley that has a seasonal creek in it. It is pretty crazy to see how much silt and sand has filled in his small pond in the last few years, but that is a tiny 1/4 acre pond so a little silt/sand makes a pretty noticeable difference.