Catscratch House and Habitat build

Your pond is really cool. How old is the pond and how much has it silted in over the years? That recent picture of the lower water before the recent rain makes it look like some silt has been pushed into the pond from the creek.

My neighbor built a pond by building a dam across a valley that has a seasonal creek in it. It is pretty crazy to see how much silt and sand has filled in his small pond in the last few years, but that is a tiny 1/4 acre pond so a little silt/sand makes a pretty noticeable difference.

I'm not sure exactly how old it is. I think 30-35yrs.

Yes, it has had some erosion problems. The north bank has had some issues. We get a lot of south wind that causes waves to lap onto the north shore. It's also a cattle pasture so when they drink hooves mess up the shore. A couple of years ago I dumped several hundred tons of rubble and rock along that erosion which has helped a ton. Luckily the main basis is still good.