Catscratch House and Habitat build

Tried to propagate elderberry today. I have a bush from a neighbor when I lived in town. Old man was kind of like a grandpa to me. Would like his elderberry to always be a part of the place, but I don't want the original in the flowerbed anymore. Hope it works.

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I have had good luck with cuttings from elderberry. I like to stick them when they are totally dormant though. They will probably still be fine, keep the ground moist for at least a month until they have roots.
I have had good luck with cuttings from elderberry. I like to stick them when they are totally dormant though. They will probably still be fine, keep the ground moist for at least a month until they have roots.
Thanks. I intended to do it earlier but didn't get around to it.
Cleaned him up enough to bring inside. Had to do some touch-up coloring but he looks pretty good. I'm a sucker for picket fences of long tines, but I really like trash on the bases too!

dang what a ribcage. That's a monster. The other is no slouch either. What did you use to color it? Looks great. I'd get him scored. That rack was designed to take advantage of the B&C scoring system.
I think it's safe to assume who wrecked that largest rub you've ever seen. Those eye guards would be carnage on a tree.
I was really happy with the other one. Very nice buck with great mass.

I rubbed cedar limbs on it, polished it with cedar leaves, then what didnt look "right" I hit with some Burnt Umber/Umber oil paint mix. I'm not much of an artist but it was pretty easy. Just rub off anything that looks like extra.
I think you should pull out the tape measure and give us a rough estimate. It sure looks north of 190" to me, but it is always really hard to tell by just looking at photos. Hopefully that buck bred a lot of does over the years since he has some unbelievable genetics.
I think you should pull out the tape measure and give us a rough estimate. It sure looks north of 190" to me, but it is always really hard to tell by just looking at photos. Hopefully that buck bred a lot of does over the years since he has some unbelievable genetics.

Alright. I took a string and tape measure to it. Measured from where the tines intersect the beam (not the middle of the beam), and on the outsides. I'm fairly conservative so anything in question got rounded down. If I didn't do it right let me know, this isn't in my wheelhouse and I'm sure a real scorer would pick me apart.
That g2 was supposed to be 9.875. (7/8) Not sure why I didnt write it down.
I have that netting around 171" typ. All time B&C record book. Gross way way higher.
193-5/8?! I gave him 3.5” for each of the last 2 mass measurements you missed.

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193-5/8?! I gave him 3.5” for each of the last 2 mass measurements you missed.

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Lol, I just figured out there were 4 mass measurements not to long ago. Still in my head it's 3. I'll get those in a day or 2.
I thought you get 4 mass measurements per side?
I see I posted this after T-Max came through.
My gross addition from your measurements is 186 5/8, missing ~7" from the extra mass measurement brings it into the low 190's, gross. What a beast. Great buck, testament to any areas age and genetics to grow something like that. You've got something special going down there, Cat!
Found a handful of sheds today. My 4th spike of the yr. Most been on the ground a few weeks but one still had blood on it.
Kind of a rough shed on that bloody one Cat, that buck has a bad headache, I'd imagine.
You have that sport beaten. Time to move on to something harder. Buttons. Ever found one? I haven't! I feel it's a whole different endeavor. Literally have to get into your best bedding area and stare straight at the ground. I think I'll find a paleo point before a button.