Catscratch House and Habitat build

Alot of hedges {osage Orange} were planted by that method
Alot of hedges {osage Orange} were planted by that method
That's where I got the idea for my method... from reading about settlers making tree rows with a hedge apple slurry. I have my doubts that apples will germinate and grow here (if they could they would already), but im always willing to try a new idea just to see.
Did some brush hogging. I like to keep shrubbery at deer height. Most of it will come back from stumps.
Today's weather (for my personal future references);
I hate it when you post pictures of waterfowl on your pond! Stop doing that! LOL
I hate it when you post pictures of waterfowl on your pond! Stop doing that! LOL

Those are rocks… 🫣

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I hate it when you post pictures of waterfowl on your pond! Stop doing that! LOL

He's right, we have tons of rocks.
Rocks everywhere! More and more rocks just kept falling out of the sky today. Every time I looked out the windows there was a new flock of rocks with wings sit and just dropping out out of the clouds. Some even hid behind my target, but I could still see them!
You got it going on, Cat. Your trees look like ducks. Your rocks look like ducks…

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Your house reminds me of Pride Rock…

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Your house reminds me of Pride Rock…

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It's funny you bring up that movie, and that scene. It was the first movie my wife and I watched together (2nd date). Kind of means more than other movies. And this view is the reason we saved, drove old cars, rented cheap houses, and seldom ate out for 20yrs. To eventually build in this spot. I absolutely love that the first thing my wife did this morning was shuffle out on the deck to take it all in. She hates cold and it was 4 degrees. Always worth it and never gets old.

Starting to see more and more bucks bacheloring up together. It's always good when you have survivors!

I get a kick out of watching critters do their thing. Always cool when they groom each other. In the summer it's often ticks off of ears, in the winter it's seeds that stick to fur. It all gets eaten.

Wow nice deer! Are those on your list for next year?
Wow nice deer! Are those on your list for next year?

They may or may not be.

The clean 8 in the top pic was pretty impressive in person at firs glance. He has some splits on his browtines. Hopefully next year he gains some mass or tine length.

The one getting groomed is around constantly. I could have stuck him about any time I hunted this year. Decent mass on beams, not much tine length. He could be a 10 or 11 pointer next year if he grows out those nubs. Not sure if he'll get bigger or not, I think he already has some age on him.
We also had several young 10's like these two running around this year. I'm hoping they make it another 2yrs.

Tough to have to put up with such buck misery there, Cat! Looks like that clean 8 ran off some gut during the rut (the top pic). It's amazing the change from early October to post-rut, weight-wise.