Let us count the ways to make hunting the ever elusive whitetail hard(er). Or, maybe it doesn't measure on a linear scale. What's harder than hunting a deer in an area where the population is 2 or 3 per square mile? What's harder than standing 20 ft up a tree on a small platform trying to remain still, scent free, cool, calm and collected while trying to bend a stick with a string and bend it far enough to propel another straight stick fast enough and hard enough to drop said whitetail. Keep it going! Long distance shooting. Use open sights. Go out when the weather is zero degrees. Can QDM be harder? Maybe. I guess it's all what you make it.
Every habitat is different. Food, water, cover. Edges, wind direction, elevation, over hunting, outside influences. QDM. No QDM. The challenge is to figure it out. Once you do that...if you can do that....maybe then your success rate goes up.
My long deceased father shot more big bucks than I ever will and he never heard of QDM. He shot his share of little buck, too. But, where ever he was, he figured it out...or just got lucky. Level of luck = amount of time in the field.
I don't mean to diminish QDM, but I often think I am delusional to believe I can control so many of the variables (or even just one or two) I think I need to control to get into the QDM game. Now, that's not to say I abhor the process. In fact, it's one of my great joys. My fear and, perhaps your's too, is that all this investment in time and money really doesn't produce the results we'd hope for. Again, it depends on the results you were expecting.
Miller time!