With all of this cold weather I find myself sitting at my computer more than I would like. To try to keep my sanity I have been working on a small grapple bucket for a skid steer. I have a couple acres to clear in the spring that has brush and no big trees. So here is my attempt at a bucket. The design isn't final yet, I haven't decided what I want to do at the end of the grapple, where it meets the bucket. A couple more cold days and I'll have it figured out:
Everything is made out of 3/8" thick steel (the thickest I can weld at home) and I doubled up the spots that need a little help. Also added some holes for plug welding and slot and tabbed where I could so it self-fixtures:
In one of his videos @Prof.Kent mentioned he teaches 3D modeling. That's what made me think of sharing this build. I have others I'll share in the future.
Everything is made out of 3/8" thick steel (the thickest I can weld at home) and I doubled up the spots that need a little help. Also added some holes for plug welding and slot and tabbed where I could so it self-fixtures:
In one of his videos @Prof.Kent mentioned he teaches 3D modeling. That's what made me think of sharing this build. I have others I'll share in the future.