

5 year old buck +
I have 80 acres that has more buckthorn and prickly ash than other browse. There was 20 acres of unharvested corn se of our woods, not more that 3-4 deer tracks this winter. Our woods was browsed very heavy with what was available, have hinge cut and many food plots. Need some serious help.
What did they browse on in your woods?

Is there any wet area to grow willows and red osier? It seems like you had mostly high ground if I remember your aerial photos.

Is HP of any value as a browse? I could get you some cuttings, but I know John has the business and I think he has a shorter growing variety called Bucky.
While i hear buckthorn is not a good browse -- the last two winters indicate buckthorn will be browsed if it is some of the only browse available. Or deer in my area are starting to develop a liking to buckthorn;).

While I fought buckthorn in the beginning I now contain it to a given area and it provides good dense good and evidently acceptable browse.
I have 80 acres that has more buckthorn and prickly ash than other browse. There was 20 acres of unharvested corn se of our woods, not more that 3-4 deer tracks this winter. Our woods was browsed very heavy with what was available, have hinge cut and many food plots. Need some serious help.
Gotta start somewhere, I bought a machette and I take it to those invasives any chance I get. Rome wasn't buildt in a day, and no one else is going to kill it for you.
Some of the prickly ash 2+" diameter, and 15' tall amd no other browse has a chance. Follow what few tracks are in the snow, deer avoid patches where there is no other browse. DIPPER, if you use only a machette, for every prickly ash you cut off, 3-4 will resprout, the same for buckthorn. It may feel good to cut it down, but is only a feel good at the time, speaking for much experience.
Some of the prickly ash 2+" diameter, and 15' tall amd no other browse has a chance. Follow what few tracks are in the snow, deer avoid patches where there is no other browse. DIPPER, if you use only a machette, for every prickly ash you cut off, 3-4 will resprout, the same for buckthorn. It may feel good to cut it down, but is only a feel good at the time, speaking for much experience.
Ya, you gotta treat the stump. Some guys don't like when I say this, but I use glyphosate and used motor oil. It ain't coming back after that. You can use crop oil instead of the other oil.
I've had good luck with just gly on the stump.
You have a ton of buckthorn and prickly ash. Stuff that when cut and stacked properly would make a great tree cage. Get some trees and shrubs to plant for your soil, and start cutting the buckthorn and prickly ash as you plant. Put the cut trees around/over your seedlings, probably plant in small groups. Treat the buckthorn stumps to hopefully prevent regrowth. Two birds with one stone.
I have found using trichlophyr mixed with diesel, 25% tri and 75% diesel save cutting. Said before 10 gallons tri. later seeing progress. The only problem with a 2 gallon sprayer, it takes 3 hours of spraying to empty it. If my figuring is correct that 60 hours of spraying. After 3 hours, its time to do something else. This area used to be a pasture 50 years ago, you could see 1/4 mile in most directions. Before starting to get serious, most places you could see 50 yards at best, in just a few places. Oaks, basswood, maples, aspen , and birch, couple of 4-5 acre wet locations, stock pond, creek flowing in se corner. Land is basically flat, + or - 20 feet.
Or deer in my area are starting to develop a liking to buckthorn;).
When deer are forced into eating buckthorn, that a sign of desparation.
The deer browse my prickly ash quite a bit in the spring. I do like Stu and only cut it where needed. The deer love it as cover and move threw it pretty easily.