Hardwood Browse Species


Yearling... With promise
I am in the process of clearing out woodland food plots. The dead ash and brush were cleared out by a forestry mulcher last year. The bigger stuff was left standing. I plan on cutting the 'junk' next summer. I was thinking of dropping a few trees for winter browse this fall. What species will deer browse? I'm sure red maple. Location is SE Ohio.
For sure on the red maple. Oak is a favorite too, but maybe you aren't looking to drop any of those?? Aspen is a great browse source if you have them. Tulip poplar and birch will also attract deer - at least here.
Red maple for sure. I want to keep oaks. What about locust, hackberry, etc. ?
Black gum
After my logging I was able to see the amount of browse by watching the stump sprouts. Almost every single red maple stump out of a thousand or so was browsed. Yellow birch was very high on their preference also. I don't remember on the ash trees. Young oaks saw little browsing. Aspen did show some browsing but it was just here and there, nothing heavy like the maple or birch.
Thanks! What about elm. There is a big one I would like to drop to get more sun in.
Ash is the preferred stump sprout at my place in Ontario
All the ash were wiped out by the emerald ash borer. before forestry mulching it looked like a wasteland. 14 months ago and now pictures


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I usually wait for winter to cut the trees down. Gives the trees some time to build up the bud sizes. Worked great as a late season muzzleloader attraction. Maples are enjoyed, but almost all trees are fair game in the winter.

You could offset your junk trees. Cut a few down, let em sit for a few weeks, then cut it up for firewood. Dumping a bunch in onse spot makes alot of extra work fishing through that mess with a chainsaw.

IF your using the trees for firewood, cut them into 6ft lengths or so. So, they start to dry out quicker.
Red maple for sure. I want to keep oaks. What about locust, hackberry, etc. ?
We have no locust or hackberry at camp, so I have no experience with those 2 for deer browse.
Ash is the preferred stump sprout at my place in Ontario
Ash gets demolished at my place. When I drop ash in the winter, I could drop it next to dogwood and birch and maple, and that ash would still be #1 browse.
Deer in in SE MN really like browsing on elm in winter. I try to thin some elms out in late winter when the deer can use the extra calories.