Broadleaf and Grass ID


5 year old buck +
I have a small clover plot (on its last legs, i let go feral last summer and so far this year) i carved out of a small opening in the woods. I always get a hodge podge of woodland weeds and old field type of weeds.

Here are a few that I am trying to ID.

This is really the only clump of this grass that i have seen anywhere in this plot.
photo 1.1.JPG

Next two pics are of the same plant...quite a few clumps of these guys.
photo 3.JPG
photo 2.1.JPG
and another one....the lacy leaf thing center frame.

photo 2.JPG
Grass appears to be reed canary, the last one is yarrow I think. The others I should know too.... Got what appears to be a rose of some sort in pic 2 also (hopefully not MFR)

is this Rose in pic #2 or the pic in the #2 post? In second post I see what looks like a left over of a big MFR i did battle with last year....still a few suckers living. In the second pic of first post, I'm not sure i see a rose anywhere....God i hope not!
Bottom left(ish) of the 2nd pic you posted (top to bottom)

I think that is a galinsoga spp. that ran rampant in this plot last year.
My first thought to the grass was what I call stilt grass -if it is it is nasty stuff and spreads like crazy - I hope it is something else.