5 year old buck +
I think what your saying is you know planting brassicas year over year in the same food plot can be disastrous disease wise? For instance club root and other brassica related diseases can present themselves if brassicas are planted back to back for more than 3 years. I think on QDMA someone mentioned that disease isn't as big of an issue with food plotters, but I don't really understand why they said this. Maybe someone could explain if disease is an issue if you plant buckwheat in the spring and then plant 2 months later brassica. I wish I knew this also, because I am always nervous about disease.
The general recommendation is for farmers. Think about what we do that is different from farmers. If you plant like a farmer, a high density monoculture of brassica you may want to take that advise. However, many of us use brassica differently. First, we don't plant high density monocultures. For example, I use a cover crop of GHR, CC, and Winter Rye broadcast into my standing beans each year. The plant density of brassica is much lower than a farmer planting turnips for harvest. This significantly reduces the chance of disease spread. Secondly, a farmer lives and dies on his crop success. We do not. If we would have a brassica failure due to disease, we could simply till it under and plant WR or Buckwheat, or whatever depending on the season and location. The cost is a bit of seed, not my farm.
When I first started, I viewed food plotting and mini-farming. The more I've learned over the years, the more it has changed my approach. We can learn a lot from farmers, but what we do is different enough that we can't follow that approach blindly.
Maybe this is part of the discussion you remember from the other site.