Box Blinds at Menards


5 year old buck +
So....I was checking on what Menards had to offer today.....and perched high on their racks was a nice looking box blind with windows and pretty good looking construction. 4' x 4' x 6.5' High. I could not look it over carefully because some "brain surgeon" put it up on the top of their racking and would not let me climb a ladder to look at it. Duh.

The specs look good.....and the materials look good to me.....and the price is $450. !! Good deal IMO. Ad a plywood base a set of elevator brackets and some 4x4 treated posts and a ladder.....and you'd have about $650 in a pretty good box blind.

Anyone have a good look at these?.....or better has anyone bought one of these. I'm tempted to add to my fleet. Good price.

Pics to follow.

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^ The brand name is Guidesman Box Blinds. Made in Michigan. (Google is your friend.)
I have thought about it... I would wait until January when they go on clearance and also have 11% rebate going on. Bought some 16.5 ft ladder stands last January with good seats, arm rests, etc. for <$80. I think the in season price was $135 or so. The cheap 15' ladder stands on the right side of your picture can be had for <$35 in January. However, they are not a comfortable sit.
Fit and finish of the roof to sides leaves a bit to be desired, but I don't know if that indicates the same for the rest of it or not. Either way, somebody's gotta get the fork truck... how can you buy before you try? ;)
I've hunted out of blinds like this before and was not a big fan. Not sure about this brand but would have to insulate it to dampen the sound. Every time I would barely move or rest my bow against the side it was very loud. The colder it got the louder they got. I would think you could find ways to cut the sound down pretty easy.
Welcome Erik. Great group of people here. Lots of knowledge. Where are you from?
Thanks tooln! I live south of the small town of Watkins, MN and hunt East of Sandstone, MN. I'm trying to get my name changed to EasyMN. That was my handle on QDMA. I suppose I need to head over and introduce myself on the other forum along with update my profile. Just learning the new system here.
Yeah been out of the forum game too long and miss it! Was that box stand insulated well enough do you think? I sat in on like that in MO in January that had carpet but nothing on the walls.
Yeah been out of the forum game too long and miss it! Was that box stand insulated well enough do you think? I sat in on like that in MO in January that had carpet but nothing on the walls.

I doubt there is any insulation. I'm sure some low-cost, lightweight carpet could be applied. I have some plastic blinds with just having carpet on the floor. I really don't find them to be noisy. I don't bang on the walls too much. ;) Just move slow and don't get excited. :D
So many responses about getting excited but it's my first day...Sooo I'll keep it clean and stay on topic. If these stands have worked for you than I'd say go for it. It's a good price. I'd spray foam any cracks to keep the critters out.
From what I saw of these in the store it is plastic panels no insulation at all and over all not something that appeared to be very durable or sturdy. Fit and finish was pretty poor but if you wanted quick and cheap - then you get quick and cheap. I would either build one myself of get a quality ground blind instead. But that's just me. I'm sure with some help it would be a decent blind but right out of the box I wasn't impressed with what I saw.
They've been there at least 3 weeks, as they had them up there when I ordered the siding for the shed.

It was pure dumb luck I noticed them. Not a good position for marketing, and I agree you need to sit in it before you agree to buy.
I agree they may not have a perfect fit at the joints.....but they do seem well made....expecially for the money. I think about two tubes of silicone would solve the gaps and perhaps a little lightweight carpet below the windows would be in order for guys that can't sit still (:D). Seems like allot of bang for the buck.....but I have not gotten close enough to them to know. As may be on my shopping list for next year.
Foggy- Does it say if the plastic is stabilized and UV resistant?

Not sure about stabilized....but I did see UV Resistant in the features. Seems somebody knows a thing or three about plastics I think they covered the bases.

I'm pretty sure its made from vacuum formed LDPE.....which would be quite tuff....and should last a long time.
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If only I knew two "loaded" guys to back a start-up making high quality blinds for a reasonable price. We could own the market. :p

I wouldn't be surprised if those were made for (or by, even) Menards to be sold at a price point. The molds aren't cheap even if they're just vaccuformed with hot sheet. The roto-molded stuff is a cash-intensive proposition, but you get a better product. Seems like with a bit more thought given to the engineering you could have a rigid panel as stiff as the roto, but almost as cheap as the vaccuum offerings, and better sound properties to boot.
If only I knew two "loaded" guys to back a start-up making high quality blinds for a reasonable price. We could own the market. :p

I wouldn't be surprised if those were made for (or by, even) Menards to be sold at a price point. The molds aren't cheap even if they're just vaccuformed with hot sheet. The roto-molded stuff is a cash-intensive proposition, but you get a better product. Seems like with a bit more thought given to the engineering you could have a rigid panel as stiff as the roto, but almost as cheap as the vaccuum offerings, and better sound properties to boot.

Yep....but the thing with panels (like this one) is that you can ship 20x the quantity for the size of ONE rotomolded (or fiberglass molded) blind. Redneck can only ship 7 blinds on a truckload! o_O:eek: That kills there freight costs. Panels would allow about 100 on a truckload (maybe more) and the freight costs go down dramatically. It's a huge deal if you want to ship some to Texas - for example. I have an idea for a blind too.....and I have some experience with making stuff like this (RV industry for many years) .....alas....I don't want to work. :D
They absolutely need to collapse.