Black raspberries


5 year old buck +
We have what my wife calls 'no man's land' between two of our outbuildings. It's totally overgrown with black raspberries. I'd like to get a bunch of them moved out to my food plot area. Do i try digging up whole root structures and transplanting, or can I plant new ones from cuttings?

There's also a crabapple in the back corner. I'll be direct seeding about a dozen of them from this tree. Only tree I've got that's producing fruit this year due to a late freeze.

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I've had pretty good luck digging up small red raspberry suckers and transplanting them.
I think raspberry does better in light shade than in full sun. My best wild raspberry patches are along edges where they get a little sun but don't get baked all day long.
Another observation with my black raspberry is that they are not effected by Juglone so they do really well around Black Walnut trees which limit what can be grown around them.