The Coy Pond

My brother is a electrician and he brought up a couple feet of wound copper. We cleaned out the debris and threw the copper in, will see how it works. The duck weed and other water plants sure like it. Not sure where they came from as the nearest water is a half mile away but they are growing good. The frogs are also digging the new found water.
A year later the little pond gets a lot of action from everything that crawls/walks/hops/fly's....very entertaining to see all the wildlife visit it while I'm sitting in the tree stand. I tried to keep a trail cam on it but the switchgrass kept setting cam off and I would have over 6K pics in a week. There are a few northern green frogs living in it that somehow keep ahead of all the raccoons that stop by every night.

The koi pond was actually overflowing with all the rain we have gotten this week, clover is even starting to green up.
It has made it through it's second winter fine.
It’s been a crazy dry summer/fall here and the koi pond was empty except for 3” of wet soupy mud so I cleaned it out today. First time it has gone dry since we put it in, first time I’ve ever cleaned it out too.


My youngest son wants me to refill it? I told him nature will have to, it hold over 300 gallons and woods is surrounded by standing crops. I don’t have any way to bring water that far anyway.

The buck youngest son killed over it last year.