Big Game Coordinator (MN)


5 year old buck +
Star Trib says the MN DNR will be looking for a new big game coordinator, apparently Leslie received a promotion.

Brooks get your application in!!

Note--The article said it took them 2 years to hire a person last time?? What?
I'm sure he's updating his resume as we speak. God forbid they get someone in the position that actually want to fix a problem and have ideas on how to do so...
Is anyone going to really want that job?
I would imagine the whole thing is arranged something like this.

"The guys inside the count room were all slipped in there to skim the joint dry."

Sure, someone will. Whether that someone is worth a crap or not...who knows
that is the sort of thing I always worry about here.

A - will the person be qualified and smart enough to to a good job.
B - will the person be given the authority and tools to do a good job.

I typically am far more concerned about the latter! Smart enough to do the job, dumb enough to take it! You can put the best person in the world in that job, but if they are not given the resources to do it properly, well then........what are you really going to get? Best car is the world is rather worthless without tires and gas!
Exactly...all a government employee can do is what they're allowed to do from the "powers that be".
Exactly, politics has crept into everything unfortunately. Polititians do things for political reasons not whats in the best interest of the resource or people.

Good example of that is lake front development, 100% pro-development. Unless you are developing a nuculear power plant its pretty easy to get variances.