Best buck yet

Your a good man WeedyJ, and that is a sweet buck.
I guess I am way to selfish to invite or let anyone that isn’t direct family to hunt our farms.
I worked for years and years to save the money to buy our places and put work in year round now to make it as wildlife friendly as I can. I even keep my boys from bothering any does or fawns on our places, the road hunters during gun are hard enough on them during season and they are great buck bait. We also try and keep the human disturbance to a minimum year round.
Only non family that ever hunts on our places is bunny or pheasant hunting after deer season and that is only with us.
WeedyJ, just curious... what's the actual ownership breakdown, and forgive me for asking if I overlooked it.

Do you own the property outright and have a buddy helping you? ... or do you have split ownership with the buddy? ... or another arrangement such as it being ag land y'all are leasing, family land for one of you, or some other arrangement? Ask as it might actually affect some of the thoughts I threw out earlier, and guessing maybe the thoughts of others as well. And again, if I overlooked hard details on the precise ownership please forgive me.
I own the land but allow him to treat it as his own as well, within limits. There's absolutely no problem with him or us. He screwed up and said sorry. No big deal. I think moving forward, I will say nobody but family for deer or ducks.
In my eyes the guy lied, and he was selfish. He said he wanted a doe or hog because that is more likely to get him permission to hunt from guys who manage their land for big bucks. Obviously he wanted a buck, because that's what he shot.

What if it was your fridge, and he had said "can I grab a drink from your fridge? I'd like a beer or a soda." Then he takes and drinks the expensive champagne you were saving for a special occasion.
"Hey, I thought you said a beer or a soda!"
"Yeah but I saw this and it looked good, so I took it."

That's a mentality that would get someone blacklisted from my place forever.
In my eyes the guy lied, and he was selfish. He said he wanted a doe or hog because that is more likely to get him permission to hunt from guys who manage their land for big bucks. Obviously he wanted a buck, because that's what he shot.

What if it was your fridge, and he had said "can I grab a drink from your fridge? I'd like a beer or a soda." Then he takes and drinks the expensive champagne you were saving for a special occasion.
"Hey, I thought you said a beer or a soda!"
"Yeah but I saw this and it looked good, so I took it."

That's a mentality that would get someone blacklisted from my place forever.
Oh, trust me...THAT guy won't be back! As for my friend, he apologized and owned it. He coached my kids all through little league, and made sure they enjoyed their youth at the park. He had us up to his place for dove hunts every year, etc. We've hunted and worked together on the property for over 15 years so this is NO issue at all between us. When my son was on the property several years back and got stuck in the mud, Mike drove 4 hours round trip just to drag him out.
I'm just looking at the buck as a sign I am starting to do something right :-)
I'm just looking at the buck as a sign I am starting to do something right :-)

Absolutely. I think I focused on the negative and forgot to congratulate you on the success of your efforts. Seems like you are doing a great job, and it's good you are focusing on the positive and not letting this incident affect your friendship.
Good For you Weedy J. Your buddy screwed up, he owned it, and you move one. Its just a deer. You don't want a bad case of "Horn Porn" screwing up a relationship. Much like Money and other material things, Big Deer and good deer hunting are more fun when you share them with someone close to you.

BigBendMarine made an excellent point and it took me years to learn it. Before and during deer season try to keep your time in your deer woods to a minimum. Come Sept. Try to avoid checking cameras, checking food plots, scouting, hanging stands, walking dogs, small game hunting, hunting during poor times, etc. Just stay out of the woods until Prime time, which is now in WI. I know its counterintuitive and sounds crazy. You own the land to enjoy it and use it. But the more time you spend in the woods laying down scent and spooking deer your chances of killing a big deer keep going down. I haven't been in my woods since late August. Hunted it for the first time yesterday. Its a 40 acre block of timber. Good luck and have fun!