5 year old buck +
Here is exactly what I think happened.
1. They were planted later than you would have liked. As a rule of them the best beans are planted early.
2. You didnt innoculate them and after 17 years of CRP there is no way you have the correct bacteria in the soil for the beans to nodulate. This is why I suggest you dig. If you dont find nodules/ or very few on the beans you will have part of the answer.

3. If its as dry as you say at planting then you surely could have lost some stand to poor emergence. Perhaps beans were planted into dry dirt and struggled to find moisture to germinate
4. In an old CRP environment I would expect slugs. As Mortensen said earlier, thistle catipillars were also raising hell earlier this year so both of them could have thinned your stand down considerably.
5. Weed competition will choke them considerably as well.
6. PH might be a little low and that would hurt nodulation as well.
Good news is that it is all easily fixable. A little lime, timely planting and spraying (i'm sure you were stymied by wet conditions this spring like most), and innoculate your beans. The only one that really takes time is the lime.
![IMG_6075[1].JPG IMG_6075[1].JPG](https://habitat-talk-data.xenforo.cloud/attachments/25/25681-d261c3c206d6605f60b8e7ced2b6f9fe.jpg?hash=0mHDwgbWYF)
1. They were planted later than you would have liked. As a rule of them the best beans are planted early.
2. You didnt innoculate them and after 17 years of CRP there is no way you have the correct bacteria in the soil for the beans to nodulate. This is why I suggest you dig. If you dont find nodules/ or very few on the beans you will have part of the answer.

3. If its as dry as you say at planting then you surely could have lost some stand to poor emergence. Perhaps beans were planted into dry dirt and struggled to find moisture to germinate
4. In an old CRP environment I would expect slugs. As Mortensen said earlier, thistle catipillars were also raising hell earlier this year so both of them could have thinned your stand down considerably.
5. Weed competition will choke them considerably as well.
6. PH might be a little low and that would hurt nodulation as well.
Good news is that it is all easily fixable. A little lime, timely planting and spraying (i'm sure you were stymied by wet conditions this spring like most), and innoculate your beans. The only one that really takes time is the lime.
![IMG_6075[1].JPG IMG_6075[1].JPG](https://habitat-talk-data.xenforo.cloud/attachments/25/25681-d261c3c206d6605f60b8e7ced2b6f9fe.jpg?hash=0mHDwgbWYF)