Aren’t the majority of the posts opinions in this thread? How is one more opinionated than another?I nominate that post ^^^ as the most opinionated of the year.
I wouldn't be shocked to see Illinois ban food plots sometime. Despite their sniping, they aren't happy with the prevalence of cwd increasing. **based on their own findings.
Not to mention how do you regulate crop fields and control their size. To many work arounds to ever see that be an issue…though this is the same state that allowed a city to turn into a war zone while having the strictest firearms laws so nothing would surprise me.I haven't seen any science that suggests that food plots have any relation to CWD spread. Deer naturally spread out in a food plot. I've watched more dominant deer discipline other deer that were feeding too close to them. If Illinois or some other state agency has done research in this area indicating otherwise, please point me to it. I'd be interested.
I don't have any studies to show. I'll just take my yoderizing. Look when someone does something exceptionally stupid, particularly based on no research or common sense, Illinois says hold my beer.
They wouldn't have to regulate fields or plots, doesn't mean they can't write up the ban in the regs. If it prevented a few plots, they'd probably call it worth it. I'm sure farmers and others could find a loop hole or 2. If 50 deer are feeding in a plot, they are closer together than otherwise, no? Guess it's all relative.
I haven't seen any science that suggests that food plots have any relation to CWD spread. Deer naturally spread out in a food plot. I've watched more dominant deer discipline other deer that were feeding too close to them. If Illinois or some other state agency has done research in this area indicating otherwise, please point me to it. I'd be interested.
I would like nothing better than our state to outlaw baiting. If the neighborhood would obey the law, my muliple ten and fifteen acre neighbors would rarely, if ever kill a deer on their own ground. They would have to travel an hour or more to hunt some public. All those deer they are luring with bait, Would be in my 35 acres of food plots. I would save the thousands of dollars I pay for supplemental feed, and the hundred of hours it takes to put it out. My deer wouldnt be as big, but they lived just fine when they were smaller.Bait/supplemental feed is wildlife animal husbandry. And that may be fine for some.
It’s a Pavlovian response mechanism on deer and that doesn’t sit well with me. We can train animals with treats. They are extremely smart in some respects but extremely stupid in others and we have found the ability to exploit that weakness with a bag.
A food plot is fundamentally and structurally different. It is beneficial in a long term, it is attractive but not crack. There is a reason a food plot is not outlawed anywhere but bait is outlawed in a large portion of the country.
I agree about the food plots - and I plant a lot of them. They are planted basically to kill deer in - just like bait. These southern deer do not need them. My 1200 acre neighbor plants not one acre of ground or puts out a drop of food for deer, and has more deer and bigger deer than anyone in the neighborhood. I think a lot of of food plotters try to justify our efforts that we are benefitting the deer - but really, we are benefitting ourselves. My 35 acres of food plots could go away tomorrow, and not one deer would suffer because of it. Not sure my supplemental feeding is nor more beneficial, healthwise, to the deer.I sometimes fool with food plots and the deer do use them. I also bait with corn a couple weeks preseason and have feed corn year around in years past. Really I have no issue with any of it all just tools to kill a deer. This year has been interesting on our game cameras my oldest boy set up two cameras one looking over a corn pile and one looking off into some oaks. Cameras 40’ apart. The biggest buck we have had on those cameras has never visited the corn pile I find this interesting. Just to put it into perspective when I dump 50lbs it takes about 1.5- 2 days for the deer, crows, squirrels, and raccoon to clean up the pile. I suspect that old buck has had an educational experience with corn piles in his youth and he has learned to avoid them. I’ve begun to realize the greatest asset my home property has is its mature oaks so in the last several years I’ve released many of them this in turn has increased acorn production. At the farm where I have no oaks I’m planting many of them in a centrally located area along with some other mast trees but mostly oaks that should with any luck produce many tons of food for wildlife for generations with little to no human management beyond the first few years. No buying of corn, no plowing of fields simply let Mother Nature do the rest every year. That’s my reason for planting the trees to avoid the need to fool with managed food plots and/or corn in the future but it’s an heavy investment in time and many folks particularly in todays world need instant gratification. I’m good with playing the long game in game management and not worrying about what the neighbors are doing.
I agree 100%. My state bans supplemental feeding and minerals for deer. Yet, on the exact same property, the cattle rancher who owns the land has mineral blocks scattered all over the area, feed troughs for cattle the deer use daily, and watering tanks for cattle the deer use daily. How is banning a mineral block or corn pile going to slow the spread of cwd, when the deer can walk fifty yards and eat and drink out of a cattle trough and lick on a cattle mineral block. This stuff just doesnt make any sense. In our cwd areas, we cant put out corn to feed deer, yet we can put out corn to bait and trap hogs. Crazy.If a DNR's goal is to do everything humanly possible to reduce the chances of CWD spreading, clearly a foodplot ban could be one of those things. So could planting fruit trees in an area not fenced off from deer/wildlife. Foodplots unnaturally congregate deer. I see it on a daily basis. No foodplot, no deer being concentrated in that area.
Banning baiting is simply the government doing something to look like they are doing something. If they wanted to ban foodplots they certainly could. Neither will have any impact on the spread of CWD however.
Yep, like most everything our government does at every level.This stuff just doesnt make any sense.
I haven't either, but there are other diseases that have been shown to spread with increased face to face contact. Mineral licks and point source food have been shown to increase face to face contact.I haven't seen any science that suggests mineral sites have any relation to CWD spread yet our local DNR thinks they know best..![]()