Bad Luck!



Just went over to meet a customer I have had here in Missouri for a while. He owns a small chunk of land here in Missouri for hunting, and made the big leap this year on Leasing 300 acres down the road 5 miles. He put up stands on this new lease all summer, and is now set to hunt it during the rut. That is where the bad luck comes in. Unknown to him, the farmer contracted a logger to come in and log the 300 acres that is mostly wooded. He comes down this week to find 2 out of 11 stands on the ground, and 3 stands in trees standing all by themselves with all the trees around them gone already. And they have not got to the rest of the woods yet. He is pissed, and who wouldn't be! Went to the farmer and he said I will give your money back if you want, or you can hunt it.

What would you do? I gave him my answer, said I would hunt after I got out of jail....
Indeed bad luck, at least the farmer is willing to give him his money back.
Get the money I paid back then go back and collect the money he owes me for my troubles. If no money for my trouble then maybe jail.
Sounds like he may not have had the fine details of the lease agreement ironed out before he signed on, he is lucky the farmer was nice enough to offer the refund. The farmer could have likely told him to pound sand.
I'd get the $$ back and ask to hunt it for all the troubles.
The farmer saying he will give the money back, and actually giving the money back, are 2 different things. This is Missouri!
Good point!
I'd be pissed.

But since it's not me I can have a clear head.
I'd ask if he would exchange this years $$ for exclusive hunting rights for the 2016 and 2017 seasons. Get it in writing.

That place is going to be crawling with deer!
He has a 5 year lease signed. But never knew it would be logged the first year.
No cutting should be a written part of leases and land purchase bids. I've heard of people not including it and ending up purchasing cut off land. They were legally bound to their offer/purchase agreement which didn't mention no cutting.

I know a guy that bought land and missed that the purchase agreement gave the seller rights to the timber for 5 years! He knew his way around residential real estate since he had multiple rental properties and had flipped a few houses but he knew nothing about buying raw land. When the seller came to log after 4 years the buyer was pissed and ended up trying to sue, but just ended up paying lawyer fees.
I know a guy that bought land and missed that the purchase agreement gave the seller rights to the timber for 5 years! He knew his way around residential real estate since he had multiple rental properties and had flipped a few houses but he knew nothing about buying raw land. When the seller came to log after 4 years the buyer was pissed and ended up trying to sue, but just ended up paying lawyer fees.

He should have spent the money on lawyer fees before he signed that purchase agreement it sounds like.
He should have spent the money on lawyer fees before he signed that purchase agreement it sounds like.

Yup! He was a city guy that must have figured he was getting a heckuva deal over some jack pine savages. Expensive education.
Geez Mo, that whole deal sucks. I'd get my money back and start looking for a new landlord!!
Geez Mo, that whole deal sucks. I'd get my money back and start looking for a new landlord!!

There are none. Everything is normally leased out in my area.
Dick move on the farmer!
I'd take my money and put it in a savings account for my own farm! No leases for this guy. Did one once and the owners son was a coon Hunter... Never again
Well this guy can't catch a break anywhere. He left Missouri yesterday to hunt his lease by Winona and found these 2 bucks locked up and dead in the creek. Ouch!

What a shame.
Well this guy can't catch a break anywhere. He left Missouri yesterday to hunt his lease by Winona and found these 2 bucks locked up and dead in the creek. Ouch!

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That guy's having a stretch of bad luck.
He's having the Hee Haw song "Bad luck or no luck at All" kind of year.